what a shame we all became
Posted by vanillaspice on 5:23 AM
OMG... yesterday was a freakin interesting day.
Joanne said i was emo-ing. I assure you i wasnt... maybe i was. But i realised that if u dun talk to me for an extended period of time... i will get more in touch with the ermm other side of my bipolarity... the side that is rather unpleasant. And soooooooooo... forgive me if I ignored you, thrown my bitch fits at you or used profanities excessively. It's a phase. It will go away(i hope). And after school lepak-ed with OWL... wooohoooo teh tarik time!! OWL was attacked by a doggy!! hhahahahaa not really lahh... she just didnt realise that a dog was making it's way towards her. SO FUNNY CAN. SO CUTE AND INNOCENT THE DOGGY. While we were lepak-ing... suddenly got a group of like ermmm i dunno... they look like gangster... they walked towards the inline hockey players... so we ignored ahh... and continued crapping... then Owl was like "why they exchanging numbers ahhh ??"... den i was all like "yahhh... why they dun want our number??" ... den suddenly 2 of them came up to us and they were CIDs lohhh!! ahhahaha.. so funny. so we were screened. And not long after that a crazy boy sprinted away when he saw the officers. WAHHHH like watching triple nine on teeeveee dude. SO FAST they run. hahaha. he was caught anyway.
And den when only the two of us were left at the hockey court... weird things started to happen. Like OWL... who kept lookin at the street soccer court. And me... i kept seeing things like flying past around us. And then i finally asked OWL... she said she saw it from far... it was roaming around. what a night! And after she sent me home... on her way back home... she saw it gain. how lucky ?? lol. kinda freaky but interesting huh.

Happy face foam in my wine

dont leave a camera anywhere near me.

somebody get me these!! NIKE MERCURIAL VAPOR ROSA.

i found Abby's pic in a mag!

I need to do more of this.

somehow.. Chuppa looks cool plus cute.

Angry Kai. ahahhaha. scary huh.

HaO talkin to herself.

Tarpie and her crazy quads.

my best friends. HaO and Tarp.
PSYCHOANALYSIS will save me from myself.
Rai Honehh... dont emo okayy... hahahah... miss u ahhh stupid bestie.
posted on 210109
Joanne said i was emo-ing. I assure you i wasnt... maybe i was. But i realised that if u dun talk to me for an extended period of time... i will get more in touch with the ermm other side of my bipolarity... the side that is rather unpleasant. And soooooooooo... forgive me if I ignored you, thrown my bitch fits at you or used profanities excessively. It's a phase. It will go away(i hope). And after school lepak-ed with OWL... wooohoooo teh tarik time!! OWL was attacked by a doggy!! hhahahahaa not really lahh... she just didnt realise that a dog was making it's way towards her. SO FUNNY CAN. SO CUTE AND INNOCENT THE DOGGY. While we were lepak-ing... suddenly got a group of like ermmm i dunno... they look like gangster... they walked towards the inline hockey players... so we ignored ahh... and continued crapping... then Owl was like "why they exchanging numbers ahhh ??"... den i was all like "yahhh... why they dun want our number??" ... den suddenly 2 of them came up to us and they were CIDs lohhh!! ahhahaha.. so funny. so we were screened. And not long after that a crazy boy sprinted away when he saw the officers. WAHHHH like watching triple nine on teeeveee dude. SO FAST they run. hahaha. he was caught anyway.
And den when only the two of us were left at the hockey court... weird things started to happen. Like OWL... who kept lookin at the street soccer court. And me... i kept seeing things like flying past around us. And then i finally asked OWL... she said she saw it from far... it was roaming around. what a night! And after she sent me home... on her way back home... she saw it gain. how lucky ?? lol. kinda freaky but interesting huh.

Happy face foam in my wine
dont leave a camera anywhere near me.

somebody get me these!! NIKE MERCURIAL VAPOR ROSA.

i found Abby's pic in a mag!

I need to do more of this.

somehow.. Chuppa looks cool plus cute.

Angry Kai. ahahhaha. scary huh.

HaO talkin to herself.

Tarpie and her crazy quads.

my best friends. HaO and Tarp.
PSYCHOANALYSIS will save me from myself.
Rai Honehh... dont emo okayy... hahahah... miss u ahhh stupid bestie.
posted on 210109