wake me up inside
Posted by vanillaspice on 6:39 AM
Exams are finally over!!! but i dunno what the hell to do.... so freakin aimless and shit... maybe i shud start PSP-ing again... or maybe attack Loons' house and play LEFT 4 DEAD... OMG that game is damn scary ahh... crazy hordes of zombies chasing after you... OMG... that's the only time that u can hear me scream. LOL!! the witch is disturbing too.. And my little cuzzin Ary is damn cute ahh... he say he wanted to try play... den when the witch come out oni he moved back and threw the mouse at me. LOL!!!
And Yuzil... hurry up lahhhh... stupid P1.... i want play soccer at TP ahh!! *angry Andrea stares at you*.. ohhh yahhh and pls make the Algarve cup come faster... i need more updates on my favourite team!!! so i can irritate the hell out of u guys with US WNT pics... im cool like that(Binder teach me one)...
okayyy as u can tell i have no idea what to blog abt.... BUT... im supposed to mention shaf's name... so here goes... RAINCOAT AH GO GO!!!... i better see my name on ur blog ahh!
so ermmmm...
i think i shud wear that thing for soccer huh... so nobody has to see my lion hair again.
Cess and the passengers in her car, Nuri and me.
Birthday Girl.
Other side of the table.
My side of the table... dont u dare laugh at my pseudo-rebonded ugly hair... i dunno why like that... so bodoh...
Gemok got punched by my neighbour's cat, Oren... actually her name is Ginger.. I DONT CARE... i call it Oren.

AK looks gooooooooood.

A-Rod chasing Tarp. I bet their bibs smell nicer than ours. HAHAHAH.

I know Tash Kai looks like some Dayak... BUT LOOK AT HER BOOTS!!! IT'S THE FREAKIN MERCURIAL VAPOR ROSA!!! WTH... I hate them... they can chg boots like nobody's business.

HaO bullying Hope and Barney.

I'll be doing lots of this tmr... YAY!!! that's Tobes btw.
Spend all your time waiting
For that second chance
For a break that'll make it okay
There's always some reason
To feel not good enough
And it gets harder at the end of the day
For that second chance
For a break that'll make it okay
There's always some reason
To feel not good enough
And it gets harder at the end of the day
FEEZA THE SEMUT IS SO KEDEKUT!! (OMG... i just made a rhyme!)
posted on 260209
evil beat
Posted by vanillaspice on 7:13 AM
awwww this will be the last exams we'll be taking with DODO BIRD... so sad... nobody to give me crash course ready. LOL. Enjoy ur attachment DoDo.
And err i decided to blog since ermm.. i've got nothing else to do...I just got back from lepak session with Bas. I love Bas and her nonsense... RUMPUT GORENG for the win!!. I owe u ten dough-larr and a meal... deal or no deal ? and OMG TONs should go out together soon. TSK... i need my dose of lameness to unwind from the exam stress.
Training has become intensive fitness training coz the field cannot be used... so we use the gym... WOW... my upper body is weaker than my lower limbs. LOL... my biceps suck... HAHAHAHA... Boss should know... LOL... i love the abs cruncher machine thingy... damn funny... and that leg raiser thing... LOL... my teammates are clowns in the gym. we rocks.
Okay thermofluids today was suspiciously do-able... so scary!!... but ohhh well.. i did my best.

slap me now! i have sexy hands. HAHAHAHAHA.

Hanis and Eka

The Volunteers!

The temple dude.

Haizel, Hazlin, HazeloooooooooonsNa

did i post this before ?? haha.

HI! Im Rai!

The happiest to the unhappiest. LOL. Pat like want to kill ppl.


Happy Tarp.
ABBY, BOXXY, HOPE, TARPPY, BARNEY... and the others i cant make it out. LOL...
Feminism unveiled. LOL. Mia Hamm quite hot ahh. haha
POSTED ON 210209
if i will it all away
Posted by vanillaspice on 5:42 AM
What the freakin frack ?? (kay sorry i just miss Alice)
hmmmm lemme see....
Studying with my teammates was fun. LOL. And i INKED Binder with STITCH(lilo&stitch). LOL... she drew me some lame cat and said that my Stitch was ugly... BASKET! Boss forever with her steamed fries cravings.... Buddy and her indecisiveness... Chloe and her excuse for a distraction... LOL. Training after that was a total fat burner. HAHAHAH. fcuken knackered after that... almost puked! but good news is muscles are toning.
AND... me and Buddy like showered coz we were feeling sticky and humid in the midst of studying. LOL!!! BUT IT WAS AWESOME!!!!.... Hoooooo~
ahhhh cant remember much... I know i went for ermm Shaiful's play ytd... it was nice... i like the crazy dancing hippies ensemble. LOL. and den ermmm Today is the ermmm... what do u call it ?? the err... okay i have no idea what it's called but it involves YEC members plus police officers plus ermm... misunderstood kids from JY... LOL. Kinda fun...We went to the SPF HQ and ermm a Mosque and a Temple... it was kinda like a tour that ermmmm implements racial integration and tolerance...I THINK... HAHA.... But.... should have interacted more... but they kinda shy and im kinda scared of them. LOL. AND AFTER THAT.... VDAY with Buddy, Cess and Yani and a sesat and ET hippo. LOL. We watched MIRRORS at Cess' house. Buddy is a scardy cat!!!... LOL.
Lemme just ermmm post pics kay...

HaNiS, eLLa Kai, eKa Lai kLuFt

Bas' small ugly fingers. AHHAHAH.... sorry Bas.

U'd never guess how long we took to get this picture.

ahhh... okay Bas...

Hanisssss... during meeting LOL... we were THAT bored.

Ella Kai & Eka Lai

wahhh my hair kinda annoying huh.... need to TRIM!

The tattoo on Binder's arm... nice right ?? WLW... ungrateful Binder.

EVANESCENCE!!! Lithium Video... cool huh... somehow they look edible

Team meeting to discuss new jersey's design!! WOW... let's have one!
posted on 140109
When you're taught thru feelings
Posted by vanillaspice on 8:08 AM
Freaking Grammys was a freakin disappointment dude. Except for when there was T.I(HOT) and ermmm.... wait i cant really remember the highlights... ermmm yeahhh that girl M.I.A and ermmm more of T.I and ermmm stupid duets Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus and stupid Jonas Brothers with STEVIE WONDER!!! wth ahhh.... they are so not worthy to sing with such a legend. And Kak Eka's teh-0 was nice. hahahaha!!! But it was such a bore lahhh to watch. DAMMIT. waste my time. And the winners are so foreign to me. I dont know wth they are. LOL. And now getting a grammy doesnt mean much anymore compared to last time. Like freakin lame shits can get a grammy lahhh... WLW. (I'm sorry... to me the grammys are the most important music awards evaaaaaaa~). AND LUCKILY Alicia Keys won ONE. so she has 12 now. LOL. AND LUCKILY NO BEYONCE for Yuzil... AND NO ANDREA BOCELLI TOO. HAHAHA.
AND AND they cheated me... they said Katy Perry performing "I Kissed a Girl" with the 'My Grammy Moment' Winner... but they didnt freaking broadcast it lahh. Maybe cause u know... censorship shit. ohhhh well.
TRAINING TODAY.... was AWESOMELY TIRING. OMG. but wells nvm at least i get to meet my crazy teammates. Ohh yahh and coming to school early was futile... did nothing... BUT AT LEAST i played my FIFA09. wooohooo damn exciting game. lol.
AND AND... i freaking need a new mp3!!! i want the SONY one!!! the pink one... damn nice. i know im a bimbo. And i wanna get a cool cap... like those freakin rappers... wahhh damn cool ahh... i bimbo rapper ah lian... LOL. and I need intense conditioning OR just liposuction. HAHAHAHA~!
And ermmm Istana was kinda fun... HAG!!!! no not that hag... HAG = HOT ARMY GUY. HAHAHAH.... hot sia... i swear... he's like in his late 30s... but handsome... and he exudes like a ultra manly vibe .... wahhhhhhh~ *melts*. LOL. I think im so merepek can... i go Istana... but i dun even know any of the ministers there.... I just take pictures with them without knowing who they are. LOL.
so ermmm

yes yes im smiling coz i saw her taking the pic... but the point is... im so freakin tanned. HELP!.

Whooopsy Daisy

Tall, taller, tallest

Bananas In Pyjamas

Bananas In Pyjamas spotted at the Istana.

Kinda like my feet compared to Cess'. HAHAHA... and the big ones are ABBY's!! haha..

I dont know... i just think it's damn cool. The first pair confirm Abby Wambach's... the next dunno... but i think the 3rd one is TARP's!!

HaO can FLY!!
posted on 100209
Salieri Strikes Back
Posted by vanillaspice on 4:18 AM
okay im kinda slowww... BUT.. FINALLY C freaking ++ IS OVER!!! NO MORE 8am LESSONS!! NO MORE STRESSIN OVER STUPID C++!! WoooooooHooooooo~
SBA Thank You Dinner with Eka and Bas was FUN... awesome free delicious food. LOL. ahahha... and my search for paddle pop.... DAMMIT... i cant find it. so im currently deprived of my paddle pop.
Friendly match with SG's U-19/16/whatever was ermmmmm... EXHAUSTING!! fcuken knackered. We only had like what 13 players ??? and they brought 25 players. OMG!!! They subbed like nobody's business... we kept playing like there's no tmr. HAHAHA... there were certain points in the game when we asked each other "when is the half gonna end ??".. LOL. We lost 2-0. If we had a substantial amount of subs like they did i think we could have won the game. DAMMIT! Me and Boss tried to do some magic tricks.... but i lost possession... AHHHH DAMMIT... damn sad. And thanks to HIPPO for coming down to support... i told u not to watch... i suck on the field. And and also sorry for not wanting to go TONG SENG kay hippo... i know u wanted to go with ur friends... HAAAAAAA~
Today.... walked all over TM and CS to find NAIA BANKS her bday gift. HAHAHAHA!! damn tiring can ? WLW. But we finally got her some random gifts. ahahah. WE ROCK. I love my TONS. Too bad it was a little too short to catch up with each other. Damn saddening. But i enjoyed my LJS and QiJi. HAHAHA! yes i am such a pig... but fear not... tmr i have training! and i bet im gonna be damn tired! and and and... I HAVENT STUDIED FOR BIOMATERIALS!! DAMMIT!

The look on Yani's face explains it all.

warming up


pregame face.

Coach's game plan

Hippo and Afni

Look at Atiqah... she's like beggin Binder for something

Annoyed sloth.

Atika NERD Kamsan

Yra HIPPO Jane


Under her Umbrella ella ella ehh ehhh ehhh(OMG im so tanned)

The look on Yani's face explains it all.

warming up


pregame face.

Coach's game plan

Hippo and Afni

Look at Atiqah... she's like beggin Binder for something

Annoyed sloth.

Atika NERD Kamsan

Yra HIPPO Jane


Under her Umbrella ella ella ehh ehhh ehhh(OMG im so tanned)

HaO, Chups, Tash, Tarp, Abby and Leslie
posted on 010209