Posted by vanillaspice on 2:48 AM
Hair Low Hair Low.
Ytd's match was FUN FUN FUN. haha. it was especially NOISY. with out of tune shouting/cheering and the ocassional mispronounced words. like shoot... it becomes... SOOT~!!. HAHA. And my cheerleaders keep gettin better. haha. Ohh yes and how can i forget the belting out of Hari Raya tunes. WOW. Yeahhh Hari Raya is all abt the songs i tell you. Ohhh yes and the dumbest thing yesterday besides me and Nuri 'trainin' alone was the fact that i forgot to bring my shorts. And Zil came to my rescue. WOW. and i tot there was trainin for NYP. and who came ? thanks. And Yuzil totally had too much help for maths yesterday. HAHA. everyone was fighting to do her maths problems. HAHA. And the score is ?? drum rolls pls...
5 - 0
Hoooray~. LULU scored !!. hahaha.. she is a total kuku... with her crazy gymnastic antics. HAHA. and NAJ scored tooo... woohooo. and of course that mouse. LOL. first blood(goal). And Yuzil pls lahhh... shift means shift lahhhh. wah lao... Okay next Maths session i will explain elaborately with decorated details okay ?. hahah. Ohh yes NYP has a friendly on Wednesday. i totally cant believe i didnt hear it ahhh... i tot cikgu was referring to NYPGA. AHHAHA.. even Yuzil remembered ALL THE DETAILS. hahah. And i still think the change u gave me was too much. NVM. i shall treat u sumtin else sum other time. And dun worry bout my phone. HAHA. im gonna get it changed lahhh. but i wonder what my mama wud say. haha... but we good.
And Olynn was good lahhh on Live the Dream. OMG. she totally nailed that song. i expected her to murder that song but she did really good. WoooHooo. kudos. And Shauna. omgah... she brutally murdered P!nk's song lahhh... and it is one of my fav songs. THANKS.
Ohh yes and i've managed to catch Evanescence latest music video, GOOD ENOUGH. woooohoooo i totally love that song. Some ppl compare it to My Immortal. but i think Good Enough is nicer. i dunno. i just think so. Ohh yahhh btw the video is really really good. More than GOOD ENOUGH. haha. i like it a lot. everytime i catch a glimpse of it i will get excited. haha. And i saw a sticker on a car... saying GOOD ENOUGH. and i was so stoked coz at that point of time i was listening to the song. haha.. kay enough of good enough. let's talk bout VMAs...
Well... Alicia Keys... im sorry but i dun like her new single. it sucks. and her vocals... seemingly deteriorated. OUCH!. But her performance for the song Freedom was not bad. wooohooo. And Chris Brown can totally dance. haha. ohhh yahhh i didnt noe Amy Winehouse was nominated for video of the year for REHAB. HoOo~. i L.O.V.E that song. Watchin the VMAs made me totally stoked for next year's Grammys. WooooHooo. and i must tell you this. Alicia looked super hot at last year's grammys. and so did T.I~!! HAHA. he is HOTT okay. and he was paired with P!NK to present an award. Haha. but they didnt like have the chemistry lahhh. so sad.
And tmr my dear cuzzins are comin to break fast together. WooooHoooo~ u noe what that means. SOCCER !!. like totally dude. And i need to chop my locks. Like Dionne's or Rene's or Sarah's. after their makeover. HAHA. And poor Jael. She's funny. i love her voice. she sounds like Shane. Haha. Ohhh yeahh guess what... we got our fixtures for the Pol-Ite(IVP) games. Eeeee and every match is played in RP. eeeeee... my boots.... eeeeeeeeee........ hahhaa.. well good luck... And i cant wait for Hari Raya !!! minus the cleaning and the kueh-making. TSK. okay that's all.
Ytd's match was FUN FUN FUN. haha. it was especially NOISY. with out of tune shouting/cheering and the ocassional mispronounced words. like shoot... it becomes... SOOT~!!. HAHA. And my cheerleaders keep gettin better. haha. Ohh yes and how can i forget the belting out of Hari Raya tunes. WOW. Yeahhh Hari Raya is all abt the songs i tell you. Ohhh yes and the dumbest thing yesterday besides me and Nuri 'trainin' alone was the fact that i forgot to bring my shorts. And Zil came to my rescue. WOW. and i tot there was trainin for NYP. and who came ? thanks. And Yuzil totally had too much help for maths yesterday. HAHA. everyone was fighting to do her maths problems. HAHA. And the score is ?? drum rolls pls...
5 - 0
Hoooray~. LULU scored !!. hahaha.. she is a total kuku... with her crazy gymnastic antics. HAHA. and NAJ scored tooo... woohooo. and of course that mouse. LOL. first blood(goal). And Yuzil pls lahhh... shift means shift lahhhh. wah lao... Okay next Maths session i will explain elaborately with decorated details okay ?. hahah. Ohh yes NYP has a friendly on Wednesday. i totally cant believe i didnt hear it ahhh... i tot cikgu was referring to NYPGA. AHHAHA.. even Yuzil remembered ALL THE DETAILS. hahah. And i still think the change u gave me was too much. NVM. i shall treat u sumtin else sum other time. And dun worry bout my phone. HAHA. im gonna get it changed lahhh. but i wonder what my mama wud say. haha... but we good.
And Olynn was good lahhh on Live the Dream. OMG. she totally nailed that song. i expected her to murder that song but she did really good. WoooHooo. kudos. And Shauna. omgah... she brutally murdered P!nk's song lahhh... and it is one of my fav songs. THANKS.
Ohh yes and i've managed to catch Evanescence latest music video, GOOD ENOUGH. woooohoooo i totally love that song. Some ppl compare it to My Immortal. but i think Good Enough is nicer. i dunno. i just think so. Ohh yahhh btw the video is really really good. More than GOOD ENOUGH. haha. i like it a lot. everytime i catch a glimpse of it i will get excited. haha. And i saw a sticker on a car... saying GOOD ENOUGH. and i was so stoked coz at that point of time i was listening to the song. haha.. kay enough of good enough. let's talk bout VMAs...
Well... Alicia Keys... im sorry but i dun like her new single. it sucks. and her vocals... seemingly deteriorated. OUCH!. But her performance for the song Freedom was not bad. wooohooo. And Chris Brown can totally dance. haha. ohhh yahhh i didnt noe Amy Winehouse was nominated for video of the year for REHAB. HoOo~. i L.O.V.E that song. Watchin the VMAs made me totally stoked for next year's Grammys. WooooHooo. and i must tell you this. Alicia looked super hot at last year's grammys. and so did T.I~!! HAHA. he is HOTT okay. and he was paired with P!NK to present an award. Haha. but they didnt like have the chemistry lahhh. so sad.
And tmr my dear cuzzins are comin to break fast together. WooooHoooo~ u noe what that means. SOCCER !!. like totally dude. And i need to chop my locks. Like Dionne's or Rene's or Sarah's. after their makeover. HAHA. And poor Jael. She's funny. i love her voice. she sounds like Shane. Haha. Ohhh yeahh guess what... we got our fixtures for the Pol-Ite(IVP) games. Eeeee and every match is played in RP. eeeeee... my boots.... eeeeeeeeee........ hahhaa.. well good luck... And i cant wait for Hari Raya !!! minus the cleaning and the kueh-making. TSK. okay that's all.
Posted by vanillaspice on 5:44 PM
oKae~ i tehhhh u.... he look like a man.... (Ms.Swan)
Monday : TRAINING TIME !!. unfortunately... i wasnt fasting.. HAHA... and thanks Naj for offering me ur sandwiches. OMGAH... like after breaking our fast at the stadium.. we continued training. 2 sides. wahhhh best... Full stomach = No running. HAHAH... and that Mouse. OMGAH. eat McSpicy alone quietly at one corner. AHHA... totally like a mouse. Got LJS... Delifrance.. and the most classic is bubur Masjid. HAHA. POWER. And our 2 sides were super merepek ahhh... hahha... everyone cant run... and we were laughing like mad cows.... and I SCORED !!... yahhh everytime i score there's no goalkeeper. THANKS. and after that... like 1945 coach ask to go home. but sum of us stayed and played sumore. OMGAH. i was the WALL of the day. HAHA. it was hillarious ahhh... shouting shouting, laughing laughing, Dee's studs got entangled to my boot laces, Angie Fong kicked my ankle like she's kickin a ball, short legs, running around and sumore shouting. Super Fun !!.
Tuesday : Wait... i dunno what i did on tuesday. probably nothing. HAHA.
Wednesday(ytd) : POWER. training. only 6 ppl. NO COACH. PURE BLISS. And we get to train better. shooting, heading, crossing etc. OMGAH Hanis can shoot! WoooooHooooo. POWER.
Today : checked my results. GPA 2. HAHAHAHAH. Bs, Cs, Ds. not bad. but quite bad. i talk shit i know. deal with it. Ohhh yahhh ytd. omgah.. my bruised ankle thanks to Angie.. hurts... HAHA... and i tried to be a goalkeeper ytd... omgah den like the constant impact made my hands swell... wow best... den got bruise oso... YAY...
"Im a musician, not a stripper"(touche) - Amy Lee

ohhh and this is why Amy Lee is Fatimah Rocker's best friend. HAHA. i hope it gives sum of u a hard time sleeping tonight. HAHAHA.

BUT.. she's a kuku head. and super kental. like me. HAHA. that's why im eL Lee.. and she's Amy Lee.
I think im gonna go get myself P!nk's album... yahhh i noe im slow... but after listenin to a few more of her songs... i think i can live with her album. HAHA. she's got super cool vocals ahh.. raspy voice.. power. and of course her coiffure.
Okay i've experienced a minute epiphany. which is that i have developed the ability to ignore!!. WOW. Like ppl talkin to me.. and i will ignore. wow i am good. HAHA. to those who are ignored. im so sorry. lemme have some fun ignoring kay. coz i've done too much of acknowledging. Yes and this year. I am so stoked for HARI RAYA. weeeeeeeee~.
okay and i have to do a blog tag thingy. thanks man mar.
List out your top 5 b'day presents u wish for:
1. PSP. (HAHA)
2. P!nk's CD ??
3. Fully comprehend actions, repercussions and life.
4. Nothing
5. Nothing
Im pretty much contented lahhh
The person who you took this survey from: Marfua
Your relationship with her is: the B WoRd.
Your 3 impressions of her: Blur, Funny, Compassionate
The most memorable thing he/she had done for you: hmmm... i dunno... lemme go think...
The most memorable words he/she had said to you: i think she said i was cute... coz im like super kental. HAHAH. yahhh yahhh i am kental. i know.
The most desirable thing you want to do for him/her now is: i dunno... what does she want me to do ??
If he/becomes your lover, you will: omgah... Im gay ?? whoooopeeeee~ if i was, mar wont be it kay. HAHAHA... it'd be Shane or Alice.
If he/she becomes your lover, things he has to improve on will be: well... from a friend's point of view... u gotta RELAX... dun panic.
If he/she becomes your enemy, you will: hmmmm... i have not enemies... so i dunno...
If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be: she's annonying ?? HAHAHA. (relax kay)
Your overall impression of him/her is: blur but funny.
How do you think people around you will feel about you? Im a prick ?? Im kental ?? I talk too much ?? i dunno.
The character(s) you love about yourself is/are: wow.. isnt it self-aggrandizing ?? it's bad for my mental health. but all i can say is that i like the way i am
The character(s) you hate of yourself is/are: OMGAH. this i can tell you. i just think too much and tend to overanalyse.
The most ideal person you want to be is: Me, me, me and Me... plus a tad of Alice. HAHAHA.
For people that care and like you, say something to them: wow. thanks really. (c'mon don't expect me to give out the speech i wrote if i won a Grammy)
Pass this quiz to 10 persons you wish to know how they feel about you
1) Basirah
2) Sly
3) Yuzil
4) Shaf
5) Feeza
6) Nadiah
7) Fatin
8) Dina
9) Alisa
10) Zul
[omgah... whatever kay ppl if u wanna do den do if no den dun]
-Who is no.10 having relationship with? Bas.
-Is no.5 a male or female? Shemale. HAHAHA.. no lahhh she's a girl.
If no.4 and 2 are together, will it be a good thing? HAHAH. sure... Shaf and Sly... good one.
-What is no.1 studying about? Nursing in NYP
-When was the last time you had a chat with no 3? wow i think on tuesday.
-What kind of music band does no.8 like? hmmm... i dunno... but i saw sum EVANESCENCE. WOOOHOOO.
-Does no.9 has any siblings? yahhh... 2...
-Will you woo no.6 ? HAHA. no she woo-ed me. HAHAHA.
-How about no.7 ? she woo-ed me too. AHHAHA
-Is no.4 single? that i do not know.
-What is the nickname of no.5? MOJU!!!. Feeza... dunno...
-What is the nickname of no. 10? lagi tak tau.... Zul ?? Amy ??
-What is the hobby of no.1? hmmm... taking pictures ?? editing them ??? sleep ??
-Do no.2 and 7 get along well? omgah... dey are total strangers.
-Where is no.3 studying at? Junyuan a place we can turn to
-Talk something casually about no. 8? ohhh she's a kuku.... she's funny...
-Have you try developing feelings for no.1? well no. i told u if was gay.. it'd be Shane or Alice.
-Where does no.9 live at? a house ?.
-What color does no.6 like? PINK!!
-Are no.4 and 2 best friends? I have no idea. but they are soccermates ?? can ?
-Does no.7 likes no.8? OMG. dey love each other.. HAHA. i think they are besties
-How do you get to know no.3? School... MSN... Soccer....
-Does no.10 have any pets? no idea...
-Is no.10 the sexiest person in the world? Try asking Bas. maybe she knows.
-Your views on no.1? She's a kuku bird.
OMGAH I CAN BELIEVE IM DONE. WooooHoooo~... kay go whoever i tagged.
oKae~ i tehhhh u.... he look like a man.... (Ms.Swan)
Monday : TRAINING TIME !!. unfortunately... i wasnt fasting.. HAHA... and thanks Naj for offering me ur sandwiches. OMGAH... like after breaking our fast at the stadium.. we continued training. 2 sides. wahhhh best... Full stomach = No running. HAHAH... and that Mouse. OMGAH. eat McSpicy alone quietly at one corner. AHHA... totally like a mouse. Got LJS... Delifrance.. and the most classic is bubur Masjid. HAHA. POWER. And our 2 sides were super merepek ahhh... hahha... everyone cant run... and we were laughing like mad cows.... and I SCORED !!... yahhh everytime i score there's no goalkeeper. THANKS. and after that... like 1945 coach ask to go home. but sum of us stayed and played sumore. OMGAH. i was the WALL of the day. HAHA. it was hillarious ahhh... shouting shouting, laughing laughing, Dee's studs got entangled to my boot laces, Angie Fong kicked my ankle like she's kickin a ball, short legs, running around and sumore shouting. Super Fun !!.
Tuesday : Wait... i dunno what i did on tuesday. probably nothing. HAHA.
Wednesday(ytd) : POWER. training. only 6 ppl. NO COACH. PURE BLISS. And we get to train better. shooting, heading, crossing etc. OMGAH Hanis can shoot! WoooooHooooo. POWER.
Today : checked my results. GPA 2. HAHAHAHAH. Bs, Cs, Ds. not bad. but quite bad. i talk shit i know. deal with it. Ohhh yahhh ytd. omgah.. my bruised ankle thanks to Angie.. hurts... HAHA... and i tried to be a goalkeeper ytd... omgah den like the constant impact made my hands swell... wow best... den got bruise oso... YAY...
"Im a musician, not a stripper"(touche) - Amy Lee

ohhh and this is why Amy Lee is Fatimah Rocker's best friend. HAHA. i hope it gives sum of u a hard time sleeping tonight. HAHAHA.

BUT.. she's a kuku head. and super kental. like me. HAHA. that's why im eL Lee.. and she's Amy Lee.
I think im gonna go get myself P!nk's album... yahhh i noe im slow... but after listenin to a few more of her songs... i think i can live with her album. HAHA. she's got super cool vocals ahh.. raspy voice.. power. and of course her coiffure.
Okay i've experienced a minute epiphany. which is that i have developed the ability to ignore!!. WOW. Like ppl talkin to me.. and i will ignore. wow i am good. HAHA. to those who are ignored. im so sorry. lemme have some fun ignoring kay. coz i've done too much of acknowledging. Yes and this year. I am so stoked for HARI RAYA. weeeeeeeee~.
okay and i have to do a blog tag thingy. thanks man mar.
List out your top 5 b'day presents u wish for:
1. PSP. (HAHA)
2. P!nk's CD ??
3. Fully comprehend actions, repercussions and life.
4. Nothing
5. Nothing
Im pretty much contented lahhh
The person who you took this survey from: Marfua
Your relationship with her is: the B WoRd.
Your 3 impressions of her: Blur, Funny, Compassionate
The most memorable thing he/she had done for you: hmmm... i dunno... lemme go think...
The most memorable words he/she had said to you: i think she said i was cute... coz im like super kental. HAHAH. yahhh yahhh i am kental. i know.
The most desirable thing you want to do for him/her now is: i dunno... what does she want me to do ??
If he/becomes your lover, you will: omgah... Im gay ?? whoooopeeeee~ if i was, mar wont be it kay. HAHAHA... it'd be Shane or Alice.
If he/she becomes your lover, things he has to improve on will be: well... from a friend's point of view... u gotta RELAX... dun panic.
If he/she becomes your enemy, you will: hmmmm... i have not enemies... so i dunno...
If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be: she's annonying ?? HAHAHA. (relax kay)
Your overall impression of him/her is: blur but funny.
How do you think people around you will feel about you? Im a prick ?? Im kental ?? I talk too much ?? i dunno.
The character(s) you love about yourself is/are: wow.. isnt it self-aggrandizing ?? it's bad for my mental health. but all i can say is that i like the way i am
The character(s) you hate of yourself is/are: OMGAH. this i can tell you. i just think too much and tend to overanalyse.
The most ideal person you want to be is: Me, me, me and Me... plus a tad of Alice. HAHAHA.
For people that care and like you, say something to them: wow. thanks really. (c'mon don't expect me to give out the speech i wrote if i won a Grammy)
Pass this quiz to 10 persons you wish to know how they feel about you
1) Basirah
2) Sly
3) Yuzil
4) Shaf
5) Feeza
6) Nadiah
7) Fatin
8) Dina
9) Alisa
10) Zul
[omgah... whatever kay ppl if u wanna do den do if no den dun]
-Who is no.10 having relationship with? Bas.
-Is no.5 a male or female? Shemale. HAHAHA.. no lahhh she's a girl.
If no.4 and 2 are together, will it be a good thing? HAHAH. sure... Shaf and Sly... good one.
-What is no.1 studying about? Nursing in NYP
-When was the last time you had a chat with no 3? wow i think on tuesday.
-What kind of music band does no.8 like? hmmm... i dunno... but i saw sum EVANESCENCE. WOOOHOOO.
-Does no.9 has any siblings? yahhh... 2...
-Will you woo no.6 ? HAHA. no she woo-ed me. HAHAHA.
-How about no.7 ? she woo-ed me too. AHHAHA
-Is no.4 single? that i do not know.
-What is the nickname of no.5? MOJU!!!. Feeza... dunno...
-What is the nickname of no. 10? lagi tak tau.... Zul ?? Amy ??
-What is the hobby of no.1? hmmm... taking pictures ?? editing them ??? sleep ??
-Do no.2 and 7 get along well? omgah... dey are total strangers.
-Where is no.3 studying at? Junyuan a place we can turn to
-Talk something casually about no. 8? ohhh she's a kuku.... she's funny...
-Have you try developing feelings for no.1? well no. i told u if was gay.. it'd be Shane or Alice.
-Where does no.9 live at? a house ?.
-What color does no.6 like? PINK!!
-Are no.4 and 2 best friends? I have no idea. but they are soccermates ?? can ?
-Does no.7 likes no.8? OMG. dey love each other.. HAHA. i think they are besties
-How do you get to know no.3? School... MSN... Soccer....
-Does no.10 have any pets? no idea...
-Is no.10 the sexiest person in the world? Try asking Bas. maybe she knows.
-Your views on no.1? She's a kuku bird.
OMGAH I CAN BELIEVE IM DONE. WooooHoooo~... kay go whoever i tagged.
Posted by vanillaspice on 3:24 AM
OMGAH. i think i developed a sudden fetish for hairstyle. HAHAHA. kay pardon me for my insanity.
ONLY P!NK can carry off this look. super cool man. ( i love her vocals too)
And Jael Strauss'
I noe, i noe looks like a porcupine. But it's nice.
(and she is totally cool ahh... sumhow reserved and lighthearted.)And Hayley Williams of Paramore.
I love the colour. cool isht man.(She's got good vocals too)
Okay guess what ?? I dreamt of sumtin lame yesterday... It involves Sly, Fil, Angie, Fran and Joanne.
Joanne said sumtin to me and i was sumhow agitated by it and i turned around and slide on the floor... YES SLIDE... (u noe like when u score a goal and then u like ermm slide/glide on the field)... HAHAHA... den suddenly... Sly, Fil, Angie and Fran joined me in sliding/gliding.... AHHAHA... and after that quaint dream... i woke up. haha.
And another recent dream. I dreamt that i was listening to one of Franz Liszt's many works which i've neva heard of before... and it was NICE... STELLAR... EARTH-SHATTERING even... hahah... kay bedek... but it was really good. It sounded like Vivaldi's Winter Allegro. WOW. POWER MAN. and suddenly i was awaken from my deep slumber. TSK. at least wait lahh until i get to see the title. HAHAH.
Holidays = EPITOME OF BOREDOM (unless i go out everyday.)
well at least i have trainin tmr. well, it's sumtin to look forward to. i just hope our spirits are abit UP. urghhh. and i shud shut myself from negative comments. YOU CAN DO IT!!!.
And i wanna watch these movies :
1) Schindler's List(I MUST WATCH)
2)Immortal Beloved
3)Ludwig Van Beethoven
5)Smokin' Aces
6)The Nanny Diaries
yahh okay here ends my not-so-whatever post.OKAY BYE. IT'S A WRAP !!
what ?
Posted by vanillaspice on 11:26 PM
All that I'm living for,
All that I'm dying for,
All that I cant ignore alone at night
All that I'm wanted for,
Although I wanted more,
Lock the last open door,
My ghosts are gaining on me
How i wish i had the voice to sing this out loud. Nvm i shall just leave it to Amy Lee. Can i scream ?? ARGHHHH. Im like super not in the mood today. Disappointments are depressing. Let's face it. I suck, suck and suck. BUT, I CAN DO IT !!. C'mon ELLY. (OMG this is SO SOLILOQUY) WE CAN DO IT (by we i mean... me, me, me and me). Am i taking it too seriously ?? eeee... shan't talk abt trainin lahhh... all i can say is it's sumhow tiring and depressing... i guess it's the pre-fasting syndrome.... and franny dun think i didnt see ur tears during stretching.... what's up man... talk to me...
Time goes by so slowly, time goes by so slowly... (madonna's song).. and it's like freakin true ahhh today... OMGAH(okay sorry Yuzil i copied this too)... SO SLOW... Luckily there's Bariah and her craps abt goin for Jalan Raya... HAHAHA... whatever lohhh... she keeps implementing it everytime i asked her abt applying for a job... We were both super duper uber bored that we decided to play Jigsaw Too on MSN... HAHAHA... we completed all 3 featured puzzles today under 20 mins... it's quite difficult althou the level of difficulty is NORMAL... hahah...
OMGAH... i need super loud music today... LIKE SUPER... but not techno loud... eeeeeee..... super loud as in EVANESCENCE !!... come to think of it... isn't that wad i always listen to everyday ? ... i need to drown unsolicited emotions under the swirls of waves of heavy guitar riffs, powerful vocals and inspiring lyrics... yeahhh that's it... BRING ME TO LIFE....
And i realised that i actually curse under my breath... OMG... okay not under my breath but in my mind... u noe like i dun say it out.... OMG... i gotta stop it man... strictly no profanities in the month of Ramadhan... ohhh yes and those who sent me those chain letters on friendship and what not... if u dun receive it from me doenst mean i hate u kay.... i have no freakin time for chain mails.... no big rite ??... alright... and another realisation i made... is that my thoughts are super sporadic and rampant... eeeeeeeee.... okay whatever this post is super the WHATEVER.... okay bye. ( i dun even noe what im ranting about)
All that I'm dying for,
All that I cant ignore alone at night
All that I'm wanted for,
Although I wanted more,
Lock the last open door,
My ghosts are gaining on me
How i wish i had the voice to sing this out loud. Nvm i shall just leave it to Amy Lee. Can i scream ?? ARGHHHH. Im like super not in the mood today. Disappointments are depressing. Let's face it. I suck, suck and suck. BUT, I CAN DO IT !!. C'mon ELLY. (OMG this is SO SOLILOQUY) WE CAN DO IT (by we i mean... me, me, me and me). Am i taking it too seriously ?? eeee... shan't talk abt trainin lahhh... all i can say is it's sumhow tiring and depressing... i guess it's the pre-fasting syndrome.... and franny dun think i didnt see ur tears during stretching.... what's up man... talk to me...
Time goes by so slowly, time goes by so slowly... (madonna's song).. and it's like freakin true ahhh today... OMGAH(okay sorry Yuzil i copied this too)... SO SLOW... Luckily there's Bariah and her craps abt goin for Jalan Raya... HAHAHA... whatever lohhh... she keeps implementing it everytime i asked her abt applying for a job... We were both super duper uber bored that we decided to play Jigsaw Too on MSN... HAHAHA... we completed all 3 featured puzzles today under 20 mins... it's quite difficult althou the level of difficulty is NORMAL... hahah...
OMGAH... i need super loud music today... LIKE SUPER... but not techno loud... eeeeeee..... super loud as in EVANESCENCE !!... come to think of it... isn't that wad i always listen to everyday ? ... i need to drown unsolicited emotions under the swirls of waves of heavy guitar riffs, powerful vocals and inspiring lyrics... yeahhh that's it... BRING ME TO LIFE....
And i realised that i actually curse under my breath... OMG... okay not under my breath but in my mind... u noe like i dun say it out.... OMG... i gotta stop it man... strictly no profanities in the month of Ramadhan... ohhh yes and those who sent me those chain letters on friendship and what not... if u dun receive it from me doenst mean i hate u kay.... i have no freakin time for chain mails.... no big rite ??... alright... and another realisation i made... is that my thoughts are super sporadic and rampant... eeeeeeeee.... okay whatever this post is super the WHATEVER.... okay bye. ( i dun even noe what im ranting about)
Posted by vanillaspice on 10:36 PM
ZOMG !!. yesterday was indescribable. like totally. (omg i sound so bimbotique).
First, Shidah and Ayu came with a basket full of jerseys and stuffs. HAHAHA. it was like a flea market man. They said that cikgu didnt want those jerseys coz he has too much... so we were allowed to take anione that we liked. And there were like sweaters and jackets and shinpads. LOL. So kental can.
Ohh but before that we saw the Bishan Arsenal players. And we went like WHAT ??... Omg they've got their 2 Cameroon players. And we were super intimidated. And i went like "If i dun make it today, tell my Mama i love her and that i fought hard today".. HAHAHA. And I kept asking "Are we dead?? are we dead ??" and the response was quick and precise.. "Yes." .. HAHA. And to make it worst.. most of our good players were not playing. WAH LAO.
Wahh.. den i was put as striker AGAIN. arghhh. WHY ?? when we play 2 sides during trainin im always a midfield-er. And when u get so accustomed to a position and suddenly sumbody puts u as a striker you'll be like ??? arghhh. It's like writing with a left hand when u are a right handed person. Or maybe im being too much of a pessimist. TSK. But i did the best i cud as a striker. I barely get the ball.. ohhh wait.. i get it a lot of times... coz dey scored like A LOT... so me and Fran always haf to kick off. HaHa. And i dunno why i was smiling to one of the Cameroon players. Haha. she kept looking at me what. so i smiled lohhh.
And there were 3 defenders behind me who kept talking... but there was a funny part coz i laughed. lol.. and i think as usual they thought i was Chinese. HAHA. Coz dey went like "Nombor tiga belas kat sini !!" which means "Number thirteen is here !!".. like go mark her like that lahhh... hmmmm first half all i can rmb is they scored a lot. HaHa
Second half i was on the benches. And cikgu put me in like 30s b4 the half ends. THANKS. But 2nd half was good for me coz he put me as RM. urghhh... but i oni played like 30s ?? thanks. ohhh but there was a penalty. and Yuki took it and she scored. YAHOO~ so the scoreline was ??-1. HAHA.
Third half. I subbed Hanis... she said this to me "Go kick some ass". yahhh striker again. But luckily i saw Yuki and i said this to her ... "Eh Yuki u play up ahhh"... Den she said "Okay".. Den i said "i chg position with you okay ??" .. she said "Okay but right mid u noe ??".. Den i was like "yahh yahhh i noe..."... like finally. And den i dunno how we managed to get tha ball to the front... and i got the ball in the penalty box... and i remembered staring at the ball and the goalkeeper and my distance from the goalpost and the distance of the ball from my feet. and den suddenly sumbody fell flat on the field behind me. And i was like ?????.. i tot i committed a foul.. and i stood there dazed and confused.... and i looked around to see whether i did committed a foul or not... BUT... everyone just stared back at me.... den i heard "ELLY HERE!!" den i passed to Yuki... and she scored... YaHoOo~.. and den i went to apologise to the girl... but den Xin said "No nid to say sorry one"... HAHAHA... wth... and den bla bla bla... end of match.. i apologised to the girl again. AHHAHA...
I realised sumtin... when im on the field... im abit blur... HAHA... i haf no idea why... And i am so inspired by ANGIE FONG... wah lao.. she ROCKS LAHHH... her defending skills are SUPERB... wow... i oso want to play centre back with her lahhh... LOL... she is really good lohhh.... And she blocked a shot with her stomach.... OUCH !!... but she kept her cool and carried on... WOW... she's my idol !!.... I think Francine did good with the ball ytd... i sucked as striker.... hahah.... i dunno why.... im predisposed to pass and assist instead of shooting... and i shud dribble more... urghhhh.... im quite disappointed with my performance ytd... arghh... but it's okay... Learn from the past, Dominate the future... and i cant wait for trainin tmr...
Overall i think it was a good experience for us newbies. We shall learn from experience. And Yuzil good luck with Chem Prac... HoOoo~...ohh yahh wait... thanks to Fat for offering me a ride home. *BIG SMILE* ... and Angie one day we set up a team kay... Yio Chu Kang Chelsea... HAHAHAH....
First, Shidah and Ayu came with a basket full of jerseys and stuffs. HAHAHA. it was like a flea market man. They said that cikgu didnt want those jerseys coz he has too much... so we were allowed to take anione that we liked. And there were like sweaters and jackets and shinpads. LOL. So kental can.
Ohh but before that we saw the Bishan Arsenal players. And we went like WHAT ??... Omg they've got their 2 Cameroon players. And we were super intimidated. And i went like "If i dun make it today, tell my Mama i love her and that i fought hard today".. HAHAHA. And I kept asking "Are we dead?? are we dead ??" and the response was quick and precise.. "Yes." .. HAHA. And to make it worst.. most of our good players were not playing. WAH LAO.
Wahh.. den i was put as striker AGAIN. arghhh. WHY ?? when we play 2 sides during trainin im always a midfield-er. And when u get so accustomed to a position and suddenly sumbody puts u as a striker you'll be like ??? arghhh. It's like writing with a left hand when u are a right handed person. Or maybe im being too much of a pessimist. TSK. But i did the best i cud as a striker. I barely get the ball.. ohhh wait.. i get it a lot of times... coz dey scored like A LOT... so me and Fran always haf to kick off. HaHa. And i dunno why i was smiling to one of the Cameroon players. Haha. she kept looking at me what. so i smiled lohhh.
And there were 3 defenders behind me who kept talking... but there was a funny part coz i laughed. lol.. and i think as usual they thought i was Chinese. HAHA. Coz dey went like "Nombor tiga belas kat sini !!" which means "Number thirteen is here !!".. like go mark her like that lahhh... hmmmm first half all i can rmb is they scored a lot. HaHa
Second half i was on the benches. And cikgu put me in like 30s b4 the half ends. THANKS. But 2nd half was good for me coz he put me as RM. urghhh... but i oni played like 30s ?? thanks. ohhh but there was a penalty. and Yuki took it and she scored. YAHOO~ so the scoreline was ??-1. HAHA.
Third half. I subbed Hanis... she said this to me "Go kick some ass". yahhh striker again. But luckily i saw Yuki and i said this to her ... "Eh Yuki u play up ahhh"... Den she said "Okay".. Den i said "i chg position with you okay ??" .. she said "Okay but right mid u noe ??".. Den i was like "yahh yahhh i noe..."... like finally. And den i dunno how we managed to get tha ball to the front... and i got the ball in the penalty box... and i remembered staring at the ball and the goalkeeper and my distance from the goalpost and the distance of the ball from my feet. and den suddenly sumbody fell flat on the field behind me. And i was like ?????.. i tot i committed a foul.. and i stood there dazed and confused.... and i looked around to see whether i did committed a foul or not... BUT... everyone just stared back at me.... den i heard "ELLY HERE!!" den i passed to Yuki... and she scored... YaHoOo~.. and den i went to apologise to the girl... but den Xin said "No nid to say sorry one"... HAHAHA... wth... and den bla bla bla... end of match.. i apologised to the girl again. AHHAHA...
I realised sumtin... when im on the field... im abit blur... HAHA... i haf no idea why... And i am so inspired by ANGIE FONG... wah lao.. she ROCKS LAHHH... her defending skills are SUPERB... wow... i oso want to play centre back with her lahhh... LOL... she is really good lohhh.... And she blocked a shot with her stomach.... OUCH !!... but she kept her cool and carried on... WOW... she's my idol !!.... I think Francine did good with the ball ytd... i sucked as striker.... hahah.... i dunno why.... im predisposed to pass and assist instead of shooting... and i shud dribble more... urghhhh.... im quite disappointed with my performance ytd... arghh... but it's okay... Learn from the past, Dominate the future... and i cant wait for trainin tmr...
Overall i think it was a good experience for us newbies. We shall learn from experience. And Yuzil good luck with Chem Prac... HoOoo~...ohh yahh wait... thanks to Fat for offering me a ride home. *BIG SMILE* ... and Angie one day we set up a team kay... Yio Chu Kang Chelsea... HAHAHAH....
Ohhh wait did i tell you ?? Our match ytd was supposedly a re-match coz Bishan Arsenal 'B' drew(is this in correct tense ??) with NYPGA. And they were disappointed and so decided to play a friendly with us. BUT.. they sent their team 'A'... wah lao... thanks... hahaha... and i think dey are happy now coz dey trashed us... but we managed to slot in 2 goals... yay...
bbq and match
Posted by vanillaspice on 8:17 AM
Hair Low, Hair Low.
oKae.. i tehhh u... yesterday's BBQ was.............. F-u-N. haha. Not bad lahhh. Apparently MEN cant be depended upon to start fire. Whatever lohh. Jasmine, Inky and Me were like fan-ing(if there's such a word) away at the charcoals. HAHAHA. I played the song Shut Up and Drive. So when the chorus came i wud sing it. And Jasmine told me this "SHUT UP AND FAN LAHHH"... HAHAHA. that was GOOD. And we seriously looked like cavemen/women tryna start a fire. I felt so prehistoric man. And den Joanne's parents and her lil brother came to save our souls. SALVATION. WOW. Her mum is like Xena the warrior princess. HAHAHA. I LOVE THE SPICY CHICKEN AND THE SAUSAGES. WooooHooooo~. And Michael Chin brought a whole plastic bag full of sweets. WOW. i asked him "Ehh Mike.. i bring home ahh ?".. Den he said "Take lohh"... HAHA. And of course being the generous person i am... i gave a handful to each person who came for the BBQ. Except Ashrof... keep saying he only wants ONE. lol. YES AND THANKFULLY... there was no sighting of Fatimah Rockers or whatever else. THANK YOU GOD. ohh yahh the best part was me and Inky missing the last train home. WTH. but... we took a cab home. And being the generous person i am AGAIN. i gave the taxi driver some sweets. HAHAHA. He asked me "This one your friend took from the funeral ahh ?".. den i went like ????. HAHA. Whatever Lohh.
NYPGA vs Redhill Rangers
Yuzil late again LOHH. but luckily her shirt was cool. it says.. "SLUT" hahaha. bloody cool man. I wanted to take a photo with her but she refuses. TSK. WOW. NYPGA GOT NEW JERSEY. and it's ORANGE. wow SO BRIGHT. cool shit sia.. there's like ppl sitting on ur shoulder. HAHAHA. u noe the Kappa logo thingy. the two person. ahhh forget it. But really nice. And I LOVE MY CHEERLEADERS. so smart. hahaha. When i say clap, everybody claps. GOOD JOB. hahaha. And our star players were not around.... SO SAD. But i love Fat's voice ahhh.. AHAHA. Now she is officially FATEHA ROCKER. LOL. And i finally gave Shaf her long overdued chocolate Yan Yan. like FINALLY. And den went to North Point or NorthWay Point (according to Yuzil).. to have dinner ?? yahhh... And Yuzil... okay nvm i shall not embarass u kay... HAHA. I AM A GOOD SOUL. Ohhh yes... NYP... we got match lahhh on Monday. against Bishan Arsenal "B"... ARE YOU KIDDING ME ??. But... WE SHALL GIVE OUR BEST. Let's bring our A Game girls!!. WE CAN DO IT. lol... yahhh and i need new boots~!!! NOW. yay gonna get it tmr with my Dad. YaHooo~... but skali he say budget is 50 ahhh... wah lao i smack him sia... OOOOPS. haha....
And tmr i have PE with Yuzil and Syira. YAY. and i haf Young Explorers tmr. AHHHHHH~.. and to whoever who made me the i/c of arts and craft.. THANKS A LOT. I LOVE YOU. arts and craft + Elly = Disaster. what am i supposed to make ?? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. And thanks for informing me like quite late. THANKS A LOT.
okay got some lame pics to post.
hmmm. who ahh ?hahaShidah = Dida (Brazillian Goalkeeper)
Shane and ALICE PIESZECKI~!! WoooHooo.. my idol. but she kinda looks like she needs a slap. HAHAA.

NYPGA and our coaches.
weird dream
Posted by vanillaspice on 10:53 PM
Hair Low, Hair Low.
I had the weirdest, interesting dream last night. quite cool ahhh.
First, I was goin down the stairs and making my way to skool... and I saw Mr. Silva.. and he looks rather agitated as I am late... Den i thot again... HELLO ?? Im not in Junyuan animore. So yahh... den i dunno what happened and Im suddenly at Old Chang Kee. And it's a freakin fast food restaurant. WOW. so cool. And i ordered from my MUM. YES. she was working there. HAHAHA. so lame rite ?. Then suddenly Im all grown up and visiting this museum. Well i dun think it was initially a museum. I guess it was a building with major historical values and therefore turned into a museum. And it was in Thailand. WOW. how interesting. And i was with my supposedly colleagues, walking around and viewing the museum. And the coolest thing about the place was that it was covered from wall to wall(no dun sing to me chris brown's song) with paintings painted on the walls... WOW. Very elaborate paintings of ermmm vines or veins or whatever which like stretches across the walls... and sum other work of art which i cant seem to interpret. LOL. but the weird part is... there's this ermmm hole in the floor and it was filled with like blood and huge veins and arteries and it's really creepy like nobody dares to go near it. And den we move to another room... And it's sort of a music room which is really cool... coz u see the chairs and the stands... but there's this painting hung on the wall... it depicts a botak guy playing his violin... and guess what he was wearing ?? omg like those clothes that classical composers wore.. WOW... behind him is a ghost.. an apparition... or whatever but it is scary... So im guessin the room is haunted by a ghost... so me and my colleague... were spooked... and guess who's my colleague ?? it's HELENA PEABODY. HAHAHAH... so cool can... and den we proceeded to watch a performance.... and there were certain seats which u cant plant ur gluteus maximus on... u noe like Phantom Of The Opera ??... ur supposed to leave a seat for him.... but this time... it's a LOT of seats... eeeeeeeeee.... den whatever else... and i woke up.... HAHAHA... LiKe wHaTeVeR eLLy~
Okay even if it doesnt make sense to u.... i just feel like talkin abt it... so yahh... haha. Ohhh yes... today my class BBQ is at Sembawang Park. Where the heck is that ? tsk. OMG and Yuzil u gotta take down Sly's penalty video. HAHAH... OMG i am super noisy... im like askin "Yuzil.. kiter tak tau main kan ??" which means... "Yuzil.. we don't know how to play right ??"..eeee.. what the hell am i talking abt sia ??... and the evil OoZy purposely focused the camera on me. THANKS. But sadly... cant really see the penalty shot lahhh so sad... And i hope the food is good later... coz i am STARVING. And Yuzil.. maths... when ???... TSK.
Okay that concludes my abrupt urge to blog abt my quaint dream. ALRIGHT. WE GOOD. IT'S A WRAP~
I had the weirdest, interesting dream last night. quite cool ahhh.
First, I was goin down the stairs and making my way to skool... and I saw Mr. Silva.. and he looks rather agitated as I am late... Den i thot again... HELLO ?? Im not in Junyuan animore. So yahh... den i dunno what happened and Im suddenly at Old Chang Kee. And it's a freakin fast food restaurant. WOW. so cool. And i ordered from my MUM. YES. she was working there. HAHAHA. so lame rite ?. Then suddenly Im all grown up and visiting this museum. Well i dun think it was initially a museum. I guess it was a building with major historical values and therefore turned into a museum. And it was in Thailand. WOW. how interesting. And i was with my supposedly colleagues, walking around and viewing the museum. And the coolest thing about the place was that it was covered from wall to wall(no dun sing to me chris brown's song) with paintings painted on the walls... WOW. Very elaborate paintings of ermmm vines or veins or whatever which like stretches across the walls... and sum other work of art which i cant seem to interpret. LOL. but the weird part is... there's this ermmm hole in the floor and it was filled with like blood and huge veins and arteries and it's really creepy like nobody dares to go near it. And den we move to another room... And it's sort of a music room which is really cool... coz u see the chairs and the stands... but there's this painting hung on the wall... it depicts a botak guy playing his violin... and guess what he was wearing ?? omg like those clothes that classical composers wore.. WOW... behind him is a ghost.. an apparition... or whatever but it is scary... So im guessin the room is haunted by a ghost... so me and my colleague... were spooked... and guess who's my colleague ?? it's HELENA PEABODY. HAHAHAH... so cool can... and den we proceeded to watch a performance.... and there were certain seats which u cant plant ur gluteus maximus on... u noe like Phantom Of The Opera ??... ur supposed to leave a seat for him.... but this time... it's a LOT of seats... eeeeeeeeee.... den whatever else... and i woke up.... HAHAHA... LiKe wHaTeVeR eLLy~
Okay even if it doesnt make sense to u.... i just feel like talkin abt it... so yahh... haha. Ohhh yes... today my class BBQ is at Sembawang Park. Where the heck is that ? tsk. OMG and Yuzil u gotta take down Sly's penalty video. HAHAH... OMG i am super noisy... im like askin "Yuzil.. kiter tak tau main kan ??" which means... "Yuzil.. we don't know how to play right ??"..eeee.. what the hell am i talking abt sia ??... and the evil OoZy purposely focused the camera on me. THANKS. But sadly... cant really see the penalty shot lahhh so sad... And i hope the food is good later... coz i am STARVING. And Yuzil.. maths... when ???... TSK.
Okay that concludes my abrupt urge to blog abt my quaint dream. ALRIGHT. WE GOOD. IT'S A WRAP~
fire in the hole
Posted by vanillaspice on 4:55 AM
Hair Low, Hair Low.
Life in it's constant state of moving nowhere. Especially during the holidays. Im super duper uber bored. And i am searchin for a job. HELP anione ?? And i totally need new boots. My Umbro... it's dying... HAHA. ohhh yahhh i watched Hairspray with Atika and Yuzil today. Not bad. But i expected more actually. Like more humour or sumtin. Like a bit bland lahhh. TSK. but nvm got to see my mother, Queen Latifah. HAHA. she rocks kae. and the crazy Amanda Bynes. and i think James Marsden IS HOTT~!!!. lol. Ohhh yahhh den i saw Imah. wahhh.. i didnt noe she was hospitalised ahhh. she said she just recovered. eeeeeeeeeeeeeee. she was super pale. and her handshake was super weak. eeeeeeeeee. i hope she's okay.
Ohhh yahhh tmr NYPGA got match. GO GO GO~!! FIRE IN THE HOLE. YOU CAN DO IT !!!. might go. might not go. must ask Yuzil see if she wants to accompany me. HaHa. And i feel like doing E. Maths. I hope i remember how to do coz i need to teach Yuzillio (whatever). haha.
Trainin was fun ?? i guess. Shooting was fun. The impromptu one. not the one the coach asked us to do. hahaha. Den right Afni basket lohhh.
Coach says : Do cross-over sumtin sumtin sumtin (apparently i cudnt comprehend what he just said)
Elly says : Coach can u translate that in Malay ?? I don't understand English.(haha)
Afni says : Wahhhh u understand Malay mehhh ??
Wah lao ehhh... BASKET SIA. pls lohh. I CAN SPEAK AND UNDERSTAND MALAY. wth. why ppl keep telling me i sound weird speakin in malay or that i dun seem to be capable of conversing in malay. WTH. I CAN DO IT !!!. hahaa. kay kay... then that mouse say i very the "speakong" which means i always converse in English. THANKS. lol.
Okay i think that's all lahhh... i really have nuttin to say. except that i am super bored, i need new boots and i need a job. that's all. ohhh and that I LOVE CAKE. ohh and also i have been watchin TLW. LOL. SO FUNNY. I LOVE ALICE. She's my idol besides Marjorie Dawes of course. And i cant wait for IVP. GO GO GO !!.
Ohh yahh wait. The SAS match. HoOo~ the skool. IS SUPER BIG. then right... the guards said pointing to his right "Just go LEFT and u will see tha stadium". WHATEVER LOHHH. And we(Yuzil, Syira and I) purposely stood at the stands near the white ppl. AND CHEERED LOUDLY FOR NYPGA. LOL. so funny. I think we pissed them off a little. And i wanted to ermm speak in British accent. But i didnt lahhh... i just think it's too much of a direct insult to the Americans. HAHAHA. BUT IT WAS FUN. kay den rite.... there was this area in the skool. it was sealed... okay not sealed... but u noe like CSI Crime scenes ?? it had a tape around it which states "CRIME SCENE DO NOT CROSS"... IMAGINE HOW EXCITED I WAS. And i thot to myself... "theft ? robbery ?? vandalism ??"... Den i thot again "who wud want to steal sumtin frm a garden ???" ... Den in my mind i went like "OMG... SUICIDE !! HOMICIDE !! MANSLAUGHTER !!" wow. den i got more excited. hahaha. and Yuzil neared the crime scene to take a closer look. SUDDENLY... we(Yuzil and me. Apparently Syira was too hungry to smell anithang.LOL) smelled sumtin... sumtin pleasant yet portends sumtin unpleasant.... yes the Frangipani. or the Jasmine. Or whatever blossoming plant the fragrance diffused from. Our excitement died down and chged to fear. HAHA. And Yuzil RAN. HAHAHA. Whatever lohhh. I was still there looking around to find the fragrant plant. BUT it was nowhere in sight. omg. and so i joined Yuzil in scattering away from that area. that was scary yet exciting. lol. And that was my highlight of the week.
Life in it's constant state of moving nowhere. Especially during the holidays. Im super duper uber bored. And i am searchin for a job. HELP anione ?? And i totally need new boots. My Umbro... it's dying... HAHA. ohhh yahhh i watched Hairspray with Atika and Yuzil today. Not bad. But i expected more actually. Like more humour or sumtin. Like a bit bland lahhh. TSK. but nvm got to see my mother, Queen Latifah. HAHA. she rocks kae. and the crazy Amanda Bynes. and i think James Marsden IS HOTT~!!!. lol. Ohhh yahhh den i saw Imah. wahhh.. i didnt noe she was hospitalised ahhh. she said she just recovered. eeeeeeeeeeeeeee. she was super pale. and her handshake was super weak. eeeeeeeeee. i hope she's okay.
Ohhh yahhh tmr NYPGA got match. GO GO GO~!! FIRE IN THE HOLE. YOU CAN DO IT !!!. might go. might not go. must ask Yuzil see if she wants to accompany me. HaHa. And i feel like doing E. Maths. I hope i remember how to do coz i need to teach Yuzillio (whatever). haha.
Trainin was fun ?? i guess. Shooting was fun. The impromptu one. not the one the coach asked us to do. hahaha. Den right Afni basket lohhh.
Coach says : Do cross-over sumtin sumtin sumtin (apparently i cudnt comprehend what he just said)
Elly says : Coach can u translate that in Malay ?? I don't understand English.(haha)
Afni says : Wahhhh u understand Malay mehhh ??
Wah lao ehhh... BASKET SIA. pls lohh. I CAN SPEAK AND UNDERSTAND MALAY. wth. why ppl keep telling me i sound weird speakin in malay or that i dun seem to be capable of conversing in malay. WTH. I CAN DO IT !!!. hahaa. kay kay... then that mouse say i very the "speakong" which means i always converse in English. THANKS. lol.
Okay i think that's all lahhh... i really have nuttin to say. except that i am super bored, i need new boots and i need a job. that's all. ohhh and that I LOVE CAKE. ohh and also i have been watchin TLW. LOL. SO FUNNY. I LOVE ALICE. She's my idol besides Marjorie Dawes of course. And i cant wait for IVP. GO GO GO !!.
Ohh yahh wait. The SAS match. HoOo~ the skool. IS SUPER BIG. then right... the guards said pointing to his right "Just go LEFT and u will see tha stadium". WHATEVER LOHHH. And we(Yuzil, Syira and I) purposely stood at the stands near the white ppl. AND CHEERED LOUDLY FOR NYPGA. LOL. so funny. I think we pissed them off a little. And i wanted to ermm speak in British accent. But i didnt lahhh... i just think it's too much of a direct insult to the Americans. HAHAHA. BUT IT WAS FUN. kay den rite.... there was this area in the skool. it was sealed... okay not sealed... but u noe like CSI Crime scenes ?? it had a tape around it which states "CRIME SCENE DO NOT CROSS"... IMAGINE HOW EXCITED I WAS. And i thot to myself... "theft ? robbery ?? vandalism ??"... Den i thot again "who wud want to steal sumtin frm a garden ???" ... Den in my mind i went like "OMG... SUICIDE !! HOMICIDE !! MANSLAUGHTER !!" wow. den i got more excited. hahaha. and Yuzil neared the crime scene to take a closer look. SUDDENLY... we(Yuzil and me. Apparently Syira was too hungry to smell anithang.LOL) smelled sumtin... sumtin pleasant yet portends sumtin unpleasant.... yes the Frangipani. or the Jasmine. Or whatever blossoming plant the fragrance diffused from. Our excitement died down and chged to fear. HAHA. And Yuzil RAN. HAHAHA. Whatever lohhh. I was still there looking around to find the fragrant plant. BUT it was nowhere in sight. omg. and so i joined Yuzil in scattering away from that area. that was scary yet exciting. lol. And that was my highlight of the week.