Happy Deepavali
Posted by vanillaspice on 10:28 PM
WOW... we just got our first win after two losses... YAY NYP. We defeated RP in their home ground regardless of how immensely dissonant their supporters were. We sure did shut them up. And Rai with her everlasting energy and bright ideas to counter RP's supporters ie. Banging empty bottles together(hahah!!). AND AND AND.... I am still leading the "wave-back*" game. WooooHooooo~ I rock. Stop telling me that im cheating. Pls lohhh. And we waved at a really weird guy who ended up giving us flying kisses. LOL!. what a perv. AND we finally get to play lahhhhhhh... i mean even if it was as equivalent as 10s of my whole life... it was fun... to be in action.
No Dr. Hannah Gardner's class... how depressing. I need to redeem myself. LOL. And i think the highlight of this whole week for me was the RADIOLOGY LAB. fun fun fun. x-rays galore. My kental classmates x-rayed phones, psp, pencil cases.... but I wanted to be different and x-rayed one of the cadaver's skull. disturbing or what. I asked Daniel to pick it up for me. HAHAHAH. so fun it was. and we discovered OIL in the lab too. haha. it was oozing out from the floor dude. God knows wth it was.
*wave-back game... originated in the US WNT's bus on their way back from shopping in Beijing for the Olympics.
Had a fam chalet at Costa Sands. Was forced by my aunt to go to Wild Wild Wet coz she has 4 free tix. hahaha. how convenient. And so we bought shirts and shorts for WWW coz i had no change of clothes. And sooooo We(Ina, Syahril and Me) went in and got ourselves wet. Omg... shiok river is ultra boring ahhh... When u first get in... it's like "alright kinda nice"... and den suddenly ur hit by the influx of people and floatation devices and den u'll be like "damn... get me out of here"... i think it'd be nice if there were not soooooooo many humans around. After WWW... food food food... and PICTIONARY!!! im the world's best bad drawing interpreter. HAHAHA. and then UNO ATTACK!!! omg i didnt know uno attack was that fun. especially when the other players get loaads of cards.
The next day... BBQ time!! and cycling... finally i get to cycle... but my ass kinda hurts. haha. But the best was playing charades... HAHAHA... Luna has the best animal interpretations anyone has ever seen. HAHAHAH. i swear i laughed till my tummy hurts lohhh. immensely hilarious. Ohh yahh Haizel got chased by a bee while cycling. HAHAHAH. well not really chased by a bee... more like the bee was sitting idly on his back. haha... he almost crashed when he PANIC!(ed) AT THE DISCO.
Ohh how i love family gatherings.
Today..... boringggg.... cant wait for our next match with SP.... let's all pray to God that coach puts me in. C'mon ELLA KAI. ahhaha. And i cant wait to beat Rai in the final "wave-back" game. i was too tired to go for the team gathering at ECP today.... i slept like a log... alright i have nothing more to blab about.


okay i took this pic from shida's blog. I like it... coz it's funny... look at Kak Nad.


benchwarming again.


One of the days when the shutters closed in the sports complex while we were showering. HAHA.

Whatever Shah is doing. Got ghost behind me!


the skull x-ray. ignore the momo. it's all dodo's fault.
(those are not cracks on his skull... those are the sutures!)
ermmm feast your eyes and ears by watching Amy Lee. SHE ROCKS. i love the song. sooooooo eerie and morbid.
AMY LEE - Sally's Song
posted on 271008
WOW... we just got our first win after two losses... YAY NYP. We defeated RP in their home ground regardless of how immensely dissonant their supporters were. We sure did shut them up. And Rai with her everlasting energy and bright ideas to counter RP's supporters ie. Banging empty bottles together(hahah!!). AND AND AND.... I am still leading the "wave-back*" game. WooooHooooo~ I rock. Stop telling me that im cheating. Pls lohhh. And we waved at a really weird guy who ended up giving us flying kisses. LOL!. what a perv. AND we finally get to play lahhhhhhh... i mean even if it was as equivalent as 10s of my whole life... it was fun... to be in action.
No Dr. Hannah Gardner's class... how depressing. I need to redeem myself. LOL. And i think the highlight of this whole week for me was the RADIOLOGY LAB. fun fun fun. x-rays galore. My kental classmates x-rayed phones, psp, pencil cases.... but I wanted to be different and x-rayed one of the cadaver's skull. disturbing or what. I asked Daniel to pick it up for me. HAHAHAH. so fun it was. and we discovered OIL in the lab too. haha. it was oozing out from the floor dude. God knows wth it was.
*wave-back game... originated in the US WNT's bus on their way back from shopping in Beijing for the Olympics.
Had a fam chalet at Costa Sands. Was forced by my aunt to go to Wild Wild Wet coz she has 4 free tix. hahaha. how convenient. And so we bought shirts and shorts for WWW coz i had no change of clothes. And sooooo We(Ina, Syahril and Me) went in and got ourselves wet. Omg... shiok river is ultra boring ahhh... When u first get in... it's like "alright kinda nice"... and den suddenly ur hit by the influx of people and floatation devices and den u'll be like "damn... get me out of here"... i think it'd be nice if there were not soooooooo many humans around. After WWW... food food food... and PICTIONARY!!! im the world's best bad drawing interpreter. HAHAHA. and then UNO ATTACK!!! omg i didnt know uno attack was that fun. especially when the other players get loaads of cards.
The next day... BBQ time!! and cycling... finally i get to cycle... but my ass kinda hurts. haha. But the best was playing charades... HAHAHA... Luna has the best animal interpretations anyone has ever seen. HAHAHAH. i swear i laughed till my tummy hurts lohhh. immensely hilarious. Ohh yahh Haizel got chased by a bee while cycling. HAHAHAH. well not really chased by a bee... more like the bee was sitting idly on his back. haha... he almost crashed when he PANIC!(ed) AT THE DISCO.
Ohh how i love family gatherings.
Today..... boringggg.... cant wait for our next match with SP.... let's all pray to God that coach puts me in. C'mon ELLA KAI. ahhaha. And i cant wait to beat Rai in the final "wave-back" game. i was too tired to go for the team gathering at ECP today.... i slept like a log... alright i have nothing more to blab about.


okay i took this pic from shida's blog. I like it... coz it's funny... look at Kak Nad.


benchwarming again.


One of the days when the shutters closed in the sports complex while we were showering. HAHA.

Whatever Shah is doing. Got ghost behind me!


the skull x-ray. ignore the momo. it's all dodo's fault.
(those are not cracks on his skull... those are the sutures!)
ermmm feast your eyes and ears by watching Amy Lee. SHE ROCKS. i love the song. sooooooo eerie and morbid.
AMY LEE - Sally's Song
posted on 271008