Samsonite Man
Posted by vanillaspice on 3:06 AM
Helloooooooo Looopiesss.
Dude... school's startin in like 2 days! ahhhhhh~ cant wait to sit and talk crap in class, search for eye candies, choose where to eat and ultimately laugh at my piggies. POLITE comin soon too.... ahhhh~. can i have more trainin days ? pretty pls. Trainin has been getting better coz we're gettin along better. HAAA~. and poor poor poor Feeza... she's injured dude. Maybe you put on too much perfume lahhh Feeza. HAHAHA.
hmmm nasib baik dah habis jalan raya..... hahaha. penat cik.(melayu kot?) Anyway my plan of listenin to my mp3 in my bro's car backfired. HAHA. Mostly all we listened to was Malay Jiwang.... OMG... i swear i almost died. I ate a lot!! OMG... like a freakin pork. hahah. Anyway it's always fun being around family. love yawwww.
How i wish i was damn filthy rich... so i can spend all i like. HAHA. And dude i still cant find the US WNT kit!! DAMNIT. hmmmm YE tmr... i cant wait for Eka's lame story. haha.
Okay dudes im seriously running out of words to type... i guess it's... PHOTO UP TIME!! get ready to feast thy eyes!

Look at the agony in Loons' face. HAHAHA.




Pakcik-pakcik. I kinda realised that pakcik-pakcik dun smile that much.

Mintak sedekah cik ??

Look at Looons. HAHAHA! happy benar.


At Kak Diy's house.

Aunty Ani's house.

The cars that brought us safely to our destinations. Im in the Lancer.

In the car... HAHAHA! my bro think he ang moh.

watch out! reckless driver on the road!! ahahhaha. jk Ina dont cry.

Felix the immensely cute cat.
SUMPAH NO LINK to the pics above.

HAHAHAH! Tarp playin drums and Hao singin. HAHAH! i love them.

Lil, Abby, Tarp and Kai. Kai mcm nak kena sepak.

Tarp and Chup. chup's cute okay.

My inspirations on the field.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY(10 oct) TO MY FREAKIN BFFFFFFFF~(best freakin fcukin f...f...f...f... friend), ATIKA KAMSAN @ Khairun @ Khai @ Eka. Wo Ai Ni ahhhh. May our friendship last foreverrrr. VICTORIOUS.

posted on 111008
Dude... school's startin in like 2 days! ahhhhhh~ cant wait to sit and talk crap in class, search for eye candies, choose where to eat and ultimately laugh at my piggies. POLITE comin soon too.... ahhhh~. can i have more trainin days ? pretty pls. Trainin has been getting better coz we're gettin along better. HAAA~. and poor poor poor Feeza... she's injured dude. Maybe you put on too much perfume lahhh Feeza. HAHAHA.
hmmm nasib baik dah habis jalan raya..... hahaha. penat cik.(melayu kot?) Anyway my plan of listenin to my mp3 in my bro's car backfired. HAHA. Mostly all we listened to was Malay Jiwang.... OMG... i swear i almost died. I ate a lot!! OMG... like a freakin pork. hahah. Anyway it's always fun being around family. love yawwww.
How i wish i was damn filthy rich... so i can spend all i like. HAHA. And dude i still cant find the US WNT kit!! DAMNIT. hmmmm YE tmr... i cant wait for Eka's lame story. haha.
Okay dudes im seriously running out of words to type... i guess it's... PHOTO UP TIME!! get ready to feast thy eyes!
Look at the agony in Loons' face. HAHAHA.
Pakcik-pakcik. I kinda realised that pakcik-pakcik dun smile that much.
Mintak sedekah cik ??
Look at Looons. HAHAHA! happy benar.
At Kak Diy's house.
Aunty Ani's house.
The cars that brought us safely to our destinations. Im in the Lancer.
In the car... HAHAHA! my bro think he ang moh.
watch out! reckless driver on the road!! ahahhaha. jk Ina dont cry.
Felix the immensely cute cat.
SUMPAH NO LINK to the pics above.

HAHAHAH! Tarp playin drums and Hao singin. HAHAH! i love them.

Lil, Abby, Tarp and Kai. Kai mcm nak kena sepak.

Tarp and Chup. chup's cute okay.

My inspirations on the field.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY(10 oct) TO MY FREAKIN BFFFFFFFF~(best freakin fcukin f...f...f...f... friend), ATIKA KAMSAN @ Khairun @ Khai @ Eka. Wo Ai Ni ahhhh. May our friendship last foreverrrr. VICTORIOUS.
posted on 111008