singaporeannnnnn styleeee
Posted by vanillaspice on 7:18 AM
Hmmmm.... so much for studying... HAHA... i did lahh... abit.
Anyway funny shits happen during the week.
Sonography Lab. Dodo Ong = model for ultrasound scan = hilarious theories, questions and answers.
Teacher asked "what's that crescent shaped organ in ur abdomen ?"
Someone "the moon!!"... HAHAHA!!
Dodo Ong "Cher.. can scan my babat ?? where's my babat ??"... LOL.
I actually wanted to scan my soleus to see if there was any fluid build up, but nahhhh was wearing jeans... Lab session ended early sooooo.... got to meet up with bestie(Rai) for the Kick It 08 meeting.... futile. okay not really but yeahh... coz there's only 2 girls team. HAHAHA!! and it's Pat's team and ours. SO LAME! but nonetheless WE WILL BEAT YOU PAT's TEAM!!. BENCHWARMERS WILL PREVAIL!! hahah! SO EXCITING~(in Alice's tone).
Lab with Dr. H. G. WTH i got laughed at.
I was talking to Joanne... i said "ehhh just now i ironed my lab coat you knowwwww"
and den Dr H. G went like "You ironed your lab coat ?? WOW... I've never ironed my lab coat..."
... and den she broke into a sinister laugh(exaggerating) and gave me the "you are so kental" look. wth i was tryna make a good impression... coz my labcoat was damn wrinkled with creases all over soooo i decided to ironed it. thanks DHG, ur my bestest friend. And we found out that she doesnt camp in the lab, she DOES go out and have lunch and stuff coz we saw her at Koufu. haha. My theory was that she camps in her lab coz i've never seen her around school at all!... and soo there goes my theory okay well it's Hidayah's theory. plagiarizing.
wells... today i studied or rather made notes for biomaterials. success! i deserve a MEGA MAC! haha. and tmr.... volunteering at the OLE! Tampines-whatever-the-hell somewhere near Tamp Mall. Hope i can leave early to continue mugging at home without seeing or sensing discontent among the upper hierarchy. I am sooooooooooooo lookin forward for Kick it 08 ahh!! GO BENCHWARMERS!
PHOTO UP!!!! [NB : mostly US WNT... haaaaaa~]
(ohhh yahh i learnt a new ermmm abbreviation.. NB... NOTA BENE!!... means IMPORTANT NOTE! lol)
AZHAR's creation.

DAMN FUNNY AHHH!!! wth did u get this pic from ?

HAHA! my face so disproportionate. And i am soooo not Hope Solo... maybe HaO can ahh. haha.

we shud have this banner in the stadium for motivational purposes.

look at her biceps... WOOOH.

No such thing as an ABBY sandwich. she puts those biceps to good use.

Weird US WNT warrior dance. HAHA!

smile ur on candid camera.

Meet HaO, my best friend.

just HaO doing some TaiQi. look at those damn sexy and toned quads, hamstrings and calves!! WLW.

Captain HaO scores!!!

big hug from coach... awwww.... Pia Sundhage should come over!!
once Binder masters the Schuplattler... we can perform for them Americanssss.... SINGAPOREANNN STYLEE!! coz we are the SINGAPOREANNNNNsssssss...
posted on 301108.
Anyway funny shits happen during the week.
Sonography Lab. Dodo Ong = model for ultrasound scan = hilarious theories, questions and answers.
Teacher asked "what's that crescent shaped organ in ur abdomen ?"
Someone "the moon!!"... HAHAHA!!
Dodo Ong "Cher.. can scan my babat ?? where's my babat ??"... LOL.
I actually wanted to scan my soleus to see if there was any fluid build up, but nahhhh was wearing jeans... Lab session ended early sooooo.... got to meet up with bestie(Rai) for the Kick It 08 meeting.... futile. okay not really but yeahh... coz there's only 2 girls team. HAHAHA!! and it's Pat's team and ours. SO LAME! but nonetheless WE WILL BEAT YOU PAT's TEAM!!. BENCHWARMERS WILL PREVAIL!! hahah! SO EXCITING~(in Alice's tone).
Lab with Dr. H. G. WTH i got laughed at.
I was talking to Joanne... i said "ehhh just now i ironed my lab coat you knowwwww"
and den Dr H. G went like "You ironed your lab coat ?? WOW... I've never ironed my lab coat..."
... and den she broke into a sinister laugh(exaggerating) and gave me the "you are so kental" look. wth i was tryna make a good impression... coz my labcoat was damn wrinkled with creases all over soooo i decided to ironed it. thanks DHG, ur my bestest friend. And we found out that she doesnt camp in the lab, she DOES go out and have lunch and stuff coz we saw her at Koufu. haha. My theory was that she camps in her lab coz i've never seen her around school at all!... and soo there goes my theory okay well it's Hidayah's theory. plagiarizing.
wells... today i studied or rather made notes for biomaterials. success! i deserve a MEGA MAC! haha. and tmr.... volunteering at the OLE! Tampines-whatever-the-hell somewhere near Tamp Mall. Hope i can leave early to continue mugging at home without seeing or sensing discontent among the upper hierarchy. I am sooooooooooooo lookin forward for Kick it 08 ahh!! GO BENCHWARMERS!
PHOTO UP!!!! [NB : mostly US WNT... haaaaaa~]
(ohhh yahh i learnt a new ermmm abbreviation.. NB... NOTA BENE!!... means IMPORTANT NOTE! lol)
AZHAR's creation.

DAMN FUNNY AHHH!!! wth did u get this pic from ?

HAHA! my face so disproportionate. And i am soooo not Hope Solo... maybe HaO can ahh. haha.

we shud have this banner in the stadium for motivational purposes.

look at her biceps... WOOOH.

No such thing as an ABBY sandwich. she puts those biceps to good use.

Weird US WNT warrior dance. HAHA!

smile ur on candid camera.

Meet HaO, my best friend.

just HaO doing some TaiQi. look at those damn sexy and toned quads, hamstrings and calves!! WLW.

Captain HaO scores!!!

big hug from coach... awwww.... Pia Sundhage should come over!!
once Binder masters the Schuplattler... we can perform for them Americanssss.... SINGAPOREANNN STYLEE!! coz we are the SINGAPOREANNNNNsssssss...
posted on 301108.
Chuppa rocks
Posted by vanillaspice on 10:13 PM
"Teet Teet Teet see who wants to be in Team 'A/B' now..."
-that's how Binder organizes teams.
Rai :"Aleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyaaaaaaaaaaaa"(or however u spell it)
*cricket cricket cricket...*(alleged Aleeyaa stares at Rai and looks away)
SO KENTAL okay RAI~! "bye baby"
Monday, training with Fong, Pat, Binder, Hidayah, Loooos, ZIL(finally), Angela and Nurul. Damn fun. We played crossing and shooting for awhile to bully Pat. I swear i forgot to stretch first lahhh... all Fong's i have cramps in my right hamstring and i walked like Zombie on Tuesday. and I bet Pat hates me now after those dipping shots hahah!. after that played 2-sides. BLACKIES rock!!! And Pat surely had fun playing striker instead of goalkeeper. HAHAHA! top scorer DUDE!. And i swear everytime i look at Looos she just reminds me of Tash Kai lohhh. haha. Met the floorball ppl at the toilet.... WLW... floorball so violent one!!! keep hitting ppl. i received an excruciating slap on the back for not allowing OWL to eat the popcorn. OUCH. and surprisingly i did quite well for my biomats test. woooohooo. i think the modules that i can do well for this sem are only like Biomaterials and Medical Imaging. HAHAHA. the rest are just PITA.
Tuesday, damn sleepy... Sonography sucks... coz there's calculations. HAHAHA. numbers and me dont click. Wahhh Joanne's oreo's are nice!!! maybe coz they are bite size and free too. haha. Loads of tests coming up. C'mon ELLA YOU CAN DO THIS!! I hate biomed proj.
Wednesday(today), nothing... chilling at home... supposed to go for the SAF open house... but all my piggies suddenly dun want to go... pangseh me... wlw. what's new. and soooooooooooo im thinkin of studyin later and do some drawing...
Looking forward to : more training sessions!! and HANNAH GARDNER. ahhahaha! and Kick it 08! let's GO BENCHWARMERS!! My Kick it 08's team name is BENCHWARMERS.... it was a toss between Benchwarmers and Dogsport(frisbee)... so i think Benchwarmers is more fitting. lol.

Sign my shirt next Tarp!!

HaO is damn kental... Chuppa in the back.
Sky Blue FC's drafted players from the US WNT... HaO, Christie, Tash.

LA INK!!! Tash got inked by Kat Von D!!! OMG.
This pic is damn nice lahh. i dunno why.

See who sleep more buruk than me ???

Ina the Kental's birthday! we're in the hospital. haha.

This masked owl loooks like Fatty lohhhh.

See.. right right ?
Kai : "We're gonna perform for them Chinese... AMERICAN STYLE!! coz we are the US AMERICANNNNNNSS..."
LOL. After Binder masters her German Dance... we can perform too!
posted on 261108
serratus anterior
Posted by vanillaspice on 4:45 AM

she is a BIMBO
our escapade to Escape Themepark was ermmm... rather disappointing coz it was raining !! TSK. But i swear to God i enjoyed the boat slide thingy... what's it called again ? Wild and Wet ? (NO... im not talkin about Wild Wild Wet.)... It was damn fun. Inky and I only managed to ride it twice... as it was rainin.... TSK. Damn fun... damn wet... damn cold. Saw SLY at the Ferris Wheel ride... HAHA. that was funny... She looks damn bored operating the ride. We went to the Haunted House... DAMN FUNNY... there was this couple behind Inky and me... i think they were scared... coz the kept touching our backs... yes... they were touching us. HAHAHA... i swear i thought it was one of the "beings" there coz i didnt know someone was behind us. lol. Ohhh yeah we surprised Dodo or at least tried to... but she didnt look surprised when Didi(Dodo's bf) suddenly appeared. At least we tried. All in all... not as fun as i expected it to be.... but life goes on.
After Escape Themepark... i headed to my Uncle's house in Woodylands, drenched from head to toe. It was raining and cold and i took the bus all the way to Woodylands... OMG...Damn freakin cold. I slept to ignore the cold. And then when i reached the estate... i pressed the wrong button... i pressed level 2 instead of 11. And when i realised it... the lift went back to the first storey and then made its way back up to the 11th storey. What a way to piss me off even more. So... sorry to anyone who had a taste of my bitch fit at my uncle's house.
Anyway watch out... bitch fits galore from Ella Kai which means more vulgarities. It's a phase... it will go off.. trust me... im not vulgar at all.
Dude... last night i dreamt of weird things again... BUT... I SAW LINDSAY TARPLEY!!! wooooohoooo. But Lulu made a special guest star I was walking with dunno who towards the stadium... den suddenly i heard someone kickin the ball around behind me... I turned around and it was Looos.... den we talked about something... and den suddenly Tarp appeared and said something but i forgot. haha. and den we continued walking... and den i saw CHUPPA!!... we greeted each other like we were bestfriends lohh. wow. how fun was that. and den suddenly my cat woke me up coz he sat on my leg. Thanks alot Fatty for ruining my wonderful dream. I also dreamt that i was the character in GTA... hahaha!! i think i played too much PSP.
Sidenote : Sorry to Joanne for the C++ shit. i am damn pathetic when it comes to C++ and maths. haaaa~

Look at Abby. hahaha.

Crazy Abby.

I so need this.. can we share Chuppa ?

Marta!! The super progoal with superb ball control.

Go Chuppa!! Stop Marta!!

Go Tarpie GO get the ball away from Renata Costa.

Like Stephanie ?

Like Mitts ?

Like Lauren ?

Or Tobes ?
posted on 231108
After Escape Themepark... i headed to my Uncle's house in Woodylands, drenched from head to toe. It was raining and cold and i took the bus all the way to Woodylands... OMG...Damn freakin cold. I slept to ignore the cold. And then when i reached the estate... i pressed the wrong button... i pressed level 2 instead of 11. And when i realised it... the lift went back to the first storey and then made its way back up to the 11th storey. What a way to piss me off even more. So... sorry to anyone who had a taste of my bitch fit at my uncle's house.
Anyway watch out... bitch fits galore from Ella Kai which means more vulgarities. It's a phase... it will go off.. trust me... im not vulgar at all.
Dude... last night i dreamt of weird things again... BUT... I SAW LINDSAY TARPLEY!!! wooooohoooo. But Lulu made a special guest star I was walking with dunno who towards the stadium... den suddenly i heard someone kickin the ball around behind me... I turned around and it was Looos.... den we talked about something... and den suddenly Tarp appeared and said something but i forgot. haha. and den we continued walking... and den i saw CHUPPA!!... we greeted each other like we were bestfriends lohh. wow. how fun was that. and den suddenly my cat woke me up coz he sat on my leg. Thanks alot Fatty for ruining my wonderful dream. I also dreamt that i was the character in GTA... hahaha!! i think i played too much PSP.
Sidenote : Sorry to Joanne for the C++ shit. i am damn pathetic when it comes to C++ and maths. haaaa~

Look at Abby. hahaha.

Crazy Abby.

I so need this.. can we share Chuppa ?

Marta!! The super progoal with superb ball control.

Go Chuppa!! Stop Marta!!

Go Tarpie GO get the ball away from Renata Costa.

Like Stephanie ?

Like Mitts ?

Like Lauren ?

Or Tobes ?
posted on 231108
hot and cold
Posted by vanillaspice on 6:33 AM
WLW so long never blog....
Anyway... i've been eating a lotttttt lately... it's a sign from above! haha... as if. Hmmmm... today... come to sch only for Medical Imaging test... like i did it in like 20 mins... but it was supposed to be a 50mins paper. lol. And then it was time forrrr SOCCER!!! Self-declared training. Pat, Hidayah and me. I know pathetic... but fun... get to practice shooting/placement and train Pat at the same time.
And yesterday played street soccer on the hockey pitch with Binder, Nuri, Patty and OWL. Binder taught us new German phrases. She's always freakin lame lahhh. And when i became the keeper... they all had fun ramming the ball at me lahhh. WLW... what have i done to the world... to receive this kind of treatment... haha. i think the "Anyday that ends with a Y is bully-elly-day" is coming back.
I think i miss Rai. I need crazy entertainment!! hahah.
Linghui : Is the girl a guy or a girl ??
Daniel : It's a guy lahhh...
Hidayah : The stupid $1.30 ate my machine!
Khairun : Kambing dalam melayu apa ?
Bas : Mutton ahhh!
(how i love you all)

ermmm... dunno what.

stop it siakk.


haha! (this stupid lab that i have to go to every tuesday night. wlw.)

ermmm foodart.

SLEEPING TIME!! Owl says i look buruk... PLS LOHHH... i look so peaceful... almost dead.

Binder's pregnant!!

Ermmm i wanna hear the baby kick or whatever it is that ppl do.

Soccer action in the toilet!

I think i was juggling

BENCHWARMERs' RIGHT TO PLAY! even Abby supports us. LOL.

ALRIGHT. go get me this !!! like freakin now! i love the navy blue damn nice!
I miss watching US WNT. and my pet in facebook is DAMN CUTE AHHH!
posted on 20 nov 08
Anyway... i've been eating a lotttttt lately... it's a sign from above! haha... as if. Hmmmm... today... come to sch only for Medical Imaging test... like i did it in like 20 mins... but it was supposed to be a 50mins paper. lol. And then it was time forrrr SOCCER!!! Self-declared training. Pat, Hidayah and me. I know pathetic... but fun... get to practice shooting/placement and train Pat at the same time.
And yesterday played street soccer on the hockey pitch with Binder, Nuri, Patty and OWL. Binder taught us new German phrases. She's always freakin lame lahhh. And when i became the keeper... they all had fun ramming the ball at me lahhh. WLW... what have i done to the world... to receive this kind of treatment... haha. i think the "Anyday that ends with a Y is bully-elly-day" is coming back.
I think i miss Rai. I need crazy entertainment!! hahah.
Linghui : Is the girl a guy or a girl ??
Daniel : It's a guy lahhh...
Hidayah : The stupid $1.30 ate my machine!
Khairun : Kambing dalam melayu apa ?
Bas : Mutton ahhh!
(how i love you all)

ermmm... dunno what.

stop it siakk.


haha! (this stupid lab that i have to go to every tuesday night. wlw.)

ermmm foodart.

SLEEPING TIME!! Owl says i look buruk... PLS LOHHH... i look so peaceful... almost dead.

Binder's pregnant!!

Ermmm i wanna hear the baby kick or whatever it is that ppl do.

Soccer action in the toilet!

I think i was juggling

BENCHWARMERs' RIGHT TO PLAY! even Abby supports us. LOL.

ALRIGHT. go get me this !!! like freakin now! i love the navy blue damn nice!
I miss watching US WNT. and my pet in facebook is DAMN CUTE AHHH!
posted on 20 nov 08
im bored
Posted by vanillaspice on 6:07 AM
She PUNCHED ME IN THE STOMACH while she was tryna demonstrate a tactic she thought of using when confronted by a defender. I almost died... hahah... as if. But it was unexpected lahhh... WLW... MINUS 50 points for Rai ahhh... bully ur own best friend. what kind of a best friend are u ....
Anyway... I DREAMT ABOUT SOCCER. hahahah... omg my dreams are really gettin weird... I dreamt that we were having training... as usual... and playing 2 sides... but we were wearing the US WNT KITS!!! like WOAHHHH~. I saw Kak Nad... she was wearing the gold one... and RAI was in my team and and we were wearing the WHITE one...what a dream... and how come Rai keeps appearing in my dreams ?? cameo is it ? I better appear in ur dreams ahhh bestie!
and to FEEZA aka MOJU aka CACAT aka TENGOK SEMUT.... the mat salleh team are progoals lohhh!!! My idols!!! u shud watch them play ahhh... maybe we can be as progoal as they are.. and i bet u already know this....IM OBSESSED WITH THE US WNT..... And i miss u too ahhh cacat... when the hell are u comin back to the field ??!... i need my package... and FATEHA ROCKER also... and NAJ and RAUL and ZIL and IZYAN aka NEK ERPP and LUS... WLW... i need to laugh again in the field... pls come back.
Anyway trainin tmr.... i hope it's gonna be fun... anybody who ends early can come and play DOGSPORT(frisbee) with me... ahhaha... Binder calls it DOGSPORT... and Friday i'll be seeing Dr Hannah Gardner!! yay... listenin to her English will help improve my deteriorating ability to converse in proper English. Dr. H. G FTW(for the win)... and ermmm let's call her Gard... since we call Lindsay Tarpley, Tarp... yeahh lame but who cares.
and guess what....

bring in the balls!

do some stretching....

Do some drills...

Goof around a little bit....

OOOPS!! got caught goofing around... must do suicide... OUCH.

drills again...(the pitch is surreal)

Goof around again... but nobody saw...

Coach ask to play 2 sides...

Play 2 sides like there's no tmr...

Tired ahhh coach... sit down first can ?...

Goof around again... but nobody saw again...

Pick a spot to bully the keeper...

lucky catch keeper...

Shoot as hard as u possibly can...


whistle blows.... trainin ends... stretching time....

US WNT, self-explanatory
posted on 121108
She PUNCHED ME IN THE STOMACH while she was tryna demonstrate a tactic she thought of using when confronted by a defender. I almost died... hahah... as if. But it was unexpected lahhh... WLW... MINUS 50 points for Rai ahhh... bully ur own best friend. what kind of a best friend are u ....
Anyway... I DREAMT ABOUT SOCCER. hahahah... omg my dreams are really gettin weird... I dreamt that we were having training... as usual... and playing 2 sides... but we were wearing the US WNT KITS!!! like WOAHHHH~. I saw Kak Nad... she was wearing the gold one... and RAI was in my team and and we were wearing the WHITE one...what a dream... and how come Rai keeps appearing in my dreams ?? cameo is it ? I better appear in ur dreams ahhh bestie!
and to FEEZA aka MOJU aka CACAT aka TENGOK SEMUT.... the mat salleh team are progoals lohhh!!! My idols!!! u shud watch them play ahhh... maybe we can be as progoal as they are.. and i bet u already know this....IM OBSESSED WITH THE US WNT..... And i miss u too ahhh cacat... when the hell are u comin back to the field ??!... i need my package... and FATEHA ROCKER also... and NAJ and RAUL and ZIL and IZYAN aka NEK ERPP and LUS... WLW... i need to laugh again in the field... pls come back.
Anyway trainin tmr.... i hope it's gonna be fun... anybody who ends early can come and play DOGSPORT(frisbee) with me... ahhaha... Binder calls it DOGSPORT... and Friday i'll be seeing Dr Hannah Gardner!! yay... listenin to her English will help improve my deteriorating ability to converse in proper English. Dr. H. G FTW(for the win)... and ermmm let's call her Gard... since we call Lindsay Tarpley, Tarp... yeahh lame but who cares.
and guess what....

bring in the balls!

do some stretching....

Do some drills...

Goof around a little bit....

OOOPS!! got caught goofing around... must do suicide... OUCH.

drills again...(the pitch is surreal)

Goof around again... but nobody saw...

Coach ask to play 2 sides...

Play 2 sides like there's no tmr...

Tired ahhh coach... sit down first can ?...

Goof around again... but nobody saw again...

Pick a spot to bully the keeper...

lucky catch keeper...

Shoot as hard as u possibly can...


whistle blows.... trainin ends... stretching time....

US WNT, self-explanatory
posted on 121108