Posted by vanillaspice on 7:43 AM
HELLO WORLD. I is love my old blogskin.
wahhh wtf did i last blogged about ?
ohhh rightttt
wahhh wtf did i last blogged about ?
ohhh rightttt
Left4Dead-ing and Hotel 626-ing with Luna and Haizel was awesonome!! I dont scream anymore when the horde or the smoker or the tank or the hunter or boomer attacks me. Woooots achievement. BUT IM STILL SCARED OF THE WITCH. wlw. ha ma de ahh. And Hotel 626 with Haizel controlling the mouse was damn funny!! ahhahaha they captured Haizel's picture!! He was covering his eyes with his hands!! AHAHHAHAHAH!! funny shit. buat aku malu jer.
I love my tsunami(tiramisu) session with OWL. AHHAHAAH.. damn depressed until we ate a lot of tsunamis. And ermmm i am still damn depressed abt the fact that i was rejected from donating blood. WTF. they say they couldnt find my vein. HA MA DE EHHH. i wanna commit suicide now!
I've finished reading Harry Potter. Wahhhhh damn nice leh. And I wanna read moreee. It helps my English. And i keep getting confused with the Unforgivable Curses. Crucio lahh Imperius lahh ha ma de... but i know Avada Kedavra. Wooooots i wanna do Avada Kedavra on someone!! I love Snape.. he is so cool. More HARRY POTTER books pls!!
ANGELS & DEMONS with OWL was AWESOME!!! woooooooooooots. But we were freezing our butts off in the theater. WTF damn cold. I was wearing long sleeve but still cold. LUCKILY!! I had lab on Friday! SO I PUT ON MY LAB COAT!! HAHAHAHAH. I is so cool! We were shaking and dancing and controlling our bladders loh. HAHA. and OWL is such a dinosaur.. she wants to eat Lays but then I ended up eating MOST of it!! THANKS OWL!
THK moral home visit with Eka and Owl was awesome. We baked cookies. damn fun. And got this damn cute resident. DAMN SMART LAHHH! wlw. and damn funny. lol. And there was this other resident.. the last visit she showed us some indecent gestures.. den skali she smile lahhh sia ytd. Wahhhh.. scary shit. I didnt know how to react. But i just smiled. HAHAHAHA.
Anyway I is damn sad. Sky Blue FC beat Chicago Red Stars 2-0!!! and FC Gold Pride beat Red Stars 1-0!! TSKKK!!! C'MON RED STARS!!! ur team so pro got Tarp, Carli, Cristiane, Pinoe, Caroline Jonsson. TSKKKK!! C'MON WE NEED TO WIN!!!
Tash's leg tattoo. damn nice sia the tribal/polynesian/hawaiian design


Look at Tarp's QUADS. OMG !

Hi Tarp!

"mari kita rakyat Singapura sama-sama menuju bahagiaaaaaa" (Boxxy too tall lehhh she blocking my Tarp.. actually it's all HaO's fault!)
Carli Lloyd. The Midfield Maestro
Pass to Tarpp!!! nice ahh the red jacket. Lloyd's awesome Superfly boots.
Look at my hair so niceeeee!! GROW HAIR GROW!!... hello the other ppl in the pic! LOL.

Tidur kak ??
posted on 180509.