What's my age again
Posted by vanillaspice on 7:54 AM
Che Mi Racconti ?
(what's up in Italiano)
Hmmm im starting to doubt the footage that we got for clubcrawl... like something's missing. TSK. NVM lahh i think we can piece it all together somehow. And errr tmr's our last game for the Challenge Cup. We're up against Middle Rangers 'A'. LET'S GO NYP LET'S GO!!.
School's starting on MOnday. TAHHH HELL. And i have only 4 modules lahhh tahh fcuk... All coz of the stupid F i got for Biomedical Electronics. TSK!! nvm Elly u can do this. Not really lookin forward for sch. Time table sucks. and errr i have to join a yr 2 class. TSK. im not in the mood to socialise yet. TSK. But BRING ON CLUB CRAWL. Cant wait to see new faces in the team.
Today we visited Feeza the semuts. SO AWESOME i get to see dressing. And is it a must for nurses to verbalize whatever they are doing ?? It's funny and weird to watch Soyah doing that. LOL. And watching S. League was damn boring. I'd expected more from MEN. but so boring. I tell u, if u watched any WPS match it'd have more flair, more exciting and happening sia.

THIS ONE!! so awesome. count the number of players. and i look dumb.

tmr if anybody scores, they shud run to the sidelines and celebrate with the benchwarmers.

Lindsay Tarpley. Red Star.

Captain Tarp! Pinoe is wearing the awesome Supafly!

Captain Chup vs Captain Tarp.
EXTRAORDINARY videos to feast ur eyes upon
School's starting on MOnday. TAHHH HELL. And i have only 4 modules lahhh tahh fcuk... All coz of the stupid F i got for Biomedical Electronics. TSK!! nvm Elly u can do this. Not really lookin forward for sch. Time table sucks. and errr i have to join a yr 2 class. TSK. im not in the mood to socialise yet. TSK. But BRING ON CLUB CRAWL. Cant wait to see new faces in the team.
Today we visited Feeza the semuts. SO AWESOME i get to see dressing. And is it a must for nurses to verbalize whatever they are doing ?? It's funny and weird to watch Soyah doing that. LOL. And watching S. League was damn boring. I'd expected more from MEN. but so boring. I tell u, if u watched any WPS match it'd have more flair, more exciting and happening sia.
Where's Elly's head ?
When u're walkin around the sch and then u see those banners up there.. look out for...
THIS ONE!! so awesome. count the number of players. and i look dumb.

tmr if anybody scores, they shud run to the sidelines and celebrate with the benchwarmers.
Lindsay Tarpley. Red Star.
Captain Tarp! Pinoe is wearing the awesome Supafly!

Captain Chup vs Captain Tarp.
EXTRAORDINARY videos to feast ur eyes upon
posted on 170409
right here
Posted by vanillaspice on 7:48 AM
(i dont know.. it's something HaO said)
We managed to record some of the scenes we planned for the CLUB CRAWL vid. awesnome. And it's damn hilarious to playback the videos and see what the hell my teammates and myself were doing in the vid. There was one vid that Nad was waving her hands in the air like some distressed monkey. AHHAHAHA. and one of Pat almost falling. hilarious. I think it'll look nice once we piece everything together.
I totally regretted playing soccer under my void deck ytd. DAMN NASTY BLISTERS. OUCH!! but wait... i actually enjoyed myself. so fun playing with my cousins. It's been a long while since we played together. AWESOME!!!
AND I LAUGH EVERYTIME I SEE MY TEAMMATES' RESULTS FOR THE HOW MUCH OF AN NYP SOCCER BIMBO ARE YOU ? QUIZ. HILARIOUS!. We've got Feeza the FAKE BIMBO. HAHAHAH. She's like damn excited when she saw the pic of our locker. lol. And i didnt expect Loooos to be SO NOT A BIMBO. I thought she might be a BIMBO IN DENIAL. lol. And Afni our TOTAL BIMBO. Do you know what she does while benchwarming ?? SHE FILES HER NAILS. HAHAHAHAHAH! TOTAL BIMBO. NO ARGUMENTS THERE.
I STILL WANT MY FOX SOCCER CHANNEL!! HELP!! anyone knows where to watch Women's Soccer matches online ?? helppp!! Im kinda happy coz i got to watch the whole match of USA vs AUS. SO AWESOME to watch them. Carli Lloyd is damn proshit.. she's an awesome playmaker. Tarp was left mid and HaO was right mid. SO COOL. dammit.. makes me want FOX SOCCER CHANNEL even more now!
(i dont know.. it's something HaO said)
We managed to record some of the scenes we planned for the CLUB CRAWL vid. awesnome. And it's damn hilarious to playback the videos and see what the hell my teammates and myself were doing in the vid. There was one vid that Nad was waving her hands in the air like some distressed monkey. AHHAHAHA. and one of Pat almost falling. hilarious. I think it'll look nice once we piece everything together.
I totally regretted playing soccer under my void deck ytd. DAMN NASTY BLISTERS. OUCH!! but wait... i actually enjoyed myself. so fun playing with my cousins. It's been a long while since we played together. AWESOME!!!
AND I LAUGH EVERYTIME I SEE MY TEAMMATES' RESULTS FOR THE HOW MUCH OF AN NYP SOCCER BIMBO ARE YOU ? QUIZ. HILARIOUS!. We've got Feeza the FAKE BIMBO. HAHAHAH. She's like damn excited when she saw the pic of our locker. lol. And i didnt expect Loooos to be SO NOT A BIMBO. I thought she might be a BIMBO IN DENIAL. lol. And Afni our TOTAL BIMBO. Do you know what she does while benchwarming ?? SHE FILES HER NAILS. HAHAHAHAHAH! TOTAL BIMBO. NO ARGUMENTS THERE.
I STILL WANT MY FOX SOCCER CHANNEL!! HELP!! anyone knows where to watch Women's Soccer matches online ?? helppp!! Im kinda happy coz i got to watch the whole match of USA vs AUS. SO AWESOME to watch them. Carli Lloyd is damn proshit.. she's an awesome playmaker. Tarp was left mid and HaO was right mid. SO COOL. dammit.. makes me want FOX SOCCER CHANNEL even more now!

CARLI LLOYD is my midfield playmaker idol

I'd kill to get this close to Tarp.

The Chinese girl like no expression sia.. doesnt she know she's standing beside GREATNESS ?

It's a bird, it's a plane, NO... it's ermm... caption this yourself

Awww... overworked underpaid teammates. HAHA.

Combination of Binder(stickman) and me(the weird looking logo).

HAHAHAH! this just cracks me up.
Stop calling TARP.. tarp-a-ware!! *stares at Rai and Owl*

CARLI LLOYD is my midfield playmaker idol

I'd kill to get this close to Tarp.

The Chinese girl like no expression sia.. doesnt she know she's standing beside GREATNESS ?

It's a bird, it's a plane, NO... it's ermm... caption this yourself
Awww... overworked underpaid teammates. HAHA.
Combination of Binder(stickman) and me(the weird looking logo).
HAHAHAH! this just cracks me up.
Stop calling TARP.. tarp-a-ware!! *stares at Rai and Owl*
posted on 120409
Posted by vanillaspice on 9:43 AM
OMG i went to the library with Eka just now. AWESOME MAN. It's been awhile since i read. And as u can tell, my english is deteriorating like tahhh hell. I actually wanted to borrow Diary of Anne Frank but i've no idea who the hell the author is. Anne Frank ?? lol. Couldnt find it. So i ended up reading HAIR magazine (totally awesome coiffure) and ermmm TRUE SINGAPORE GHOST STORIES 11!!!. SO FREAKIN LAME. I cant believe i really really read it... OMG. The ghost stories are like tahhh hell. OMG i must be dumb when i was younger.
Game today with Sporting Westlake. Unexpected win. BUT TOTALLY AWESOME. I didnt play. I think coz i havent been training at all and i just recovered so coach didnt want to put me in. I THINK SO AH. must be optimistic. For a pessimist Im pretty optimistic. 3-1!! AWESOME GOALS by Yuki and my mummy Shaf. and ermm i didnt get to touch MOMO, Yuki's dog. TSK. Saturday maybe. ohh and thanks Owl for waiting and watching.
Tomorrow, gym with Boss and hopefully Binder and then Club Crawl meeting with my nonsensically awesome teammates. GYM GYM GYM!
Actually im blogging coz im so excited abt the WPS (Women's Professional Soccer). THE LEAGUE IS ON!!!. awesome shits man! Tarp scored for her team against Chupp's team. So funny to watch them play against each other. And Tarp's the captain! awesome or what. yahhh yahhh TARP TARP TARP TARP TARP TARP. i know. And it's so weird to see them wearing a different jersey instead of the usual US kits. Some jerseys are nice. Some are too bright. LOL. If only i had FOX SOCCER CHANNEL. TSK.
posted on 080409
Game today with Sporting Westlake. Unexpected win. BUT TOTALLY AWESOME. I didnt play. I think coz i havent been training at all and i just recovered so coach didnt want to put me in. I THINK SO AH. must be optimistic. For a pessimist Im pretty optimistic. 3-1!! AWESOME GOALS by Yuki and my mummy Shaf. and ermm i didnt get to touch MOMO, Yuki's dog. TSK. Saturday maybe. ohh and thanks Owl for waiting and watching.
Tomorrow, gym with Boss and hopefully Binder and then Club Crawl meeting with my nonsensically awesome teammates. GYM GYM GYM!
Actually im blogging coz im so excited abt the WPS (Women's Professional Soccer). THE LEAGUE IS ON!!!. awesome shits man! Tarp scored for her team against Chupp's team. So funny to watch them play against each other. And Tarp's the captain! awesome or what. yahhh yahhh TARP TARP TARP TARP TARP TARP. i know. And it's so weird to see them wearing a different jersey instead of the usual US kits. Some jerseys are nice. Some are too bright. LOL. If only i had FOX SOCCER CHANNEL. TSK.
Tarp and HaO all dressed up with boots on

Tarp is evidently "enjoying" her ice bath. HaO act cool oni.

Captain TARP.

Chicago Red Stars jersey. the stars are like tahhh hell. but nice colour. and i love long sleeve jerseys so cool.

Washington Freedom(orange) vs LA Sol(black). Rare sight : Abby and Marta smiling at each other. AHHAHAH. check out Abby's BOOTS!! it's the new supafly or something or nothing. AWESOME!!

the awesome zALY WAGNER and crazy A.Rod.

The deligent players. WOW... their goalpost must be damn heavy. We only need 5 ppl to carry ours.

The lazy buggers. Every team has them. So disappointed in you Tash, Abby and Carli. LOL.

Guess who ? annoying ahh the face. LOL. It's HaO of course.

Tarp is evidently "enjoying" her ice bath. HaO act cool oni.

Captain TARP.

Chicago Red Stars jersey. the stars are like tahhh hell. but nice colour. and i love long sleeve jerseys so cool.

Washington Freedom(orange) vs LA Sol(black). Rare sight : Abby and Marta smiling at each other. AHHAHAH. check out Abby's BOOTS!! it's the new supafly or something or nothing. AWESOME!!

the awesome zALY WAGNER and crazy A.Rod.

The deligent players. WOW... their goalpost must be damn heavy. We only need 5 ppl to carry ours.

The lazy buggers. Every team has them. So disappointed in you Tash, Abby and Carli. LOL.

Guess who ? annoying ahh the face. LOL. It's HaO of course.
posted on 080409
coldest story ever told
Posted by vanillaspice on 3:46 AM
eHh EhH eHh
Gathering with my TONs was awesonome. Unborn was alright. Cam Gigandet is HOTT. the boy is disturbing with his blank stare. "jumbi wants to be born nowwwwww"... freakky. And ermm i think got asian version of unborn right ?? so familiar the title.
Tuesday game with Arion women. Awesonome game. I have no idea what the scoreline is. i took too much meds.. it's messing with my brain. Didnt play coz my 1 week mc was still valid. AHHAHA.
Wednesday Club Crawl meeting with Rai Honehhh and OWL. We played some lame guessing game to guess which club the other ppl were from. KINDA HARD. i cant tell them apart. And after the boring meeting, went to ITE Tampines to watch OWL's game. AWESOME!! all of them are pros dude. so cool. but i get depressed when i watch floorball. It's fast and the ball is small and den when im lookin at something else, somebody scores a goal. DAMMIT. haha. And den the security guard from the sch told us some ghost stories. AWESOME.
Yesterday, went for training.. ignored the MC. Supposed to take videos of the team for club crawl. didnt happen. boohooo. Took lame pics with Binder. Coach didnt allow me to train... DEPRESSING. I sat at the sidelines watching cikgu train Pat. SO FUN. just kick dipping balls to Pat. And so i decided to join cikgu. He taught me how to dip the ball. sometimes i can do it. sometimes i cant. lol. I kicked like 50 over balls. NOW MY HAMSTRING HURTS. But it was fun.
Today ? boringgggggggg. tmr game with Arion again. Dont know whether to go or not to. HAHA. but i want to watch. but to travel all the wayyyyy. haiyohhh. we'll see.

Binder's secret diet before training.

Pat gettin ready to save some balls

manual labour. opening the ball cage.

Binder juggling. HAHAHA.

Dont ask why im wearing shoes

Photoshoot. AHHAHA

Binder like chikopek sia...


Chloe giving Binder a massage by stepping on her.

Cess' & mine. Cess feet is really small.
WHO's WHO's WHO's HOT ??!!!
(Tarp of course)
Binder's secret diet before training.
Pat gettin ready to save some balls
manual labour. opening the ball cage.
Binder juggling. HAHAHA.
Dont ask why im wearing shoes
Photoshoot. AHHAHA
Binder like chikopek sia...
Chloe giving Binder a massage by stepping on her.
Cess' & mine. Cess feet is really small.
WHO's WHO's WHO's HOT ??!!!
(Tarp of course)
posted on 030409