dont waste my time
Posted by vanillaspice on 4:41 AM
ohh how i miss listening to my morbid classical pieces.
I need new songs... anybody ?? no ?? dust....
Anyway today was awesomeeeeeeeeeeee! played street soccer with Loooos, Naj, Fat, Feeza, Nuri, the twins, Kin, Nani, Rodz(i think) and Sly the mouse. Looos will always complain abt me taking a shot from far out... C'MON... im just trying my luck.... and something hilarious happened that i cannot explain... Nani rocks!. lol. Sorry Yuzil... i cant contact you coz u said ur phone died. U shud have been there... AND AND AND... i am tanned like a freakin toast can... my face is red.. red as a crab. OMG... i need whitening lotion!!! i need to look chinese!!(dun ask me why). And Feeza was damn annoying but hilarious... like nobody want to entertain her... ahhahaha!! she became the ref since she cacat... and she kept singin "Whatever You Like" like 10,000 times. lol.
I've been having this urge to like dress up and go out somewhere..... like emancipating myself. HAHAHA... i know freakin lame... but wells. And i so cannot wait for stupid semestral exams to end. I need a freaking long holiday!! How i wish my house was equipped with gym equipments like the leg curlers and everything else that aids in strengthening the leg muscles. HAHAHA. im a psycho. i know. And i think im having my PMS... coz im craving for chapatti and keema!! ahhhhh~ i need to eat meat!! dammit.
ehhh Today is Naia Banks' bday!... HAPPY HAPPY BIRD DAY TO YOU (in Patrick Star's tone). You crazy mok mok. hahaha! ohh I love you Nad.
random PHOTO UP

professional captain's ball-ers. HAHAHA!

my annoying teammates

more of them. look at Feeza and her nonsense.

Yani, Kak Nad, Atsu, me, Atiqah and ermmm Cikgu sebok. HAHAHA.. nice card right ?

Me and my cacat boss.

classmates. omg i look so freakin tanned.

guess whose hand.

Yes that's Nad. Happy Birthday NAD!!!

My Tarp! HAHAH.

OWL's Abby

OWL's interpretation of a sloth... pls lohhh Sloths are such gentle creatures.

my masterpiece. HAHAHAHA!
posted on 260109
ohh how i miss listening to my morbid classical pieces.
I need new songs... anybody ?? no ?? dust....
Anyway today was awesomeeeeeeeeeeee! played street soccer with Loooos, Naj, Fat, Feeza, Nuri, the twins, Kin, Nani, Rodz(i think) and Sly the mouse. Looos will always complain abt me taking a shot from far out... C'MON... im just trying my luck.... and something hilarious happened that i cannot explain... Nani rocks!. lol. Sorry Yuzil... i cant contact you coz u said ur phone died. U shud have been there... AND AND AND... i am tanned like a freakin toast can... my face is red.. red as a crab. OMG... i need whitening lotion!!! i need to look chinese!!(dun ask me why). And Feeza was damn annoying but hilarious... like nobody want to entertain her... ahhahaha!! she became the ref since she cacat... and she kept singin "Whatever You Like" like 10,000 times. lol.
I've been having this urge to like dress up and go out somewhere..... like emancipating myself. HAHAHA... i know freakin lame... but wells. And i so cannot wait for stupid semestral exams to end. I need a freaking long holiday!! How i wish my house was equipped with gym equipments like the leg curlers and everything else that aids in strengthening the leg muscles. HAHAHA. im a psycho. i know. And i think im having my PMS... coz im craving for chapatti and keema!! ahhhhh~ i need to eat meat!! dammit.
ehhh Today is Naia Banks' bday!... HAPPY HAPPY BIRD DAY TO YOU (in Patrick Star's tone). You crazy mok mok. hahaha! ohh I love you Nad.
random PHOTO UP
professional captain's ball-ers. HAHAHA!
my annoying teammates
more of them. look at Feeza and her nonsense.
Yani, Kak Nad, Atsu, me, Atiqah and ermmm Cikgu sebok. HAHAHA.. nice card right ?
Me and my cacat boss.

classmates. omg i look so freakin tanned.

guess whose hand.

Yes that's Nad. Happy Birthday NAD!!!
My Tarp! HAHAH.
OWL's Abby
OWL's interpretation of a sloth... pls lohhh Sloths are such gentle creatures.
my masterpiece. HAHAHAHA!
posted on 260109
what a shame we all became
Posted by vanillaspice on 5:23 AM
OMG... yesterday was a freakin interesting day.
Joanne said i was emo-ing. I assure you i wasnt... maybe i was. But i realised that if u dun talk to me for an extended period of time... i will get more in touch with the ermm other side of my bipolarity... the side that is rather unpleasant. And soooooooooo... forgive me if I ignored you, thrown my bitch fits at you or used profanities excessively. It's a phase. It will go away(i hope). And after school lepak-ed with OWL... wooohoooo teh tarik time!! OWL was attacked by a doggy!! hhahahahaa not really lahh... she just didnt realise that a dog was making it's way towards her. SO FUNNY CAN. SO CUTE AND INNOCENT THE DOGGY. While we were lepak-ing... suddenly got a group of like ermmm i dunno... they look like gangster... they walked towards the inline hockey players... so we ignored ahh... and continued crapping... then Owl was like "why they exchanging numbers ahhh ??"... den i was all like "yahhh... why they dun want our number??" ... den suddenly 2 of them came up to us and they were CIDs lohhh!! ahhahaha.. so funny. so we were screened. And not long after that a crazy boy sprinted away when he saw the officers. WAHHHH like watching triple nine on teeeveee dude. SO FAST they run. hahaha. he was caught anyway.
And den when only the two of us were left at the hockey court... weird things started to happen. Like OWL... who kept lookin at the street soccer court. And me... i kept seeing things like flying past around us. And then i finally asked OWL... she said she saw it from far... it was roaming around. what a night! And after she sent me home... on her way back home... she saw it gain. how lucky ?? lol. kinda freaky but interesting huh.

Happy face foam in my wine

dont leave a camera anywhere near me.

somebody get me these!! NIKE MERCURIAL VAPOR ROSA.

i found Abby's pic in a mag!

I need to do more of this.

somehow.. Chuppa looks cool plus cute.

Angry Kai. ahahhaha. scary huh.

HaO talkin to herself.

Tarpie and her crazy quads.

my best friends. HaO and Tarp.
PSYCHOANALYSIS will save me from myself.
Rai Honehh... dont emo okayy... hahahah... miss u ahhh stupid bestie.
posted on 210109
Joanne said i was emo-ing. I assure you i wasnt... maybe i was. But i realised that if u dun talk to me for an extended period of time... i will get more in touch with the ermm other side of my bipolarity... the side that is rather unpleasant. And soooooooooo... forgive me if I ignored you, thrown my bitch fits at you or used profanities excessively. It's a phase. It will go away(i hope). And after school lepak-ed with OWL... wooohoooo teh tarik time!! OWL was attacked by a doggy!! hhahahahaa not really lahh... she just didnt realise that a dog was making it's way towards her. SO FUNNY CAN. SO CUTE AND INNOCENT THE DOGGY. While we were lepak-ing... suddenly got a group of like ermmm i dunno... they look like gangster... they walked towards the inline hockey players... so we ignored ahh... and continued crapping... then Owl was like "why they exchanging numbers ahhh ??"... den i was all like "yahhh... why they dun want our number??" ... den suddenly 2 of them came up to us and they were CIDs lohhh!! ahhahaha.. so funny. so we were screened. And not long after that a crazy boy sprinted away when he saw the officers. WAHHHH like watching triple nine on teeeveee dude. SO FAST they run. hahaha. he was caught anyway.
And den when only the two of us were left at the hockey court... weird things started to happen. Like OWL... who kept lookin at the street soccer court. And me... i kept seeing things like flying past around us. And then i finally asked OWL... she said she saw it from far... it was roaming around. what a night! And after she sent me home... on her way back home... she saw it gain. how lucky ?? lol. kinda freaky but interesting huh.

Happy face foam in my wine
dont leave a camera anywhere near me.

somebody get me these!! NIKE MERCURIAL VAPOR ROSA.

i found Abby's pic in a mag!

I need to do more of this.

somehow.. Chuppa looks cool plus cute.

Angry Kai. ahahhaha. scary huh.

HaO talkin to herself.

Tarpie and her crazy quads.

my best friends. HaO and Tarp.
PSYCHOANALYSIS will save me from myself.
Rai Honehh... dont emo okayy... hahahah... miss u ahhh stupid bestie.
posted on 210109
where do we go from here
Posted by vanillaspice on 8:04 AM
HELLO HUMANS!! (i sound like Feeza)
A lot of events past since i last updated. Like ermmmm, Kick It 09, lepak sessions with Bas, unexpected events, floorball matches... uhuh. And I finally get to eat my CHEESE GARLIC BREAD... no thanks to Bas... BUT THANKS TO MY OWL!!! YAY OWL YAY!
Kick It 09. Utterly disappointing. I know i looked pissed on the field. hahahah... i was... kinda. But scored one. and errmmm that stupid freekick miss!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~ omf lohhh. It didnt feel good leaving my feet.... so i kinda knew it wasnt gonna go in... it was creeping near the top corner... AHHHHHHH~~ SO FREAKING SAD... that was like a moment for me... like God gave me a turn kinda thing. saddening. Nonetheless had fun playing with my teammates and other girls who are not in soccer.
LEPAK SESSIONS with Bas... ahhh never ending complains abt each other's life. hahaha. MOREEE MOREEEEE. lol. kinda nice to share with u ahhh Hippo... coz we usually like dont really share stories and shit eventhough we're damn close.
UNEXPECTED EVENTS are not to be disclosed.
FLOORBALL MATCHES. Damn sad ahhh NYP lost. wlw. And the TP goalkeeper was Mard lohhh... that crazy girl. And to NYP girl's floorball team... win or lose im still your number 1 fan okay!!! GO NYP!!
NYP SINFONIA. Got free tix from Haida... went with Owl, Pat(floorball) and Kelly. fun fun fun. Omg i love Gloriosa. DAMN NICE AHHH. Kinda like Lacrimosa, but not so morbid. Got gregorian chant somemore. so cool can. And Kelly is lame shits ahhh... wanna know why ?? Coz she's BINDER's friend lahh.. WLW. hahaha! And she's confused abt my race... she asked if i was Chinese or Malay. HAHAHAHA.
Anyway self-trainin just now was fun. Package with Zil... ohhh God i miss playing with Zil. Kinda practiced placing for awhile on my own... but the ball didnt like go where i wanted it to. haiyahhh... and no Pat... so no keeper to kill. HAHAHA. then 2 sides... magic tricks with Zil was fun. hahaha... Sapi team sucks!!! Magician ROCKS! so nice of hippo to wait till trainin ends. awwwwwwww...
And errr.... PHOTO UP ???

drunk and karaoke-ing

meet Kanyelly West

ahhhh~~~ pimples!

ahhh crazy nerd.

OMG i didnt know my tail was that cool lohhh... jakon-ism. and no matter what the person always cut senget one. one side longer than the other... i think his brain senget.

Loons my camwhoring partner


NYP Sinfonia. Pat, Owl, Kelly, Elly

bored in class. dont laugh at my handwriting. i cannot write numbers.

Dodo ask me to act like sumo. I know... no link to the life-size poster thingy.

sponsored by... NIKE... just do it.

emoshit ahh.
ruoy no ym lyenol dnim, kniht tba uoy dna maerd tba uoy lla eht emit. [Svenska]
posted on 200109
A lot of events past since i last updated. Like ermmmm, Kick It 09, lepak sessions with Bas, unexpected events, floorball matches... uhuh. And I finally get to eat my CHEESE GARLIC BREAD... no thanks to Bas... BUT THANKS TO MY OWL!!! YAY OWL YAY!
Kick It 09. Utterly disappointing. I know i looked pissed on the field. hahahah... i was... kinda. But scored one. and errmmm that stupid freekick miss!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~ omf lohhh. It didnt feel good leaving my feet.... so i kinda knew it wasnt gonna go in... it was creeping near the top corner... AHHHHHHH~~ SO FREAKING SAD... that was like a moment for me... like God gave me a turn kinda thing. saddening. Nonetheless had fun playing with my teammates and other girls who are not in soccer.
LEPAK SESSIONS with Bas... ahhh never ending complains abt each other's life. hahaha. MOREEE MOREEEEE. lol. kinda nice to share with u ahhh Hippo... coz we usually like dont really share stories and shit eventhough we're damn close.
UNEXPECTED EVENTS are not to be disclosed.
FLOORBALL MATCHES. Damn sad ahhh NYP lost. wlw. And the TP goalkeeper was Mard lohhh... that crazy girl. And to NYP girl's floorball team... win or lose im still your number 1 fan okay!!! GO NYP!!
NYP SINFONIA. Got free tix from Haida... went with Owl, Pat(floorball) and Kelly. fun fun fun. Omg i love Gloriosa. DAMN NICE AHHH. Kinda like Lacrimosa, but not so morbid. Got gregorian chant somemore. so cool can. And Kelly is lame shits ahhh... wanna know why ?? Coz she's BINDER's friend lahh.. WLW. hahaha! And she's confused abt my race... she asked if i was Chinese or Malay. HAHAHAHA.
Anyway self-trainin just now was fun. Package with Zil... ohhh God i miss playing with Zil. Kinda practiced placing for awhile on my own... but the ball didnt like go where i wanted it to. haiyahhh... and no Pat... so no keeper to kill. HAHAHA. then 2 sides... magic tricks with Zil was fun. hahaha... Sapi team sucks!!! Magician ROCKS! so nice of hippo to wait till trainin ends. awwwwwwww...
And errr.... PHOTO UP ???

drunk and karaoke-ing

meet Kanyelly West

ahhhh~~~ pimples!

ahhh crazy nerd.

OMG i didnt know my tail was that cool lohhh... jakon-ism. and no matter what the person always cut senget one. one side longer than the other... i think his brain senget.

Loons my camwhoring partner


NYP Sinfonia. Pat, Owl, Kelly, Elly

bored in class. dont laugh at my handwriting. i cannot write numbers.

Dodo ask me to act like sumo. I know... no link to the life-size poster thingy.

sponsored by... NIKE... just do it.

emoshit ahh.
ruoy no ym lyenol dnim, kniht tba uoy dna maerd tba uoy lla eht emit. [Svenska]
posted on 200109
dance with me
Posted by vanillaspice on 9:00 AM
I swear Nad was high on something just now. Must be the teh tarik. hahaha!! Ohhh how i love Nad and Bas and Khai. Damn funny can. And so we went to Mr Teh Tarik after school. Invited Atika Kamsan but she said she was knackered... TETTTTT. Excuses, minus 5 points. And sooooo the lameness unfolds as we slowly gulp down our teh tarik. HAHAHAHAH. whattt tahhh hell. Nad with her blurness and Bas with her lameness. And burger Ramlee. WOOOOOOOOH~ powerr!! And den lepak-ed with Bas at the park.. and den we saw something indecent and den we chged location and den we met our sec sch friends with their dogs and den we ciao!
TODAY in school,
ermmm... got to know my marketing results. not bad. den completed biomaterials report. and den damn bored in bioelectronics played BINGO with Joanne. HAHAHAHHAHA! damn fun. we played for like almost 1 and a half hour. wahhhhhh. and den i was so excited to meet Dr. H. G... sekali they cheat my feelings ahh. Got some talk about Nanotechnology and bla bla bla. It wasted my 1 hr of lab with DHG aka TARP-look-alike. But nvm coz got another hour... and den suddenly... jenggg jengg jenggg... entered Lab... and DHG was no where in sight!! sad sad sad. But after that i saw her at the Blk S exhibitions there... wooohoooo... she asked me to play some lame games in the computer and so i did. quite fun knowwww. haha. and then after that left to join Coco and Jojo to play badminton. Met Nad and she joined us and she displayed her hidden talents in volleyball and badminton. HAHAHAHA. and den Teh Tarik lohhhh.
CCA fair with Bas and Eka at JY.. fun fun fun... after that soccer date with crazy teammates and ermmm attack Pak Busu's house. FUN FUN FUN.. and tmr can be navigator for bestie Cess. haha. YAY. gonna scold her if she sings.
I crashed the open house thingy. I was an ermmm how do u put it... uninvited tour guide ?? hahahaha. heyyy but at least i still did the job horhhhh. not gaji buta kay. Saw my honehhhhhh... ohhh honehhh how i missed you and ur craziness.
NOW I CANT SLEEP. all thanks to NUR BASIRAH. she made me finish her teh tarik after i finished mine. WLW... i'll be a freakin zombie tmr for sure.
wells i guess it's time for

nerd in lab

Dr. Ella Gardner ? see my labcoat got name tag sumore. so cool.

honehhh. Save the cheerleader, save the world. haha

bimbo club

cut hair time!!!
posted on 100109.
sally's song
Posted by vanillaspice on 5:55 AM
Ohhh maaaa GOD...
NYP Esfera Capitao '09. in English NYP Captain's Ball. i think they wanna act Spanish or Italian.. or just Latin.
Anyway we got THIRD!!! HAHAHAHA!! we're proshits dude. This is an achievement lohhh... we were the only ALL-GIRLS team to get into top 3... other teams all cheat one... got guys in the team. And guess what our team name is ?? SOCCER GALZ!! ahhahahahaa! i hate the no-contact rules. WLW... so irritating. I always have the urge and tendency to push and pull my marker so i was fouled. BASKET. but it was fun. We actually wanted to walk over. But the organizer wanted us to play. So we played scissors-paper-stone, if they win, we will play. If we win, we walk over. AND ALL THANKS TO QIM... we lost. And so we played for the 3rd placing game. Pretty tough game but we won. heh~ And we got extra medals. HAHAHA. We rock!! nice play team bimbo.
And YAY DR. H. G class on FRIDAY... wooooh to the hooooooo. and ermm i cant wait for Kick It 08. wanna win medal again. ahhaha. And ermm i wanna watch NYP soccer boys and floorball IVP!!. GO NYP!!!
And ermmm i have nothing more to say... let's see... nahh nothing. but there was something funny that i was supposed to blog about. dammit i forget.
PHOTO UP!!! (random one)

why our faces like that Nad ??

Bas and Eka

Nad looks scary.

Atika Kamsan looks scary-er than a Fatimah Rocker.

Ella Kai

Naia Banks

Maxine Stephens

Yra Jane-Hippo.

I miss talking abt Cristina Scabbia, the Italian hottie.


ohhh Josh Farro.... why dont u come over to Singapore.....
posted on 070109
NYP Esfera Capitao '09. in English NYP Captain's Ball. i think they wanna act Spanish or Italian.. or just Latin.
Anyway we got THIRD!!! HAHAHAHA!! we're proshits dude. This is an achievement lohhh... we were the only ALL-GIRLS team to get into top 3... other teams all cheat one... got guys in the team. And guess what our team name is ?? SOCCER GALZ!! ahhahahahaa! i hate the no-contact rules. WLW... so irritating. I always have the urge and tendency to push and pull my marker so i was fouled. BASKET. but it was fun. We actually wanted to walk over. But the organizer wanted us to play. So we played scissors-paper-stone, if they win, we will play. If we win, we walk over. AND ALL THANKS TO QIM... we lost. And so we played for the 3rd placing game. Pretty tough game but we won. heh~ And we got extra medals. HAHAHA. We rock!! nice play team bimbo.
And YAY DR. H. G class on FRIDAY... wooooh to the hooooooo. and ermm i cant wait for Kick It 08. wanna win medal again. ahhaha. And ermm i wanna watch NYP soccer boys and floorball IVP!!. GO NYP!!!
And ermmm i have nothing more to say... let's see... nahh nothing. but there was something funny that i was supposed to blog about. dammit i forget.
PHOTO UP!!! (random one)
why our faces like that Nad ??
Bas and Eka
Nad looks scary.
Atika Kamsan looks scary-er than a Fatimah Rocker.
Ella Kai
Naia Banks
Maxine Stephens
Yra Jane-Hippo.

I miss talking abt Cristina Scabbia, the Italian hottie.

ohhh Josh Farro.... why dont u come over to Singapore.....
I sense there's something in the wind,
That feels like tragedy's at hand.
Uncommon Reaction.
That feels like tragedy's at hand.
Uncommon Reaction.
posted on 070109