Happy Deepavali
Posted by vanillaspice on 10:28 PM
WOW... we just got our first win after two losses... YAY NYP. We defeated RP in their home ground regardless of how immensely dissonant their supporters were. We sure did shut them up. And Rai with her everlasting energy and bright ideas to counter RP's supporters ie. Banging empty bottles together(hahah!!). AND AND AND.... I am still leading the "wave-back*" game. WooooHooooo~ I rock. Stop telling me that im cheating. Pls lohhh. And we waved at a really weird guy who ended up giving us flying kisses. LOL!. what a perv. AND we finally get to play lahhhhhhh... i mean even if it was as equivalent as 10s of my whole life... it was fun... to be in action.
No Dr. Hannah Gardner's class... how depressing. I need to redeem myself. LOL. And i think the highlight of this whole week for me was the RADIOLOGY LAB. fun fun fun. x-rays galore. My kental classmates x-rayed phones, psp, pencil cases.... but I wanted to be different and x-rayed one of the cadaver's skull. disturbing or what. I asked Daniel to pick it up for me. HAHAHAH. so fun it was. and we discovered OIL in the lab too. haha. it was oozing out from the floor dude. God knows wth it was.
*wave-back game... originated in the US WNT's bus on their way back from shopping in Beijing for the Olympics.
Had a fam chalet at Costa Sands. Was forced by my aunt to go to Wild Wild Wet coz she has 4 free tix. hahaha. how convenient. And so we bought shirts and shorts for WWW coz i had no change of clothes. And sooooo We(Ina, Syahril and Me) went in and got ourselves wet. Omg... shiok river is ultra boring ahhh... When u first get in... it's like "alright kinda nice"... and den suddenly ur hit by the influx of people and floatation devices and den u'll be like "damn... get me out of here"... i think it'd be nice if there were not soooooooo many humans around. After WWW... food food food... and PICTIONARY!!! im the world's best bad drawing interpreter. HAHAHA. and then UNO ATTACK!!! omg i didnt know uno attack was that fun. especially when the other players get loaads of cards.
The next day... BBQ time!! and cycling... finally i get to cycle... but my ass kinda hurts. haha. But the best was playing charades... HAHAHA... Luna has the best animal interpretations anyone has ever seen. HAHAHAH. i swear i laughed till my tummy hurts lohhh. immensely hilarious. Ohh yahh Haizel got chased by a bee while cycling. HAHAHAH. well not really chased by a bee... more like the bee was sitting idly on his back. haha... he almost crashed when he PANIC!(ed) AT THE DISCO.
Ohh how i love family gatherings.
Today..... boringggg.... cant wait for our next match with SP.... let's all pray to God that coach puts me in. C'mon ELLA KAI. ahhaha. And i cant wait to beat Rai in the final "wave-back" game. i was too tired to go for the team gathering at ECP today.... i slept like a log... alright i have nothing more to blab about.


okay i took this pic from shida's blog. I like it... coz it's funny... look at Kak Nad.


benchwarming again.


One of the days when the shutters closed in the sports complex while we were showering. HAHA.

Whatever Shah is doing. Got ghost behind me!


the skull x-ray. ignore the momo. it's all dodo's fault.
(those are not cracks on his skull... those are the sutures!)
ermmm feast your eyes and ears by watching Amy Lee. SHE ROCKS. i love the song. sooooooo eerie and morbid.
AMY LEE - Sally's Song
posted on 271008
WOW... we just got our first win after two losses... YAY NYP. We defeated RP in their home ground regardless of how immensely dissonant their supporters were. We sure did shut them up. And Rai with her everlasting energy and bright ideas to counter RP's supporters ie. Banging empty bottles together(hahah!!). AND AND AND.... I am still leading the "wave-back*" game. WooooHooooo~ I rock. Stop telling me that im cheating. Pls lohhh. And we waved at a really weird guy who ended up giving us flying kisses. LOL!. what a perv. AND we finally get to play lahhhhhhh... i mean even if it was as equivalent as 10s of my whole life... it was fun... to be in action.
No Dr. Hannah Gardner's class... how depressing. I need to redeem myself. LOL. And i think the highlight of this whole week for me was the RADIOLOGY LAB. fun fun fun. x-rays galore. My kental classmates x-rayed phones, psp, pencil cases.... but I wanted to be different and x-rayed one of the cadaver's skull. disturbing or what. I asked Daniel to pick it up for me. HAHAHAH. so fun it was. and we discovered OIL in the lab too. haha. it was oozing out from the floor dude. God knows wth it was.
*wave-back game... originated in the US WNT's bus on their way back from shopping in Beijing for the Olympics.
Had a fam chalet at Costa Sands. Was forced by my aunt to go to Wild Wild Wet coz she has 4 free tix. hahaha. how convenient. And so we bought shirts and shorts for WWW coz i had no change of clothes. And sooooo We(Ina, Syahril and Me) went in and got ourselves wet. Omg... shiok river is ultra boring ahhh... When u first get in... it's like "alright kinda nice"... and den suddenly ur hit by the influx of people and floatation devices and den u'll be like "damn... get me out of here"... i think it'd be nice if there were not soooooooo many humans around. After WWW... food food food... and PICTIONARY!!! im the world's best bad drawing interpreter. HAHAHA. and then UNO ATTACK!!! omg i didnt know uno attack was that fun. especially when the other players get loaads of cards.
The next day... BBQ time!! and cycling... finally i get to cycle... but my ass kinda hurts. haha. But the best was playing charades... HAHAHA... Luna has the best animal interpretations anyone has ever seen. HAHAHAH. i swear i laughed till my tummy hurts lohhh. immensely hilarious. Ohh yahh Haizel got chased by a bee while cycling. HAHAHAH. well not really chased by a bee... more like the bee was sitting idly on his back. haha... he almost crashed when he PANIC!(ed) AT THE DISCO.
Ohh how i love family gatherings.
Today..... boringggg.... cant wait for our next match with SP.... let's all pray to God that coach puts me in. C'mon ELLA KAI. ahhaha. And i cant wait to beat Rai in the final "wave-back" game. i was too tired to go for the team gathering at ECP today.... i slept like a log... alright i have nothing more to blab about.


okay i took this pic from shida's blog. I like it... coz it's funny... look at Kak Nad.


benchwarming again.


One of the days when the shutters closed in the sports complex while we were showering. HAHA.

Whatever Shah is doing. Got ghost behind me!


the skull x-ray. ignore the momo. it's all dodo's fault.
(those are not cracks on his skull... those are the sutures!)
ermmm feast your eyes and ears by watching Amy Lee. SHE ROCKS. i love the song. sooooooo eerie and morbid.
AMY LEE - Sally's Song
posted on 271008
Posted by vanillaspice on 6:42 AM
First freakin week of school. Freakin whateverrrr. haaaa~ i hate 8 am lessons. super soporific. and the fact that i have to do C++ in the morn... is a freakin pain in the butt. Wahhhh i got ang moh lecturer sia! woooohoooo~ I FREAKIN LOVE IT. the fact that the engineering faculty cares zilch about the lecturer's command ofEnglish is a freakin turn off for a self-declared English snob like me. HAHAHAHA. seriously. And her accent is BRITISH!!! woooooooooh~ but i dunno... she could be Australian... haaaa~ and i freakin made a bad first impression lah. She was saying something to DODO(Linghui) about tying up her hair... and den i practically reiterated what she said. IT'S A REFLEX. I ALMOST DID IT IN HER ACCENT... just when i realised she was staring at me... i spoke normally. Haaaaa~ and the she went like "Okay cool..." and i was all "Alright....". omg so malu sia. haha. damn. and she kinda looks like Tarp. Such a turn on for the eyes.
POLITE games. immensely disappointed and irritated. i believe we were the better side. i was subbed in ultra late in the game. didnt do much. my through ball hit Giselle's back. dammit. A lot of screamin in the field. jersey blue. jersey number 16. sad that i cant keep Abby Wambach's number. ahhh dammit lahhhh. what a bad start to the campaign. i hope we do better for the next game. COME ON NYP! and why do i feel that everytime i step on the field to play... i forget how to really play. dammit sia. And so much for stretching my calves, quads and groins excessively... my shins got cramped. dammit sia. in the middle of play sumore. haiyahhhhhhhhh~
Today, Adopt a Home. fun fun fun.. and i think im gettin sick.

Michael Chin. CLOSE UP! haaa


Ashrof is so kental can.

play game oni.

DoDo. HAHAHA~ she calls me MOMO. (Constance enjoying her food)


my favourite bunch of kentals in the class.

this is cool coz only Giselle is somehow not in a blur.

Anticipating a ball.

Corner kick from Kak Nad the pro.

ermmm Tampines YEC Miss Universe(according to David). I am Miss Italy. hahahha~

Siew Mei made me the heart and it says "Siew Mei love Ella"

David and the ROCKSTAR. hahahah~

Reena. she's bubbly.

i was damn bored plus anxious in class and i really wanted to know how my name looks like with number 16. and tada~

my lecturer almost looks like Tarp. or how i wish. HAHAH. she has blonde hair too u know. but she's not as hot as my Tarp.

yeahhh so what ?
COME ON NYP~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we can do this shit!
posted on 181008
First freakin week of school. Freakin whateverrrr. haaaa~ i hate 8 am lessons. super soporific. and the fact that i have to do C++ in the morn... is a freakin pain in the butt. Wahhhh i got ang moh lecturer sia! woooohoooo~ I FREAKIN LOVE IT. the fact that the engineering faculty cares zilch about the lecturer's command ofEnglish is a freakin turn off for a self-declared English snob like me. HAHAHAHA. seriously. And her accent is BRITISH!!! woooooooooh~ but i dunno... she could be Australian... haaaa~ and i freakin made a bad first impression lah. She was saying something to DODO(Linghui) about tying up her hair... and den i practically reiterated what she said. IT'S A REFLEX. I ALMOST DID IT IN HER ACCENT... just when i realised she was staring at me... i spoke normally. Haaaaa~ and the she went like "Okay cool..." and i was all "Alright....". omg so malu sia. haha. damn. and she kinda looks like Tarp. Such a turn on for the eyes.
POLITE games. immensely disappointed and irritated. i believe we were the better side. i was subbed in ultra late in the game. didnt do much. my through ball hit Giselle's back. dammit. A lot of screamin in the field. jersey blue. jersey number 16. sad that i cant keep Abby Wambach's number. ahhh dammit lahhhh. what a bad start to the campaign. i hope we do better for the next game. COME ON NYP! and why do i feel that everytime i step on the field to play... i forget how to really play. dammit sia. And so much for stretching my calves, quads and groins excessively... my shins got cramped. dammit sia. in the middle of play sumore. haiyahhhhhhhhh~
Today, Adopt a Home. fun fun fun.. and i think im gettin sick.
Michael Chin. CLOSE UP! haaa
Ashrof is so kental can.
play game oni.
DoDo. HAHAHA~ she calls me MOMO. (Constance enjoying her food)
my favourite bunch of kentals in the class.
this is cool coz only Giselle is somehow not in a blur.
Anticipating a ball.
Corner kick from Kak Nad the pro.

ermmm Tampines YEC Miss Universe(according to David). I am Miss Italy. hahahha~

Siew Mei made me the heart and it says "Siew Mei love Ella"

David and the ROCKSTAR. hahahah~

Reena. she's bubbly.
i was damn bored plus anxious in class and i really wanted to know how my name looks like with number 16. and tada~

my lecturer almost looks like Tarp. or how i wish. HAHAH. she has blonde hair too u know. but she's not as hot as my Tarp.
yeahhh so what ?
COME ON NYP~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we can do this shit!
posted on 181008
Samsonite Man
Posted by vanillaspice on 3:06 AM
Helloooooooo Looopiesss.
Dude... school's startin in like 2 days! ahhhhhh~ cant wait to sit and talk crap in class, search for eye candies, choose where to eat and ultimately laugh at my piggies. POLITE comin soon too.... ahhhh~. can i have more trainin days ? pretty pls. Trainin has been getting better coz we're gettin along better. HAAA~. and poor poor poor Feeza... she's injured dude. Maybe you put on too much perfume lahhh Feeza. HAHAHA.
hmmm nasib baik dah habis jalan raya..... hahaha. penat cik.(melayu kot?) Anyway my plan of listenin to my mp3 in my bro's car backfired. HAHA. Mostly all we listened to was Malay Jiwang.... OMG... i swear i almost died. I ate a lot!! OMG... like a freakin pork. hahah. Anyway it's always fun being around family. love yawwww.
How i wish i was damn filthy rich... so i can spend all i like. HAHA. And dude i still cant find the US WNT kit!! DAMNIT. hmmmm YE tmr... i cant wait for Eka's lame story. haha.
Okay dudes im seriously running out of words to type... i guess it's... PHOTO UP TIME!! get ready to feast thy eyes!

Look at the agony in Loons' face. HAHAHA.




Pakcik-pakcik. I kinda realised that pakcik-pakcik dun smile that much.

Mintak sedekah cik ??

Look at Looons. HAHAHA! happy benar.


At Kak Diy's house.

Aunty Ani's house.

The cars that brought us safely to our destinations. Im in the Lancer.

In the car... HAHAHA! my bro think he ang moh.

watch out! reckless driver on the road!! ahahhaha. jk Ina dont cry.

Felix the immensely cute cat.
SUMPAH NO LINK to the pics above.

HAHAHAH! Tarp playin drums and Hao singin. HAHAH! i love them.

Lil, Abby, Tarp and Kai. Kai mcm nak kena sepak.

Tarp and Chup. chup's cute okay.

My inspirations on the field.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY(10 oct) TO MY FREAKIN BFFFFFFFF~(best freakin fcukin f...f...f...f... friend), ATIKA KAMSAN @ Khairun @ Khai @ Eka. Wo Ai Ni ahhhh. May our friendship last foreverrrr. VICTORIOUS.

posted on 111008
Dude... school's startin in like 2 days! ahhhhhh~ cant wait to sit and talk crap in class, search for eye candies, choose where to eat and ultimately laugh at my piggies. POLITE comin soon too.... ahhhh~. can i have more trainin days ? pretty pls. Trainin has been getting better coz we're gettin along better. HAAA~. and poor poor poor Feeza... she's injured dude. Maybe you put on too much perfume lahhh Feeza. HAHAHA.
hmmm nasib baik dah habis jalan raya..... hahaha. penat cik.(melayu kot?) Anyway my plan of listenin to my mp3 in my bro's car backfired. HAHA. Mostly all we listened to was Malay Jiwang.... OMG... i swear i almost died. I ate a lot!! OMG... like a freakin pork. hahah. Anyway it's always fun being around family. love yawwww.
How i wish i was damn filthy rich... so i can spend all i like. HAHA. And dude i still cant find the US WNT kit!! DAMNIT. hmmmm YE tmr... i cant wait for Eka's lame story. haha.
Okay dudes im seriously running out of words to type... i guess it's... PHOTO UP TIME!! get ready to feast thy eyes!
Look at the agony in Loons' face. HAHAHA.
Pakcik-pakcik. I kinda realised that pakcik-pakcik dun smile that much.
Mintak sedekah cik ??
Look at Looons. HAHAHA! happy benar.
At Kak Diy's house.
Aunty Ani's house.
The cars that brought us safely to our destinations. Im in the Lancer.
In the car... HAHAHA! my bro think he ang moh.
watch out! reckless driver on the road!! ahahhaha. jk Ina dont cry.
Felix the immensely cute cat.
SUMPAH NO LINK to the pics above.

HAHAHAH! Tarp playin drums and Hao singin. HAHAH! i love them.

Lil, Abby, Tarp and Kai. Kai mcm nak kena sepak.

Tarp and Chup. chup's cute okay.

My inspirations on the field.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY(10 oct) TO MY FREAKIN BFFFFFFFF~(best freakin fcukin f...f...f...f... friend), ATIKA KAMSAN @ Khairun @ Khai @ Eka. Wo Ai Ni ahhhh. May our friendship last foreverrrr. VICTORIOUS.
posted on 111008
Ella's Rhapsody
Posted by vanillaspice on 7:47 AM
Dude..... Hari Raya was a..... hmmm.... quite a bore. LOL... the only highlight to me was when me and Loons were eating like porkies coz we were ultra famished. LOL. And thanks to Fran and Joanne for coming by. I bet they loved the kuihs. haha. Actually nothing much happened really during the first day. Im just waiting for tmr to come coz we'll be going round visiting. YAY. And i have a plan tmr... tmr im gonna bring my mp3 SO THAT.... i wont be stuck listening to my brother's crazy music taste in his car!! Woooooh~ im so clever i dont believe myself!. haha.
And cikgu must have had fun mass texting everyone. he practically texted 3 times. WOW. reiterating what he said in the first text msg. HAHAH! siao.
Cant wait for POLITE. but hate the jersey...... ahhhhhhhhhhhhh~ and im thinkin of puttin my name as ELLA on the jersey! hahaha! can i have number 20 pls!!! or maybe 13.... i dunno i cant make up my mind whether to keep 20 or chg it. TSK. Anyway warm up game on Monday for POLITE games. looking forward to it. woooooooooooh. no ploys this time i hope.
And i sooooooooooo want that US WNT kit! dammit! but i cant find the gold one. there's only the gold sleeveless trainin kit. tsk.
DUDE... i had a wacky dream last night... i dreamt that i was sitting down with Yuzil and she was teaching me how to play the clarinet!! HAHAHAHAHA! like wth. and then and then.... after that suddenly we had like a meet and greet with HEATHER O'REILLY!!! OMG AHHHH!! COOL OR WHAT DUDE. She was sitting on my couch! hahaha. I love HaO(Heather O). She's funny. And the HaO did something... and Yuzil and I were bitchin in malay. HAHAHA. ohhhh God... what a dream... how i wish it lasted longer... LOL.

I like it... microcosmic and random

HAHA. i was bored yesterday night.

Yes i was this bored the whole afternoon. I tried my best to make them look human without a face. HAHA. Tarp, Kai and Abby.
posted on 031008
And cikgu must have had fun mass texting everyone. he practically texted 3 times. WOW. reiterating what he said in the first text msg. HAHAH! siao.
Cant wait for POLITE. but hate the jersey...... ahhhhhhhhhhhhh~ and im thinkin of puttin my name as ELLA on the jersey! hahaha! can i have number 20 pls!!! or maybe 13.... i dunno i cant make up my mind whether to keep 20 or chg it. TSK. Anyway warm up game on Monday for POLITE games. looking forward to it. woooooooooooh. no ploys this time i hope.
And i sooooooooooo want that US WNT kit! dammit! but i cant find the gold one. there's only the gold sleeveless trainin kit. tsk.
DUDE... i had a wacky dream last night... i dreamt that i was sitting down with Yuzil and she was teaching me how to play the clarinet!! HAHAHAHAHA! like wth. and then and then.... after that suddenly we had like a meet and greet with HEATHER O'REILLY!!! OMG AHHHH!! COOL OR WHAT DUDE. She was sitting on my couch! hahaha. I love HaO(Heather O). She's funny. And the HaO did something... and Yuzil and I were bitchin in malay. HAHAHA. ohhhh God... what a dream... how i wish it lasted longer... LOL.

I like it... microcosmic and random
HAHA. i was bored yesterday night.
Yes i was this bored the whole afternoon. I tried my best to make them look human without a face. HAHA. Tarp, Kai and Abby.
posted on 031008