Posted by vanillaspice on 9:03 AM
Dude i just like watched Criminal Minds : MOST EVIL. HoOoOoO~ it's like the best show ever if ur into like psychology, behavioural sciences and mental disorders(i feel like im repeating myself).
There's this guy, his name is Ed Gein. Psycho man. he mutilated exhumed bodies of women, skinned them alive and made their skin into like a lamp shade. HAHA. how Hannibal Lecter-ish is that ? But he was only 12 on the Most Evil scale. TSK.
There's this other guy, his name is Arthur sumtin. He murdered children... and then shifted his attention to prostitutes coz he contracted HIV from one of them... so he was on a mission to abolish ermm all the courtesans he hired ? haha. He even ermm nibbled on the remains of some of his murder victims. BUT HE WAS ONLY 18 ON THE SCALE. TSK.
Gary Heidnick, 22 on the MOST EVIL SCALE. Why ?? He tortured his sex slaves for more than 3 months. Wanted them to give birth to his babies so he can have his own community. When they didnt get pregnant, he tortured them by electrocution. And den cut them up and put the chunks into the blender with dog food and forced the rest to eat them. WOW. really. WOW.
Criminals with history of psychotic disorders are normally ranked lower due to the fact that they arent "aware" of what they are doing. And what triggers their psychotic homicides ? their environment !! abusive childhood, psychosis and..... how the society treats them. SO... better not inflict them with mental anguish coz they will take revenge. an eye for an eye.
AND AND... the frontal lobe is where all the dysfunction beginssssssssss. haha. soooo.. i dun wanna head anymore balls as it might have some effect on my frontal lobe. HAHA.
I havent bathe since i came back from sch like 3 hrs ago. WOW time flies so fast when u watch good shows. I was like channel surfing coz i was watchin Most Evil, Life, Bones, MTV I love live(just in case MTV decides to be nice to me and play Evanescence).
Anyway im still plagued with the constant remarks that i keep gettin. Emo, sensitive, MERAJUK!!!. wth wth wth. Well i guess that proves my bipolar-ity. Im a bit neurotic at times. Am i really that emo or sumtin ? dude i dun get it. sometimes im just playing around. or maybe i've developed a reflex. who knows whatever the fcuk they're talkin bout.
ANYWAY... aside from my affliction, this morning i crashed MahhMeyyyMohhh's lecture and clinical lab. wah kao the lecture hall so high one. i dun like. the lecturer not that bad. The lecture was not bad either. Only i dun understand the acronyms. Mohr's circle was SOOOO Mohr's circle. I probably like lost 30 marks ?? for not drawing the principal stress diagram. HAHA. too bad. And the stupid hand exercise thingy is like gettin on my nerves lahh... need to calculate the exact amount of TORQUE u want ur shaft to be in. thanks. luckily there's Microsoft Excel. haha.
Im searching for catharsis... help ?

Dude looks like im playing Beats with my eyes closed. haaaa.
emo my rectum.
There's this guy, his name is Ed Gein. Psycho man. he mutilated exhumed bodies of women, skinned them alive and made their skin into like a lamp shade. HAHA. how Hannibal Lecter-ish is that ? But he was only 12 on the Most Evil scale. TSK.
There's this other guy, his name is Arthur sumtin. He murdered children... and then shifted his attention to prostitutes coz he contracted HIV from one of them... so he was on a mission to abolish ermm all the courtesans he hired ? haha. He even ermm nibbled on the remains of some of his murder victims. BUT HE WAS ONLY 18 ON THE SCALE. TSK.
Gary Heidnick, 22 on the MOST EVIL SCALE. Why ?? He tortured his sex slaves for more than 3 months. Wanted them to give birth to his babies so he can have his own community. When they didnt get pregnant, he tortured them by electrocution. And den cut them up and put the chunks into the blender with dog food and forced the rest to eat them. WOW. really. WOW.
Criminals with history of psychotic disorders are normally ranked lower due to the fact that they arent "aware" of what they are doing. And what triggers their psychotic homicides ? their environment !! abusive childhood, psychosis and..... how the society treats them. SO... better not inflict them with mental anguish coz they will take revenge. an eye for an eye.
AND AND... the frontal lobe is where all the dysfunction beginssssssssss. haha. soooo.. i dun wanna head anymore balls as it might have some effect on my frontal lobe. HAHA.
I havent bathe since i came back from sch like 3 hrs ago. WOW time flies so fast when u watch good shows. I was like channel surfing coz i was watchin Most Evil, Life, Bones, MTV I love live(just in case MTV decides to be nice to me and play Evanescence).
Anyway im still plagued with the constant remarks that i keep gettin. Emo, sensitive, MERAJUK!!!. wth wth wth. Well i guess that proves my bipolar-ity. Im a bit neurotic at times. Am i really that emo or sumtin ? dude i dun get it. sometimes im just playing around. or maybe i've developed a reflex. who knows whatever the fcuk they're talkin bout.
ANYWAY... aside from my affliction, this morning i crashed MahhMeyyyMohhh's lecture and clinical lab. wah kao the lecture hall so high one. i dun like. the lecturer not that bad. The lecture was not bad either. Only i dun understand the acronyms. Mohr's circle was SOOOO Mohr's circle. I probably like lost 30 marks ?? for not drawing the principal stress diagram. HAHA. too bad. And the stupid hand exercise thingy is like gettin on my nerves lahh... need to calculate the exact amount of TORQUE u want ur shaft to be in. thanks. luckily there's Microsoft Excel. haha.
Im searching for catharsis... help ?

Dude looks like im playing Beats with my eyes closed. haaaa.
emo my rectum.