deep within me life's crawling and wasting
Posted by vanillaspice on 11:32 PM
Dude yesterday's GMP tutorial was the only ultimate highlight of the day. Big Daddy Alfred bombarded us with questions about poems, poem origins, poem authors, poem meanings. haha. that was kinda fun. but i dun indulge in decadent poems. HAH~ i only indulge in decadently morbid songs. HA multiplied by 2.
Ring around the roses,
A pocketful of posies,
ah-tishoo, ah-tishoo,
We all fall down.
Seemingly innocent nursery rhyme. BUT some regard it as a reference to the Bubonic plague during the Middle Ages although there were no evidence suggesting its reference until the idea was proposed in the 20th century. So cool. Who knew. GO read abt the Bubonic plague and make your own interpretations of the poem okay. WE DON'T SPOON FEED in Big Daddy's class. haha.
And out of the names of poets and ppl he mentioned, only one rang my bell. NOSTRADAMUS. He was a French prophet and astrologist who was both celebrated and scorned at. AND.. he shares the same birthday as i do. Haha. see geniuses are born on December like Amy Lee-13th Dec, Beethoven-15th Dec, Vanilla Spice, Nostradamus, Michael Owen-14th Dec. haha. okay lahh okay lahh i'll shut up.
Anyway talking about bubonic plague... did u know that bacteria can be aerosolized ? therefore there is a possibility for the exploitation of plague as a terrorist weapon. It could be in the air that we breathe right now. Undetectable unless symptoms occur. wow. we're dead. Haaaa~
My brother told me to tell my friends this when he was too lazy to send them home. he said "tell them sorry they dont have the best brother in the world". HAHAHA. whatever lohh. And i kinda like the brotherly-sisterly bonding that i was devoid of for the past years of my life. haha. yeahh deprived of brotherly love. BUT. while i was in his car... he blasted lame jiwang malay songs!!!. dude like....... seabay jingle bells.
And yeahh i got mixed up. there's no A&P prac test. HA~ so i only have 2 tests. Yay~.
And i wish the TONs would get back together. we're fcukin drifting apart lahh. except for anak cik Kamsan and me. haha.
Dude i so wanna go for like a rock festival. so freakin cool lahhh. i think it's cathartic. HAHA. coz u can scream along to the song to release all the bottled up emotions inside. BUT.. it's only cool to go when EVANESCENCE, LACUNA COIL or PARAMORE are headlining. Haaaa~. Or maybe just a concert. haha. i might get squashed with all the ppl moshing and jumping.
Before i start blabbing abt some other ridiculous stuff... i better go. haha~
but i've got some pics to post!! HEADS UP!!

Cristina Scabbia : The Lycan Slayer.
Ring around the roses,
A pocketful of posies,
ah-tishoo, ah-tishoo,
We all fall down.
Seemingly innocent nursery rhyme. BUT some regard it as a reference to the Bubonic plague during the Middle Ages although there were no evidence suggesting its reference until the idea was proposed in the 20th century. So cool. Who knew. GO read abt the Bubonic plague and make your own interpretations of the poem okay. WE DON'T SPOON FEED in Big Daddy's class. haha.
And out of the names of poets and ppl he mentioned, only one rang my bell. NOSTRADAMUS. He was a French prophet and astrologist who was both celebrated and scorned at. AND.. he shares the same birthday as i do. Haha. see geniuses are born on December like Amy Lee-13th Dec, Beethoven-15th Dec, Vanilla Spice, Nostradamus, Michael Owen-14th Dec. haha. okay lahh okay lahh i'll shut up.
Anyway talking about bubonic plague... did u know that bacteria can be aerosolized ? therefore there is a possibility for the exploitation of plague as a terrorist weapon. It could be in the air that we breathe right now. Undetectable unless symptoms occur. wow. we're dead. Haaaa~
My brother told me to tell my friends this when he was too lazy to send them home. he said "tell them sorry they dont have the best brother in the world". HAHAHA. whatever lohh. And i kinda like the brotherly-sisterly bonding that i was devoid of for the past years of my life. haha. yeahh deprived of brotherly love. BUT. while i was in his car... he blasted lame jiwang malay songs!!!. dude like....... seabay jingle bells.
And yeahh i got mixed up. there's no A&P prac test. HA~ so i only have 2 tests. Yay~.
And i wish the TONs would get back together. we're fcukin drifting apart lahh. except for anak cik Kamsan and me. haha.
Dude i so wanna go for like a rock festival. so freakin cool lahhh. i think it's cathartic. HAHA. coz u can scream along to the song to release all the bottled up emotions inside. BUT.. it's only cool to go when EVANESCENCE, LACUNA COIL or PARAMORE are headlining. Haaaa~. Or maybe just a concert. haha. i might get squashed with all the ppl moshing and jumping.
Before i start blabbing abt some other ridiculous stuff... i better go. haha~
but i've got some pics to post!! HEADS UP!!

Cristina Scabbia : The Lycan Slayer.
Come tease me(insert Our Truth guitar riffs and... some headbanging.)
i've searched every corner there's nowhere to hide how i feel, ignorant sacrifice. somedays it's harder let's face it it's all about me.