Ella's Nocturne
Posted by vanillaspice on 11:18 PM
Dude... HARI RAYA tomorrow... wahhh tahh kwaaa..(dun ask me what that is)
Game with ITE SIMEI ?... another ploy... HAHA... no actually i dont know what it is. Anyway i arrived late with Hidayah coz we were contemplating whether we should go or not. Haaaaa~ But trainin was fun anyway. Played don't know how-many-a-side. I was again put as CM. Maybe he wants me to run more. HAHAHA. he keeps puttin me as CM ahhhh... i scared i cannot recover fast enough to defend. ahhhhhhhhhhhh~ And Angie was a pain in the butt yesterday. She keeps convincing people that i have a "dance" when i try to dribble past defenders. Haha. But yesterday was really fun coz we stayed for quite awhile after trainin to do shooting. FUN FUN FUN. keyword : top corner. And thanks to my OWL who waited for me even though she ended super early. HAHAHA! and for the food. Wo ai ni ahhh. next time i buy for you okay.
POLITE coming. GO NYP!!!
dude... today's like the eve of Hari Raya. woahhhhhh~ that fast huh. SELAMAT HARI RAYA TO ALL. MAAF DZAHIR DAN BATIN horh. I LOVE THE WHOLE WORLD.
considering the fact that today's post is really really boring... lemme post some random pics alright...

I love the lights on this. that's Amy Lee btw.

HaO and Tash. HaO's like a small girl. haha

HaO and Tarp. check out Tarp's bulging quads. OMG.

Mercurial Vapor SL. anyone feels generous enough to get this for me ?

Bas muka stop it siakk. hahaha!!! sorry bas. wo ai ni.
posted on 300908
Game with ITE SIMEI ?... another ploy... HAHA... no actually i dont know what it is. Anyway i arrived late with Hidayah coz we were contemplating whether we should go or not. Haaaaa~ But trainin was fun anyway. Played don't know how-many-a-side. I was again put as CM. Maybe he wants me to run more. HAHAHA. he keeps puttin me as CM ahhhh... i scared i cannot recover fast enough to defend. ahhhhhhhhhhhh~ And Angie was a pain in the butt yesterday. She keeps convincing people that i have a "dance" when i try to dribble past defenders. Haha. But yesterday was really fun coz we stayed for quite awhile after trainin to do shooting. FUN FUN FUN. keyword : top corner. And thanks to my OWL who waited for me even though she ended super early. HAHAHA! and for the food. Wo ai ni ahhh. next time i buy for you okay.
POLITE coming. GO NYP!!!
dude... today's like the eve of Hari Raya. woahhhhhh~ that fast huh. SELAMAT HARI RAYA TO ALL. MAAF DZAHIR DAN BATIN horh. I LOVE THE WHOLE WORLD.
considering the fact that today's post is really really boring... lemme post some random pics alright...

I love the lights on this. that's Amy Lee btw.

HaO and Tash. HaO's like a small girl. haha

HaO and Tarp. check out Tarp's bulging quads. OMG.

Mercurial Vapor SL. anyone feels generous enough to get this for me ?
Bas muka stop it siakk. hahaha!!! sorry bas. wo ai ni.
posted on 300908