What's my age again ?
Posted by vanillaspice on 10:50 PM
I is damn bored now. Hari Raya coming in 2 days. Wooots woooots.
Job interviews are a major PITA. TSK. and the stupid fortune teller on facebook tells me that i wont get a job. HAHAHAH. SLAPP HIS FACE! C'mon i need a jobbbbb. Pretty please.
And thanks Rai for helping me find jobs. HAHA. You is my bestest friend. (dont tell bas).
Im supposed to be polishing/cleaning all the wooden stuffs but heh~ The weather is so nice now. All i wanna do is curl up in bed. HAHAHA. shut up.
I miss USWNT! TSK. So boring. WPS season ended. Women's World Cup dont know when. Then the USWNT blog so lame oneeee. TSK. C'mon i need updates on the greatest team you've never heard of.
kay im super bored. Im gonna upload random photos again! brace urself!

Say Hi to GEMOK!

Binder and me. Kilani i dont know who. HAHA.

I'll miss this.

And this.

And this.

And this definitely! HAHA

HAH~ i know i know mitts wasnt looking at Tarp. And i cant draw faces. SHUT UP.

What did she say ?? Get your stuff!
So anybody wanna lead the dance ?
Say Hi to GEMOK!
Binder and me. Kilani i dont know who. HAHA.
I'll miss this.
And this.

And this.
And this definitely! HAHA

HAH~ i know i know mitts wasnt looking at Tarp. And i cant draw faces. SHUT UP.

What did she say ?? Get your stuff!
So anybody wanna lead the dance ?
posted on 180909