bbq and match
Posted by vanillaspice on 8:17 AM
Hair Low, Hair Low.
oKae.. i tehhh u... yesterday's BBQ was.............. F-u-N. haha. Not bad lahhh. Apparently MEN cant be depended upon to start fire. Whatever lohh. Jasmine, Inky and Me were like fan-ing(if there's such a word) away at the charcoals. HAHAHA. I played the song Shut Up and Drive. So when the chorus came i wud sing it. And Jasmine told me this "SHUT UP AND FAN LAHHH"... HAHAHA. that was GOOD. And we seriously looked like cavemen/women tryna start a fire. I felt so prehistoric man. And den Joanne's parents and her lil brother came to save our souls. SALVATION. WOW. Her mum is like Xena the warrior princess. HAHAHA. I LOVE THE SPICY CHICKEN AND THE SAUSAGES. WooooHooooo~. And Michael Chin brought a whole plastic bag full of sweets. WOW. i asked him "Ehh Mike.. i bring home ahh ?".. Den he said "Take lohh"... HAHA. And of course being the generous person i am... i gave a handful to each person who came for the BBQ. Except Ashrof... keep saying he only wants ONE. lol. YES AND THANKFULLY... there was no sighting of Fatimah Rockers or whatever else. THANK YOU GOD. ohh yahh the best part was me and Inky missing the last train home. WTH. but... we took a cab home. And being the generous person i am AGAIN. i gave the taxi driver some sweets. HAHAHA. He asked me "This one your friend took from the funeral ahh ?".. den i went like ????. HAHA. Whatever Lohh.
NYPGA vs Redhill Rangers
Yuzil late again LOHH. but luckily her shirt was cool. it says.. "SLUT" hahaha. bloody cool man. I wanted to take a photo with her but she refuses. TSK. WOW. NYPGA GOT NEW JERSEY. and it's ORANGE. wow SO BRIGHT. cool shit sia.. there's like ppl sitting on ur shoulder. HAHAHA. u noe the Kappa logo thingy. the two person. ahhh forget it. But really nice. And I LOVE MY CHEERLEADERS. so smart. hahaha. When i say clap, everybody claps. GOOD JOB. hahaha. And our star players were not around.... SO SAD. But i love Fat's voice ahhh.. AHAHA. Now she is officially FATEHA ROCKER. LOL. And i finally gave Shaf her long overdued chocolate Yan Yan. like FINALLY. And den went to North Point or NorthWay Point (according to Yuzil).. to have dinner ?? yahhh... And Yuzil... okay nvm i shall not embarass u kay... HAHA. I AM A GOOD SOUL. Ohhh yes... NYP... we got match lahhh on Monday. against Bishan Arsenal "B"... ARE YOU KIDDING ME ??. But... WE SHALL GIVE OUR BEST. Let's bring our A Game girls!!. WE CAN DO IT. lol... yahhh and i need new boots~!!! NOW. yay gonna get it tmr with my Dad. YaHooo~... but skali he say budget is 50 ahhh... wah lao i smack him sia... OOOOPS. haha....
And tmr i have PE with Yuzil and Syira. YAY. and i haf Young Explorers tmr. AHHHHHH~.. and to whoever who made me the i/c of arts and craft.. THANKS A LOT. I LOVE YOU. arts and craft + Elly = Disaster. what am i supposed to make ?? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. And thanks for informing me like quite late. THANKS A LOT.
okay got some lame pics to post.
hmmm. who ahh ?hahaShidah = Dida (Brazillian Goalkeeper)
Shane and ALICE PIESZECKI~!! WoooHooo.. my idol. but she kinda looks like she needs a slap. HAHAA.

NYPGA and our coaches.