fire in the hole
Posted by vanillaspice on 4:55 AM
Hair Low, Hair Low.
Life in it's constant state of moving nowhere. Especially during the holidays. Im super duper uber bored. And i am searchin for a job. HELP anione ?? And i totally need new boots. My Umbro... it's dying... HAHA. ohhh yahhh i watched Hairspray with Atika and Yuzil today. Not bad. But i expected more actually. Like more humour or sumtin. Like a bit bland lahhh. TSK. but nvm got to see my mother, Queen Latifah. HAHA. she rocks kae. and the crazy Amanda Bynes. and i think James Marsden IS HOTT~!!!. lol. Ohhh yahhh den i saw Imah. wahhh.. i didnt noe she was hospitalised ahhh. she said she just recovered. eeeeeeeeeeeeeee. she was super pale. and her handshake was super weak. eeeeeeeeee. i hope she's okay.
Ohhh yahhh tmr NYPGA got match. GO GO GO~!! FIRE IN THE HOLE. YOU CAN DO IT !!!. might go. might not go. must ask Yuzil see if she wants to accompany me. HaHa. And i feel like doing E. Maths. I hope i remember how to do coz i need to teach Yuzillio (whatever). haha.
Trainin was fun ?? i guess. Shooting was fun. The impromptu one. not the one the coach asked us to do. hahaha. Den right Afni basket lohhh.
Coach says : Do cross-over sumtin sumtin sumtin (apparently i cudnt comprehend what he just said)
Elly says : Coach can u translate that in Malay ?? I don't understand English.(haha)
Afni says : Wahhhh u understand Malay mehhh ??
Wah lao ehhh... BASKET SIA. pls lohh. I CAN SPEAK AND UNDERSTAND MALAY. wth. why ppl keep telling me i sound weird speakin in malay or that i dun seem to be capable of conversing in malay. WTH. I CAN DO IT !!!. hahaa. kay kay... then that mouse say i very the "speakong" which means i always converse in English. THANKS. lol.
Okay i think that's all lahhh... i really have nuttin to say. except that i am super bored, i need new boots and i need a job. that's all. ohhh and that I LOVE CAKE. ohh and also i have been watchin TLW. LOL. SO FUNNY. I LOVE ALICE. She's my idol besides Marjorie Dawes of course. And i cant wait for IVP. GO GO GO !!.
Ohh yahh wait. The SAS match. HoOo~ the skool. IS SUPER BIG. then right... the guards said pointing to his right "Just go LEFT and u will see tha stadium". WHATEVER LOHHH. And we(Yuzil, Syira and I) purposely stood at the stands near the white ppl. AND CHEERED LOUDLY FOR NYPGA. LOL. so funny. I think we pissed them off a little. And i wanted to ermm speak in British accent. But i didnt lahhh... i just think it's too much of a direct insult to the Americans. HAHAHA. BUT IT WAS FUN. kay den rite.... there was this area in the skool. it was sealed... okay not sealed... but u noe like CSI Crime scenes ?? it had a tape around it which states "CRIME SCENE DO NOT CROSS"... IMAGINE HOW EXCITED I WAS. And i thot to myself... "theft ? robbery ?? vandalism ??"... Den i thot again "who wud want to steal sumtin frm a garden ???" ... Den in my mind i went like "OMG... SUICIDE !! HOMICIDE !! MANSLAUGHTER !!" wow. den i got more excited. hahaha. and Yuzil neared the crime scene to take a closer look. SUDDENLY... we(Yuzil and me. Apparently Syira was too hungry to smell anithang.LOL) smelled sumtin... sumtin pleasant yet portends sumtin unpleasant.... yes the Frangipani. or the Jasmine. Or whatever blossoming plant the fragrance diffused from. Our excitement died down and chged to fear. HAHA. And Yuzil RAN. HAHAHA. Whatever lohhh. I was still there looking around to find the fragrant plant. BUT it was nowhere in sight. omg. and so i joined Yuzil in scattering away from that area. that was scary yet exciting. lol. And that was my highlight of the week.
Life in it's constant state of moving nowhere. Especially during the holidays. Im super duper uber bored. And i am searchin for a job. HELP anione ?? And i totally need new boots. My Umbro... it's dying... HAHA. ohhh yahhh i watched Hairspray with Atika and Yuzil today. Not bad. But i expected more actually. Like more humour or sumtin. Like a bit bland lahhh. TSK. but nvm got to see my mother, Queen Latifah. HAHA. she rocks kae. and the crazy Amanda Bynes. and i think James Marsden IS HOTT~!!!. lol. Ohhh yahhh den i saw Imah. wahhh.. i didnt noe she was hospitalised ahhh. she said she just recovered. eeeeeeeeeeeeeee. she was super pale. and her handshake was super weak. eeeeeeeeee. i hope she's okay.
Ohhh yahhh tmr NYPGA got match. GO GO GO~!! FIRE IN THE HOLE. YOU CAN DO IT !!!. might go. might not go. must ask Yuzil see if she wants to accompany me. HaHa. And i feel like doing E. Maths. I hope i remember how to do coz i need to teach Yuzillio (whatever). haha.
Trainin was fun ?? i guess. Shooting was fun. The impromptu one. not the one the coach asked us to do. hahaha. Den right Afni basket lohhh.
Coach says : Do cross-over sumtin sumtin sumtin (apparently i cudnt comprehend what he just said)
Elly says : Coach can u translate that in Malay ?? I don't understand English.(haha)
Afni says : Wahhhh u understand Malay mehhh ??
Wah lao ehhh... BASKET SIA. pls lohh. I CAN SPEAK AND UNDERSTAND MALAY. wth. why ppl keep telling me i sound weird speakin in malay or that i dun seem to be capable of conversing in malay. WTH. I CAN DO IT !!!. hahaa. kay kay... then that mouse say i very the "speakong" which means i always converse in English. THANKS. lol.
Okay i think that's all lahhh... i really have nuttin to say. except that i am super bored, i need new boots and i need a job. that's all. ohhh and that I LOVE CAKE. ohh and also i have been watchin TLW. LOL. SO FUNNY. I LOVE ALICE. She's my idol besides Marjorie Dawes of course. And i cant wait for IVP. GO GO GO !!.
Ohh yahh wait. The SAS match. HoOo~ the skool. IS SUPER BIG. then right... the guards said pointing to his right "Just go LEFT and u will see tha stadium". WHATEVER LOHHH. And we(Yuzil, Syira and I) purposely stood at the stands near the white ppl. AND CHEERED LOUDLY FOR NYPGA. LOL. so funny. I think we pissed them off a little. And i wanted to ermm speak in British accent. But i didnt lahhh... i just think it's too much of a direct insult to the Americans. HAHAHA. BUT IT WAS FUN. kay den rite.... there was this area in the skool. it was sealed... okay not sealed... but u noe like CSI Crime scenes ?? it had a tape around it which states "CRIME SCENE DO NOT CROSS"... IMAGINE HOW EXCITED I WAS. And i thot to myself... "theft ? robbery ?? vandalism ??"... Den i thot again "who wud want to steal sumtin frm a garden ???" ... Den in my mind i went like "OMG... SUICIDE !! HOMICIDE !! MANSLAUGHTER !!" wow. den i got more excited. hahaha. and Yuzil neared the crime scene to take a closer look. SUDDENLY... we(Yuzil and me. Apparently Syira was too hungry to smell anithang.LOL) smelled sumtin... sumtin pleasant yet portends sumtin unpleasant.... yes the Frangipani. or the Jasmine. Or whatever blossoming plant the fragrance diffused from. Our excitement died down and chged to fear. HAHA. And Yuzil RAN. HAHAHA. Whatever lohhh. I was still there looking around to find the fragrant plant. BUT it was nowhere in sight. omg. and so i joined Yuzil in scattering away from that area. that was scary yet exciting. lol. And that was my highlight of the week.