Stop dragging my heart around
Posted by vanillaspice on 11:12 PM
Hahahaha. I just did CPR on my blog. Kay not funny.
OMGs so longggggggggg i never update horh ? Anyways school's out. Bring on the holidays! And dude i think i should get a jobbbbb. any lobang ?
And i can finally return to the field after like 10,000 years ?! What with the toe injury and exams and bla bla bla. Cant wait to kick balls. I miss juggling with my teammates. LOL.
Anyway i read HP and the Deathly Hallows. SO AWESOME. But why must innocent people die ? TSK. Especially SNAPEEEEEEEEE!! TSKKK!! Snape my best friend siol. And the bestest best curse/spell ever is SECTUMSEMPRA! shut up!
Chilling out at home is damn fun. I get to wake up whenever i wantttttttt. What could be better then that ?! And ermm drawing is fun too. And im gonna start my gym craze with OWL soooooooooon.
WPS season ended. Unexpected win by SKY BLUE FC. wooots wooots. AND MY DEAR TARP TORE HER ACL. OHHHH MAHHH GODDDDDzzzz!!! !^&#$!^$%!($&!!#%$!& which idiot tackled her from behind ?? Tarp's totally bummed but optimistic regardless. Tarp and Rai can share ACL experiences. LOL. But At least it's off season and there's no big tournaments coming up for Tarp so rehab would be fine. But got international friendlies! TSK. Ohhhh Tarppp... *shakes head*
I want to go back to like the Romantic, Classical Era ahhh. I want to watch Beethoven or Liszt perform. SO COOOOOOL. I think I'd just die of Stendhal's Syndrome. It'd be damn awesome lahhh. Ohhh anybody who has Totentanz - Franz Liszt pleaseeeeeeeee send it to me. I NEED IT.
Tomorrowwwww... day out with my bunch of favourite ppl. Naia Banks, Kak Eka and Hippo Bas. Popeye's! Wooooots woooots. CHICKENNNN~ I LOVEEEEEEEEE~
Im gonna upload random photos horhhh

TRIBUTE TO TARP's RIGHT ACL. 1 min of silence pls. HAH~

BOXXAYYYY~ she rocks!

Karina LeBlanc can fly!

Chuppa vs Rampone. Captain and Vice Captain of the USWNT. so cooooool~

Cristiane, piggy back-ing Pinoe. BINDERRRR piggy back me pls~

Jonathan Rhys Meyers. WOOOOOOTs.

Look at that jaw line. The facial features. Hotttt

His eyessssssssss


My hairrrr veryyyy niceeeeee... oooops sorry. hahaa. Hello Kak Eka, Bas and Hanis aka Dah Lama Hidup
Im gonna miss the nonsense + help i get in class. TSkKkKk~
And no more death eater twin!
Let's all pray that i pass all my modules kay ?? kay best.
posted on 310809