When you're taught thru feelings
Posted by vanillaspice on 8:08 AM
Freaking Grammys was a freakin disappointment dude. Except for when there was T.I(HOT) and ermmm.... wait i cant really remember the highlights... ermmm yeahhh that girl M.I.A and ermmm more of T.I and ermmm stupid duets Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus and stupid Jonas Brothers with STEVIE WONDER!!! wth ahhh.... they are so not worthy to sing with such a legend. And Kak Eka's teh-0 was nice. hahahaha!!! But it was such a bore lahhh to watch. DAMMIT. waste my time. And the winners are so foreign to me. I dont know wth they are. LOL. And now getting a grammy doesnt mean much anymore compared to last time. Like freakin lame shits can get a grammy lahhh... WLW. (I'm sorry... to me the grammys are the most important music awards evaaaaaaa~). AND LUCKILY Alicia Keys won ONE. so she has 12 now. LOL. AND LUCKILY NO BEYONCE for Yuzil... AND NO ANDREA BOCELLI TOO. HAHAHA.
AND AND they cheated me... they said Katy Perry performing "I Kissed a Girl" with the 'My Grammy Moment' Winner... but they didnt freaking broadcast it lahh. Maybe cause u know... censorship shit. ohhhh well.
TRAINING TODAY.... was AWESOMELY TIRING. OMG. but wells nvm at least i get to meet my crazy teammates. Ohh yahh and coming to school early was futile... did nothing... BUT AT LEAST i played my FIFA09. wooohooo damn exciting game. lol.
AND AND... i freaking need a new mp3!!! i want the SONY one!!! the pink one... damn nice. i know im a bimbo. And i wanna get a cool cap... like those freakin rappers... wahhh damn cool ahh... i bimbo rapper ah lian... LOL. and I need intense conditioning OR just liposuction. HAHAHAHA~!
And ermmm Istana was kinda fun... HAG!!!! no not that hag... HAG = HOT ARMY GUY. HAHAHAH.... hot sia... i swear... he's like in his late 30s... but handsome... and he exudes like a ultra manly vibe .... wahhhhhhh~ *melts*. LOL. I think im so merepek can... i go Istana... but i dun even know any of the ministers there.... I just take pictures with them without knowing who they are. LOL.
so ermmm

yes yes im smiling coz i saw her taking the pic... but the point is... im so freakin tanned. HELP!.

Whooopsy Daisy

Tall, taller, tallest

Bananas In Pyjamas

Bananas In Pyjamas spotted at the Istana.

Kinda like my feet compared to Cess'. HAHAHA... and the big ones are ABBY's!! haha..

I dont know... i just think it's damn cool. The first pair confirm Abby Wambach's... the next dunno... but i think the 3rd one is TARP's!!

HaO can FLY!!
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