Forse ?

Posted by vanillaspice on 6:55 AM

Dudessss.... today, i went to the "Adopt a Home" thingy at the moral home. It was fun! We played the beauty pageant again. HAHA!! i always get second. and Atika anak cik Kamsan always wins. LOL. but at least i get to be Miss Italy!. haha! And the supposedly hostile resident was utterly and suprisingly pleasant today. I bet she has bipolar disorder, just like ME. HAHA! Today we made chocolate chip cookies. Not bad actually. haha... it kinda sets the mood for cookie/kuih making/baking during the last few weeks of the fasting month which is nearing which then brings me to the fact that i have to reduce my vulgarities not that im THAT vulgar(i may not even be close to vulgar).. but u know... Anyway it was FUN! although we didnt interact that much with the residents.

And after visit... went to NLB... to help as ushers and whatever else. THE FOOD was FINESSE. HAHA! i love the mini pizza thingy. and the eclair. and the yellow chicken thingy. ohhh and who can forget MOCHA(pronounced as mohh-charrr) and CAPPUCINO (too crude to even be typed out). Mimi and I were assigned the registration task. soooooooooooo... we met a lot of colourful ppl. haha. like one who asked "Do you know who I am ?!" like condescendingly.. fcuk off lahhh sister. i mean brother. i really dunno who the hell he is... i mean i know he's in PAYM.. but no idea who the hell he is... so i answered... "Sometimes i know...".. the obliviousness that is Elly. and bla bla bla... Home sweet home...

And frisbee+badminton+soccer+volleyball+captain's ball was FUN on friday. i especially loved frisbee... but it hurts my hands lahhh. and i can't belive my forehand is better than my backhand. so weird. the weirdness that is Elly. bye bye soccer ?? hello frisbee ?? HAHA. forse....

Ohhh go watch AK's new video... Superwoman. i love it! she looks hot!. And i love the song. AK AK AK. here i come.

Ohhhhh and MahhhMehhhMohhh... i will never forget the cacat thing u did when i pushed u towards the pork-selling-shop. HAHA. CLASSIC.

Okay that's all folks. if i get them pictures. i'll post.