Posted by vanillaspice on 5:31 AM
I know i know ten thousand years of not updating. HAHAHAHA. I've been busyyyy with work and ssch or i act as if im busy. lols.
Anw, watched 2012 with my favourite bunch of dodols. (Chinster, Hamster, Bosster, Bindster and Sabster). Damn funny. It's RUSSIANNNN. and ermmm ENGINE, STARRRTTT (in thick russian accent) LOLS. The monk hamsom sia. And we saw Allan Wu at then ermmm 100 hours movie marathon thingy. SO HAMSOM!!! and HOTT. WOOOOOOTS. He looked at me. WOOOOOOOOOOOOTS. i wanted to smile but i must act cool mah.
And i is miss my USWNT. TSKKKKK. ohhhh Tarpppp.
Ohhh and i soooooooooo needs to cuts my hair!! it's so damn irritating now. so out of shape and shit. TSKKKKK.
I dont know what else to talk about. okay bye!
Bunny ears!! So bimbo
I stole the Tinman's heart.
So pretty the corpse bride. funny pic.
My nonsense classmates
more of them
SG Flyer.
My pyjamas

So cool Shannon Boxx. TSK. Look at her quads. woooots.

Ohhh Tarp...

So hotttttt. I know Abby looks like man. TSKKK. But she's damn awesome.

posted on 221109