Posted by vanillaspice on 12:34 AM
Wooooots i watched Terminator : Salvation with Loons and Haizel. AWESOME SHITs. Christian Bale handsomeeeeeee. wooooots. Looks like the character in LOST. lol. Moon Bloodgood damn hot. woooooooots. Staying over at their place was awesome. But they make me eat ALOT. And stupid sore throat and headaches. Luckily got Haizel who was nice enough to get me some meds to put me to sleep. Unlike Loooons who abruptly snored while we were watching Tuts My Barreh. LOL. And i know you love coccoon girl. HAHAHA.
Captain's Ball tourney was alright. We is rock despite the fact that we lost to Kelly's team. And i kept gettin warnings from the ref. "LAST WARNING AHH number 25!!". LOLs. But i really never do anything lohhhh!! When i really foul the person she never see. ohhh well.
Yesterday family day out. Awesome shits. Went to karaoke at Cash Box. Awesome shits. As usual they expected me to sing. But HELL NO. I dont sing. I only sing to gemok and do back up vocals with Haizel. HAHAHAHA. My favourite song is La Bamba. HAHAHAHAHAH. I is ROCK. Ohh and my brothers sound alike when they sing or at least attempt to. So weird.
posted on 310509
Captain's Ball tourney was alright. We is rock despite the fact that we lost to Kelly's team. And i kept gettin warnings from the ref. "LAST WARNING AHH number 25!!". LOLs. But i really never do anything lohhhh!! When i really foul the person she never see. ohhh well.
Yesterday family day out. Awesome shits. Went to karaoke at Cash Box. Awesome shits. As usual they expected me to sing. But HELL NO. I dont sing. I only sing to gemok and do back up vocals with Haizel. HAHAHAHA. My favourite song is La Bamba. HAHAHAHAHAH. I is ROCK. Ohh and my brothers sound alike when they sing or at least attempt to. So weird.
Watching some teevee. Look at HaO.
Best friends.


Sexy muscular toned legs.


Tahhh hell Luna.

I look drunk.

Awesome place

Birthday Girl.

Makcik-makcik karaoke-ing.

My glowing boobs.

Awesome famous amos cookies. I LIKE.

MY TWIN BROTHER! same smile. same eyes. HAHAHA.


Sexy muscular toned legs.


Tahhh hell Luna.

I look drunk.

Awesome place

Birthday Girl.

Makcik-makcik karaoke-ing.

My glowing boobs.

Awesome famous amos cookies. I LIKE.

MY TWIN BROTHER! same smile. same eyes. HAHAHA.

Hello Ella Kai Xin Wei.
posted on 310509