evil beat
Posted by vanillaspice on 7:13 AM
awwww this will be the last exams we'll be taking with DODO BIRD... so sad... nobody to give me crash course ready. LOL. Enjoy ur attachment DoDo.
And err i decided to blog since ermm.. i've got nothing else to do...I just got back from lepak session with Bas. I love Bas and her nonsense... RUMPUT GORENG for the win!!. I owe u ten dough-larr and a meal... deal or no deal ? and OMG TONs should go out together soon. TSK... i need my dose of lameness to unwind from the exam stress.
Training has become intensive fitness training coz the field cannot be used... so we use the gym... WOW... my upper body is weaker than my lower limbs. LOL... my biceps suck... HAHAHAHA... Boss should know... LOL... i love the abs cruncher machine thingy... damn funny... and that leg raiser thing... LOL... my teammates are clowns in the gym. we rocks.
Okay thermofluids today was suspiciously do-able... so scary!!... but ohhh well.. i did my best.

slap me now! i have sexy hands. HAHAHAHAHA.

Hanis and Eka

The Volunteers!

The temple dude.

Haizel, Hazlin, HazeloooooooooonsNa

did i post this before ?? haha.

HI! Im Rai!

The happiest to the unhappiest. LOL. Pat like want to kill ppl.


Happy Tarp.
ABBY, BOXXY, HOPE, TARPPY, BARNEY... and the others i cant make it out. LOL...
Feminism unveiled. LOL. Mia Hamm quite hot ahh. haha
POSTED ON 210209