well i guess this is growing up
Posted by vanillaspice on 8:20 AM
OMG damn sad ahh US WNT lost to Sweden during PK for the Algarve Cup TSK!!
And Tarp is not the constant starter for the matches. TSK... they've got new players dude.. And sadly Abby's not playing... but we've got TASH with her Mercurial Vapor Rosa!(grrr) and A.RoD up front. They are awesome!! And of course im gonna litter my blog with US WNT updates from the Algarve Cup much to your displeasure. AWESOME.. They got sandcastle building competition lohhh AWESOME or what ?? And crossbar challenge!! stupendous~!! yeahh i found an awesome word to replace awesome... STUPENDOUS!!
Ohhh yeahh about our ordeal in the NTU women's invitational whatever thingy.. we're doing awesomely bad... We should have totally owned NP in the game... luck is not on our side.. Kinda makes me feel like we were Brazil during the Olympics' Women's soccer gold medal game... we had a lot of chances and opportunities but didnt seem to get the ball in the net.. booo hiss booo... I've never played with NP before.. sad.. i was hoping i could try out their field... ohhh well... professional benchwarmer's duty to warm the bench.
Gym session with Boss, Buddy/darling and Binder was AWESOMELY STUPENDOUS. I miss the spaceship machine thingy.. LOL. Did the program that Angela planned for us according to our fat test thingy the other time. We looked like seasoned pros working the machines. LOL!! But i think the school gym's kinda cramped with A LOT of equipments!! Anyway after that we hijacked the pool!! with clothes on!!! HAHAHA! AWESOME OR WHAT... i got pushed into the pool lohh... WLW.. And they keep calling me a hamster... nice. lol.
Wish us the best for tmr's game against SMU... Hooooooo~
(yeahh US WNT PHOTO UP!!)

Players in the roster for the Algarve Cup. No Abby... booo hooo..

HaO tryna impersonate C.Ronaldo. LOL!!

TASH nonsense Kai.. lol

Chupps like WHATT ??!!

Place the ball...

And kick the hell out of it

Castle of Love by the Forwards

Marriage themed sandcastle thingy by the midfielders

Weirdo mermaid thingy by the Goalkeepers. (that's the awesome Hope Solo btw)

Some mermaid thingy by the Defenders... THEY WON... hahah... nice huh.

Tash is not happy... lol.
(yeahh US WNT PHOTO UP!!)

Players in the roster for the Algarve Cup. No Abby... booo hooo..

HaO tryna impersonate C.Ronaldo. LOL!!

TASH nonsense Kai.. lol

Chupps like WHATT ??!!

Place the ball...

And kick the hell out of it

Castle of Love by the Forwards

Marriage themed sandcastle thingy by the midfielders

Weirdo mermaid thingy by the Goalkeepers. (that's the awesome Hope Solo btw)

Some mermaid thingy by the Defenders... THEY WON... hahah... nice huh.

Tash is not happy... lol.
posted on 120309