singaporeannnnnn styleeee
Posted by vanillaspice on 7:18 AM
Hmmmm.... so much for studying... HAHA... i did lahh... abit.
Anyway funny shits happen during the week.
Sonography Lab. Dodo Ong = model for ultrasound scan = hilarious theories, questions and answers.
Teacher asked "what's that crescent shaped organ in ur abdomen ?"
Someone "the moon!!"... HAHAHA!!
Dodo Ong "Cher.. can scan my babat ?? where's my babat ??"... LOL.
I actually wanted to scan my soleus to see if there was any fluid build up, but nahhhh was wearing jeans... Lab session ended early sooooo.... got to meet up with bestie(Rai) for the Kick It 08 meeting.... futile. okay not really but yeahh... coz there's only 2 girls team. HAHAHA!! and it's Pat's team and ours. SO LAME! but nonetheless WE WILL BEAT YOU PAT's TEAM!!. BENCHWARMERS WILL PREVAIL!! hahah! SO EXCITING~(in Alice's tone).
Lab with Dr. H. G. WTH i got laughed at.
I was talking to Joanne... i said "ehhh just now i ironed my lab coat you knowwwww"
and den Dr H. G went like "You ironed your lab coat ?? WOW... I've never ironed my lab coat..."
... and den she broke into a sinister laugh(exaggerating) and gave me the "you are so kental" look. wth i was tryna make a good impression... coz my labcoat was damn wrinkled with creases all over soooo i decided to ironed it. thanks DHG, ur my bestest friend. And we found out that she doesnt camp in the lab, she DOES go out and have lunch and stuff coz we saw her at Koufu. haha. My theory was that she camps in her lab coz i've never seen her around school at all!... and soo there goes my theory okay well it's Hidayah's theory. plagiarizing.
wells... today i studied or rather made notes for biomaterials. success! i deserve a MEGA MAC! haha. and tmr.... volunteering at the OLE! Tampines-whatever-the-hell somewhere near Tamp Mall. Hope i can leave early to continue mugging at home without seeing or sensing discontent among the upper hierarchy. I am sooooooooooooo lookin forward for Kick it 08 ahh!! GO BENCHWARMERS!
PHOTO UP!!!! [NB : mostly US WNT... haaaaaa~]
(ohhh yahh i learnt a new ermmm abbreviation.. NB... NOTA BENE!!... means IMPORTANT NOTE! lol)
AZHAR's creation.

DAMN FUNNY AHHH!!! wth did u get this pic from ?

HAHA! my face so disproportionate. And i am soooo not Hope Solo... maybe HaO can ahh. haha.

we shud have this banner in the stadium for motivational purposes.

look at her biceps... WOOOH.

No such thing as an ABBY sandwich. she puts those biceps to good use.

Weird US WNT warrior dance. HAHA!

smile ur on candid camera.

Meet HaO, my best friend.

just HaO doing some TaiQi. look at those damn sexy and toned quads, hamstrings and calves!! WLW.

Captain HaO scores!!!

big hug from coach... awwww.... Pia Sundhage should come over!!
once Binder masters the Schuplattler... we can perform for them Americanssss.... SINGAPOREANNN STYLEE!! coz we are the SINGAPOREANNNNNsssssss...
posted on 301108.
Anyway funny shits happen during the week.
Sonography Lab. Dodo Ong = model for ultrasound scan = hilarious theories, questions and answers.
Teacher asked "what's that crescent shaped organ in ur abdomen ?"
Someone "the moon!!"... HAHAHA!!
Dodo Ong "Cher.. can scan my babat ?? where's my babat ??"... LOL.
I actually wanted to scan my soleus to see if there was any fluid build up, but nahhhh was wearing jeans... Lab session ended early sooooo.... got to meet up with bestie(Rai) for the Kick It 08 meeting.... futile. okay not really but yeahh... coz there's only 2 girls team. HAHAHA!! and it's Pat's team and ours. SO LAME! but nonetheless WE WILL BEAT YOU PAT's TEAM!!. BENCHWARMERS WILL PREVAIL!! hahah! SO EXCITING~(in Alice's tone).
Lab with Dr. H. G. WTH i got laughed at.
I was talking to Joanne... i said "ehhh just now i ironed my lab coat you knowwwww"
and den Dr H. G went like "You ironed your lab coat ?? WOW... I've never ironed my lab coat..."
... and den she broke into a sinister laugh(exaggerating) and gave me the "you are so kental" look. wth i was tryna make a good impression... coz my labcoat was damn wrinkled with creases all over soooo i decided to ironed it. thanks DHG, ur my bestest friend. And we found out that she doesnt camp in the lab, she DOES go out and have lunch and stuff coz we saw her at Koufu. haha. My theory was that she camps in her lab coz i've never seen her around school at all!... and soo there goes my theory okay well it's Hidayah's theory. plagiarizing.
wells... today i studied or rather made notes for biomaterials. success! i deserve a MEGA MAC! haha. and tmr.... volunteering at the OLE! Tampines-whatever-the-hell somewhere near Tamp Mall. Hope i can leave early to continue mugging at home without seeing or sensing discontent among the upper hierarchy. I am sooooooooooooo lookin forward for Kick it 08 ahh!! GO BENCHWARMERS!
PHOTO UP!!!! [NB : mostly US WNT... haaaaaa~]
(ohhh yahh i learnt a new ermmm abbreviation.. NB... NOTA BENE!!... means IMPORTANT NOTE! lol)
AZHAR's creation.

DAMN FUNNY AHHH!!! wth did u get this pic from ?

HAHA! my face so disproportionate. And i am soooo not Hope Solo... maybe HaO can ahh. haha.

we shud have this banner in the stadium for motivational purposes.

look at her biceps... WOOOH.

No such thing as an ABBY sandwich. she puts those biceps to good use.

Weird US WNT warrior dance. HAHA!

smile ur on candid camera.

Meet HaO, my best friend.

just HaO doing some TaiQi. look at those damn sexy and toned quads, hamstrings and calves!! WLW.

Captain HaO scores!!!

big hug from coach... awwww.... Pia Sundhage should come over!!
once Binder masters the Schuplattler... we can perform for them Americanssss.... SINGAPOREANNN STYLEE!! coz we are the SINGAPOREANNNNNsssssss...
posted on 301108.