POLITE games
Posted by vanillaspice on 5:02 AM
Hair Low Hair Low.
A new semester begins. HoooHooo. school's a drag ?? chance to see eye candies ?? good way to do sumtin productive ?? you decide.
School starts means IVP/POLITE games are ON!!. hooohooo. Our first game with Singapore Poly was great.
5 - 0
hahah!!. NYP's floorball vs TP's floorball 6-1. HoooHooo!! GO NYP. let's dominate the IVP. i mean POLITE games. and yesterday... NYP vs the host... RP
5 - 0
hahah!!. NYP's floorball vs TP's floorball 6-1. HoooHooo!! GO NYP. let's dominate the IVP. i mean POLITE games. and yesterday... NYP vs the host... RP
5 - 1
5 - 1
okay but i have to admit. the first game... althou i was starting 11. i played like a lost duckling on the field. coz the formation was totally alien to me. And the field condition was shitty. literally. But my second game was abit better i guess. i was not lost. hooohooo. but i was substituted out super duper early. tsk. must be i suck too much lahhh. And i think my performance was lackadaisical. seriously. i dunno why. urghhh. i shud put my 110% man. tsk. i am disappointed. ohhh well. you win some you lose some. 2 more games to go. so i gotta prove that i can play. But i have to say SP's defender was such a gula melaka(mother lucker). She kept huggin me and pulling my shirt sia... she even pulled my arm when i wanted to run up for the ball. what a bugger sia... i elbowed her... but she came back. HAHAHA. AND THE REFEREE IS BLIND. TOTALLY.
AND !! adding to the ordeal i faced... my jersey no. is 20 !!. okay i dun think it adds to the mishaps. it is the root of the mishap. LOL. 20 is not a nice number lahhh. wah lao. 21 is better. TSK. and Xin Yi's jersey is no. 11... BUT she wants no. 20!!! AND I WANT no. 11 ~!!!... haiyohhh... ohhh well too late. next game is with ITE combined. GOOD LUCK TO US. hooohoooo. 0-0 wud be a good scoreline for us. HAHA.
and yeahh well Hari Raya was as usual. but i have mounts of debts to pay. haha. but yeahhh... i enjoyed it. And pray i will do well/better for this semester. Whoooopeeee~
Who's that girl ?
Posted by vanillaspice on 10:28 PM
Hair Low Hair Low

And im still not over the fact that AK's new song is a mess. Haiyohh the vocals.. haiyahh. Shut up lahh.
Okay lemme talk abt NYPGA's final match with Jollilads.
NYPGA vs Jollilads
HoooHooo!!!. The match was really... really... like really... totally TENSED. With anxiety-stricken players and over excited cheerleaders. HaHa. And yeahhh of course there was DRAMA. hooohoooo. And dey subbed deir ermm coach ?? in to play alongside them. WTH ??. she's fit to be the players' mama lohh. And like Nadiah said, they are just playing mind games with us. And not long after that we scored. HoooHooo. I must say that was pretty lucky. Dee scored it. yes she did. And everyone clad in the orange jersey plus NYPGA's supporters went totally CRAYZEE!! tears of joy came flowing. HooHoo. ecstatic man. And i guess after that they were panicking... And sumbody committed a foul against Yuki in the penalty box. what a dummy. And we(NYPGA players and supporters on the bench) came running towards the sideline, linking arms and keeping silent and praying hard that Yuki will score the penalty(but i dun think she needs our prayers haha. she will mos def score.) HoooHooo. And she did!! We were like a bunch of monkeys jumping up and down and screaming our lungs out. That secured our win, our title.( i mean their's as in NYPGAs). And we came runnin down the field with the banner when the final whistle was blown. WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS !! yay yay.
Match with ITE Simei.
NYP vs ITE Simei
HAHA. well they've got their national players. We got international players from Japan. HAHAHA. And i was very fortunate to play alongside Atsu and Yuki. HAHA. first time man. And coach. thanks lahh. I was SOO ready to play striker that day. But he put me CM. HoooHooo. not bad i think. i hope i played well. But ppl keep tellin me that i should have tried shooting. But i dun rmb gettin the ball aniwhere near the goalpost. LOL. And both goals were scored by Yuki-san. HoooHooo. I think it was not bad for us lahhh. Good job teammates. Let's go kick SP's butt on Monday. WE CAN DO IT !!.
I hope my jersey number is sumtin nice... like 13, 14, 16, 17 or 21. yahh u can say that jersey number doesnt affect my play... but sumhow it affects my vibe. IT DOES. i swear. And contrary to popular beliefs that THIRTEEN is supposedly bad luck. It actually gives me good vibes man. HAHAHA. no wonder Raul uses 13. it feels good. LOL.
Okay before i start talkin bout sumtin irrelevant... i shud go now. but b4 that.
and i miss reading Yuzil's bitchy blog. LOL.
eHhH ?
Posted by vanillaspice on 6:23 AM
HeY HeY HeY.
fresh new layout. kinda weird... miss AK's piano. haha. yahh yahhh there are splashes of pink around. ohh shut up. it's part of embracing feminism. haha (whatever eL). And thanks to Bas who helped me with sum html stuff... heeheee. Okay tmr is NYPGA's final match with Jollilads?? (Gosh it sounds funny). If we win.. we will be crowned CHAMPIONS. and then we can sing the totally oversung song. it goes sumtin like "we are the champions... bla bla bla".
Well talkin bout matches. that reminds me of our friendly match with SAS 'A'. haha. thanks. Meredith, jersey no. 5 is STRONG. Gosh. She shielded the ball from me (the wall [as said by Dee]). Wow i bet she's the first person to beat the wall. HAHAHA. kay whatever. And when we were exchanging hand shakes... yahhh.. "good luck.. good luck.. good luck..." Sounds like "Cluck... cluck.. cluck.." i wanted to say sumtin to them but well it's too fast... so i just shook hands and look as friendly as i could. The scoreline is 10-0. HAHAHA. c'mon they play for the Women's League. We play the Women's YOUTH league. wells.... i totally had more fun kicking the ball around behind the pitch with the others. HAHA. and i sprained my ring finger. OUCH !!. haha. Ohh yes we celebrated Angie's and Yani's birthday after the match. yeahhh i guess it wasnt that bad lahhh.
And i shud reconsider using no.17... i think it has bad vibes. HAHA. or maybe it's just me.. and i am enjoying teaching YewZieL maths !!. haha. so fun. VECTORS. and yeahhh Jaslene and Dionne are funny. HAHA. totally.
Jaslene : I havent "brung(supposedly past tense or past participle of bring)" it yet.
HAHAH. hillarious. even Tyra laughed.
Dionne : I really looked like a rich ass woman with that black dress who got shot in the head.
they are such cuckoos. CANT WAIT FOR HARI RAYA. YAHOOO~. ohhh yeahh there's a friendly match this comin tuesday with ITE Simei. we'll see if i can go or not. hahha. Okay i guess im done blathering.
Goodbye(in Little Britain's narrator's tone)
fresh new layout. kinda weird... miss AK's piano. haha. yahh yahhh there are splashes of pink around. ohh shut up. it's part of embracing feminism. haha (whatever eL). And thanks to Bas who helped me with sum html stuff... heeheee. Okay tmr is NYPGA's final match with Jollilads?? (Gosh it sounds funny). If we win.. we will be crowned CHAMPIONS. and then we can sing the totally oversung song. it goes sumtin like "we are the champions... bla bla bla".
Well talkin bout matches. that reminds me of our friendly match with SAS 'A'. haha. thanks. Meredith, jersey no. 5 is STRONG. Gosh. She shielded the ball from me (the wall [as said by Dee]). Wow i bet she's the first person to beat the wall. HAHAHA. kay whatever. And when we were exchanging hand shakes... yahhh.. "good luck.. good luck.. good luck..." Sounds like "Cluck... cluck.. cluck.." i wanted to say sumtin to them but well it's too fast... so i just shook hands and look as friendly as i could. The scoreline is 10-0. HAHAHA. c'mon they play for the Women's League. We play the Women's YOUTH league. wells.... i totally had more fun kicking the ball around behind the pitch with the others. HAHA. and i sprained my ring finger. OUCH !!. haha. Ohh yes we celebrated Angie's and Yani's birthday after the match. yeahhh i guess it wasnt that bad lahhh.
And i shud reconsider using no.17... i think it has bad vibes. HAHA. or maybe it's just me.. and i am enjoying teaching YewZieL maths !!. haha. so fun. VECTORS. and yeahhh Jaslene and Dionne are funny. HAHA. totally.
Jaslene : I havent "brung(supposedly past tense or past participle of bring)" it yet.
HAHAH. hillarious. even Tyra laughed.
Dionne : I really looked like a rich ass woman with that black dress who got shot in the head.
they are such cuckoos. CANT WAIT FOR HARI RAYA. YAHOOO~. ohhh yeahh there's a friendly match this comin tuesday with ITE Simei. we'll see if i can go or not. hahha. Okay i guess im done blathering.
Goodbye(in Little Britain's narrator's tone)