Sky Flakes
Posted by vanillaspice on 5:57 AM
Ella Kai = Ella + Natasha Kai okay not anything else that is similar to KAI. STOP IT lohhh. haha
Word of the day : SISTERHOOD
Said by : Constance
Ella : I was just about to ask u whether i could have some of ur drink
Constance : (stops licking her straw)... huh ?? nvm lahhh WE SISTERHOOD!!.. (pokes the straw into the drink and offers me some)
SISTERHOOD!!! FTW!!! haha! Constance u eat more chill pills better lahh.
Maths paper today = good game dudes. haha! total PITA. even the maths genius Ong Linghui thought that it was difficult.
YESTERDAY. Celebrated Joanne's birthday at the stupid naked fish shoppe. DUDE. guess what i ordered... CHICKEN!!!. haha. It was fun. the soup sucked. It kept raining fish and chips on my plate... but it had chicken thunderstorm on Divek's plate. HAHAHA. Ermmm and there was a fountain/pond nearby with Kois. And i cant believe i listened to Linghui's fishtales. HAHA.
Fish#1 - Likes to eat rubbish coz it was almost unmoving by the corner.(rubbish coz particle counts are much higher due to particle accumulation at the corners)
Fish#2 - Sleeping coz it's near a pole/pipe
Fish#3 - Big white shark coz it's white and fat. HAHA!!
And seriously Joanne... you seriously thought all the Winnie the Pooh merch are of coincidence ? C'mon. hahaha. I know my presents are nothing much but i seriously dunno what to buy... haha. Sorry.
Divek... urs coming soon. we havent forsaken u yet. HAHA.
TOMORROW. Study in school again. No more card games boys!! Bring on holidays dude!! c'mon!! I wanna get a job so i can get moolah so i can go get myself a new pink samsung YP-U3. I dont need an iPod. My samsung is the best!
And Ohhh God... Moonlight Sonata is soooooooo enticing me to tickle the keys again. It's so cathartic. (i know i use the word cathartic on almost everything) Ohhh yeahh i watched HOUSE. wooohoooo. He's so damn smart and irritating. Oooooh Dr. Chase = HOT. haha.
I just realised Natasha Kai(my new obsession) has tattoos on her legs!! nice ahh! I love polynesian tattoos!! And i wanna play soccer!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ I guess im not goin trainin on thurs. DAMMIT.
Street soccer anytime soon anyone ?? pretty pls. okay guess what time it is... ??? yes... PHOTO UP!!
PHOTO UP : Feast your eyes!!

Natasha Kai... new bestfriend/idol/gf ??. sponsored by NIKE u know. WLW.
Tie-tee With the cheaters... anyone ???
Chelsea FTW!!

ermmmm... HAHAHA! not our fault.

LH ghost.

OMG im so chinese i dun believe myself.

Mike and camwhore of the day=bday girl


ermmm toilet ?

i think it was suposed to be the angry pose. HAHA!

Sono gei ?

Divek was actually teaching me how to elbow defenders. hahah. No idea what Azhar is doing thou.
posted on 260808
bring on Common Reaction
Word of the day : SISTERHOOD
Said by : Constance
Ella : I was just about to ask u whether i could have some of ur drink
Constance : (stops licking her straw)... huh ?? nvm lahhh WE SISTERHOOD!!.. (pokes the straw into the drink and offers me some)
SISTERHOOD!!! FTW!!! haha! Constance u eat more chill pills better lahh.
Maths paper today = good game dudes. haha! total PITA. even the maths genius Ong Linghui thought that it was difficult.
YESTERDAY. Celebrated Joanne's birthday at the stupid naked fish shoppe. DUDE. guess what i ordered... CHICKEN!!!. haha. It was fun. the soup sucked. It kept raining fish and chips on my plate... but it had chicken thunderstorm on Divek's plate. HAHAHA. Ermmm and there was a fountain/pond nearby with Kois. And i cant believe i listened to Linghui's fishtales. HAHA.
Fish#1 - Likes to eat rubbish coz it was almost unmoving by the corner.(rubbish coz particle counts are much higher due to particle accumulation at the corners)
Fish#2 - Sleeping coz it's near a pole/pipe
Fish#3 - Big white shark coz it's white and fat. HAHA!!
And seriously Joanne... you seriously thought all the Winnie the Pooh merch are of coincidence ? C'mon. hahaha. I know my presents are nothing much but i seriously dunno what to buy... haha. Sorry.
Divek... urs coming soon. we havent forsaken u yet. HAHA.
TOMORROW. Study in school again. No more card games boys!! Bring on holidays dude!! c'mon!! I wanna get a job so i can get moolah so i can go get myself a new pink samsung YP-U3. I dont need an iPod. My samsung is the best!
And Ohhh God... Moonlight Sonata is soooooooo enticing me to tickle the keys again. It's so cathartic. (i know i use the word cathartic on almost everything) Ohhh yeahh i watched HOUSE. wooohoooo. He's so damn smart and irritating. Oooooh Dr. Chase = HOT. haha.
I just realised Natasha Kai(my new obsession) has tattoos on her legs!! nice ahh! I love polynesian tattoos!! And i wanna play soccer!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ I guess im not goin trainin on thurs. DAMMIT.
Street soccer anytime soon anyone ?? pretty pls. okay guess what time it is... ??? yes... PHOTO UP!!
PHOTO UP : Feast your eyes!!

Natasha Kai... new bestfriend/idol/gf ??. sponsored by NIKE u know. WLW.
Tie-tee With the cheaters... anyone ???
Chelsea FTW!!
ermmmm... HAHAHA! not our fault.
LH ghost.
OMG im so chinese i dun believe myself.
Mike and camwhore of the day=bday girl
ermmm toilet ?
i think it was suposed to be the angry pose. HAHA!
Sono gei ?
Divek was actually teaching me how to elbow defenders. hahah. No idea what Azhar is doing thou.
posted on 260808
bring on Common Reaction
the ball game
Posted by vanillaspice on 12:31 AM
Dude Dude Dude... I finally managed to catch Women's Soccer in the olympix!! And it's like what ? the FINAL match. HAHA. USA vs BRAZIL. 1-0. Boooo Hisss Boooo. I swear Brazil were the better team.
Brazil women's soccer. KEYWORDS : MARTA, CRISTIANE.
OMG!! they super progoals!! seriously. their ball control is superb!! And Marta is like FIFA Women's world player 2007!! and she's only like 21!!! like WTFF. I wanna rub shoulders with her in hope that her superb skills get rubbed onto me. HAHAHA! Cristiane likes to dance when she scores. HAHAHA!. ohhh God.. seriously... i wish my team was that fun. We could do a simple dance if we score. HAHA. I bet Lulu will like it. And then i went to check out Natasha Kai.. since her tattoo is damn nice. it's a sleeve dude. super nice! And i watched a couple of the USA WNT funny videos. It totally reminds me of our orientation last year. haha. They have really strong team bonding lahhh. WLW. And they do crazy stuff with each other. TSK. Somebody please bring silly back to the team.
Hmmmmm... i've been studyin in TP... new environment. very nice. i like changes. stupid mushroom. it doesnt even look like a mushroom. And thanks Atika Kamsan for writing my name and number for a stupid survey. You owe me 500 dollars now. haha. Im practically bored right now. Waiting to meet my mum. she's like a snail. haha.
Cant wait for exams to be over. K-BOX ? haha. I wanna sing Zombie!! hahahah! i'll laugh my own ass off to that. Okay i really have nothing much to say sooooooooo yeahhh... but wait...

I dont know. You tell me. haha

Marta watches on as the crazy Cristiane celebrates her goal.

Marta Vieira Da Silva

She Rocks

My Socks
posted on 230808
Brazil women's soccer. KEYWORDS : MARTA, CRISTIANE.
OMG!! they super progoals!! seriously. their ball control is superb!! And Marta is like FIFA Women's world player 2007!! and she's only like 21!!! like WTFF. I wanna rub shoulders with her in hope that her superb skills get rubbed onto me. HAHAHA! Cristiane likes to dance when she scores. HAHAHA!. ohhh God.. seriously... i wish my team was that fun. We could do a simple dance if we score. HAHA. I bet Lulu will like it. And then i went to check out Natasha Kai.. since her tattoo is damn nice. it's a sleeve dude. super nice! And i watched a couple of the USA WNT funny videos. It totally reminds me of our orientation last year. haha. They have really strong team bonding lahhh. WLW. And they do crazy stuff with each other. TSK. Somebody please bring silly back to the team.
Hmmmmm... i've been studyin in TP... new environment. very nice. i like changes. stupid mushroom. it doesnt even look like a mushroom. And thanks Atika Kamsan for writing my name and number for a stupid survey. You owe me 500 dollars now. haha. Im practically bored right now. Waiting to meet my mum. she's like a snail. haha.
Cant wait for exams to be over. K-BOX ? haha. I wanna sing Zombie!! hahahah! i'll laugh my own ass off to that. Okay i really have nothing much to say sooooooooo yeahhh... but wait...

I dont know. You tell me. haha

Marta watches on as the crazy Cristiane celebrates her goal.

Marta Vieira Da Silva

She Rocks

My Socks
posted on 230808
Good Enough
Posted by vanillaspice on 6:37 AM
DUDE GO WATCH THIS (i have no idea why i cant embed this into my post)
UH HUH HER ROCKS!!! how many times must i repeat that ??? haha. And i swear Leisha looks uber hott!!! woooooooot woooooooot. I love her eye make up... and at certain parts her hair. WOW. And Cam looks nonchalantly hot. LOL. GO UHH. You better make your way down to SG!! And i hope Audrey is nice enough to share her Common Reaction with me. HAHA.
And Linghui was so sad today that i forgot her name TWICE. HAHA! Dude my brain was too packed with design formulas and stuff that i forget her name. It happens... A LOT OF TIMES. haha!
Design paper today was ermmm... no idea dude. just dont say anything to jinx any chances of me passing it okay! ShHhh. DONT SAY IT.
And sorry to Azhar who had to wait for quite awhile. HAHA! i snooooozed for too long. LOL.
PESTA SUKAN. kinda fun. really really extremely disappointed that i didnt score. SLAPP ME NOW!!!. urghhh... missed chances like millions of times. The highlight of it all was Pat, Hidayah, Atiqah, Celine, Chloe and me bathing by the side of the stands. HAHAHAHA! That's what happens when u dun let NYP students shower in proper cubicles... We just attack random open showers. HAHA. WITH CLOTHES ON. (dont get too excited Divek) It was fun lahhh! haha. Everyone's looking at us. HAHA. We put on quite a show. LOL! screaming and shouting for soap and shampoo and water. LOL. And after we showered in the open... suddenly some other team was allowed to shower in a proper toilet dude... LIKE WTFF ??!! bias ? SLAPP U. I found new idol ready, her name is MiMii. HAHAHA!! not u OwL. another one. She supposedly founded NYPGA. WOW!
So after PESTA SUKAN... went to Pak Busu's hse since i was soooooooo near. haha. all thanks to Looons. YAY trashed Haizel in fifa 07. WoooooHoooooo... my super team is Korea!! LoL. But he trashed me equally lahhh. And then we watched DOA(yeahh i know im so slow). OMG. I love TINA LAHHH... WLW... her body is soooooooo freakinnnn toned!!! GOD!!. her abs. WLW. WooooH... and she's funny. HAHA.
And and... what day is it tmr huh ??? hmmmmmmmmmmm........ let's all ponder......
1)My birthday ??
2)The day AK comes knocking on my door ??
3)The day Cristina Scabbia comes knockin in my door ??!!
4)The day i get to watch EV + LC + Paramore + UHH + AK all in one concert ??
5)Divek's Birthday ??? maybe ??
haha. Make a guess.
And thanks to my OwL for being nice and helping me check my seat number. HAHA! I put more food in ur nest okay. Dont cry. Dont cheer.
Im disturbingly profound while Divek is profoundly disturbing. HAHAH!! GO ELLA!!
Alrigh im done piggies!!
posted on 190808
UH HUH HER ROCKS!!! how many times must i repeat that ??? haha. And i swear Leisha looks uber hott!!! woooooooot woooooooot. I love her eye make up... and at certain parts her hair. WOW. And Cam looks nonchalantly hot. LOL. GO UHH. You better make your way down to SG!! And i hope Audrey is nice enough to share her Common Reaction with me. HAHA.
And Linghui was so sad today that i forgot her name TWICE. HAHA! Dude my brain was too packed with design formulas and stuff that i forget her name. It happens... A LOT OF TIMES. haha!
Design paper today was ermmm... no idea dude. just dont say anything to jinx any chances of me passing it okay! ShHhh. DONT SAY IT.
And sorry to Azhar who had to wait for quite awhile. HAHA! i snooooozed for too long. LOL.
PESTA SUKAN. kinda fun. really really extremely disappointed that i didnt score. SLAPP ME NOW!!!. urghhh... missed chances like millions of times. The highlight of it all was Pat, Hidayah, Atiqah, Celine, Chloe and me bathing by the side of the stands. HAHAHAHA! That's what happens when u dun let NYP students shower in proper cubicles... We just attack random open showers. HAHA. WITH CLOTHES ON. (dont get too excited Divek) It was fun lahhh! haha. Everyone's looking at us. HAHA. We put on quite a show. LOL! screaming and shouting for soap and shampoo and water. LOL. And after we showered in the open... suddenly some other team was allowed to shower in a proper toilet dude... LIKE WTFF ??!! bias ? SLAPP U. I found new idol ready, her name is MiMii. HAHAHA!! not u OwL. another one. She supposedly founded NYPGA. WOW!
So after PESTA SUKAN... went to Pak Busu's hse since i was soooooooo near. haha. all thanks to Looons. YAY trashed Haizel in fifa 07. WoooooHoooooo... my super team is Korea!! LoL. But he trashed me equally lahhh. And then we watched DOA(yeahh i know im so slow). OMG. I love TINA LAHHH... WLW... her body is soooooooo freakinnnn toned!!! GOD!!. her abs. WLW. WooooH... and she's funny. HAHA.
And and... what day is it tmr huh ??? hmmmmmmmmmmm........ let's all ponder......
1)My birthday ??
2)The day AK comes knocking on my door ??
3)The day Cristina Scabbia comes knockin in my door ??!!
4)The day i get to watch EV + LC + Paramore + UHH + AK all in one concert ??
5)Divek's Birthday ??? maybe ??
haha. Make a guess.
And thanks to my OwL for being nice and helping me check my seat number. HAHA! I put more food in ur nest okay. Dont cry. Dont cheer.
Im disturbingly profound while Divek is profoundly disturbing. HAHAH!! GO ELLA!!
Alrigh im done piggies!!
posted on 190808
Come tease me
Posted by vanillaspice on 5:58 AM
Trying to forgettttt,
We're falling right throughhhh,
Lying to forgetttt,
We're raising our truth....
COME TEASE ME(in C.Scabbia's sexy voice haha)
Dude dude dude. Tomorrow, Pesta Sukan. WoooooH. Ella's first time. now im inclined to call myself Ella. HAHA. And and Today, Hanis, Kak Ni(atika's sis), Lenny(? Kak Ni's friend), Dhamirah(crazy girl), Atika and I went to the THK Moral Home For Disabled. We made cornflakes with honeyyyyyy. wooooooooh. But it was ultra sweet dude. I tried one and then i gave up haha. The residents seem to like it a lot. Wooohooo. But sadly today we didnt really interact with them... and We didnt get to play the Miss Universe game coz David was missing somewhere. And then we went to Lenny's nenek's house. Wow. NICE. We squeezed into Lenny's car and off we went to CS and TM for ermmm lunch ? and ermmm Dhamirah wanted to search for ArtBox. Dude she is soooooo lame lahhh. She owes me too many 5 dollars. haha. And i swear Atika Kamsan looked like a primary school kid with the scorpion hair(?) and her sling bag and her ermmm higher centre of gravity(or is it lower since she's closer to the ground). HAHAHA. She's so funny. We saw Nad. She looked like she didnt shower. HAHAHA. Well that's according to Hanis. haha. Yeahhh kinda fun gettin squeezed and laughing at utter stupidity. More pls.
And yesterday... guitar crash course with Zul. HAHA!! i love the sad song. LOL. He even forgot that he had to meet his friends to go to Mustafa Ctr. Dude. He hasnt been to Mustafa Ctr. How kental is that ? That's more kental than i am. haha. Thanks for teaching me the guitar and ermmm lend me ur guitar soon so i can go jam to Zombie. HAHA! And also thanks for the FEW scoops of heavenly(to him) ice cream. My turn to treat you soon okay WHEN i have the $$$. haha.
And somebody go get me a pink guitar. pretty pls. and a pink guitar pick. i dunno. Maybe i like pink. Self-denial ? probably. most likely. sometimes ? haha.
I wanna go watch some orchestra performing lahhh... or a concert pianist who's gonna play Liszt or Beethoven or Chopin or Mozart. Woooooooooh. That'd be the ultimate experience. Ultimate reminds me of frisbee aka the made-up game. HAHA. but i like it. I want a pink frisbee!
okay im done blathering.
posted on 160808
We're falling right throughhhh,
Lying to forgetttt,
We're raising our truth....
COME TEASE ME(in C.Scabbia's sexy voice haha)
Dude dude dude. Tomorrow, Pesta Sukan. WoooooH. Ella's first time. now im inclined to call myself Ella. HAHA. And and Today, Hanis, Kak Ni(atika's sis), Lenny(? Kak Ni's friend), Dhamirah(crazy girl), Atika and I went to the THK Moral Home For Disabled. We made cornflakes with honeyyyyyy. wooooooooh. But it was ultra sweet dude. I tried one and then i gave up haha. The residents seem to like it a lot. Wooohooo. But sadly today we didnt really interact with them... and We didnt get to play the Miss Universe game coz David was missing somewhere. And then we went to Lenny's nenek's house. Wow. NICE. We squeezed into Lenny's car and off we went to CS and TM for ermmm lunch ? and ermmm Dhamirah wanted to search for ArtBox. Dude she is soooooo lame lahhh. She owes me too many 5 dollars. haha. And i swear Atika Kamsan looked like a primary school kid with the scorpion hair(?) and her sling bag and her ermmm higher centre of gravity(or is it lower since she's closer to the ground). HAHAHA. She's so funny. We saw Nad. She looked like she didnt shower. HAHAHA. Well that's according to Hanis. haha. Yeahhh kinda fun gettin squeezed and laughing at utter stupidity. More pls.
And yesterday... guitar crash course with Zul. HAHA!! i love the sad song. LOL. He even forgot that he had to meet his friends to go to Mustafa Ctr. Dude. He hasnt been to Mustafa Ctr. How kental is that ? That's more kental than i am. haha. Thanks for teaching me the guitar and ermmm lend me ur guitar soon so i can go jam to Zombie. HAHA! And also thanks for the FEW scoops of heavenly(to him) ice cream. My turn to treat you soon okay WHEN i have the $$$. haha.
And somebody go get me a pink guitar. pretty pls. and a pink guitar pick. i dunno. Maybe i like pink. Self-denial ? probably. most likely. sometimes ? haha.
I wanna go watch some orchestra performing lahhh... or a concert pianist who's gonna play Liszt or Beethoven or Chopin or Mozart. Woooooooooh. That'd be the ultimate experience. Ultimate reminds me of frisbee aka the made-up game. HAHA. but i like it. I want a pink frisbee!
okay im done blathering.
posted on 160808
mein herz brennt
Posted by vanillaspice on 5:41 AM
And all I hear is Ay ya ya ya,
You're talkin way too much,
I can't even hear me now,
All your voice is messing with my headddd
Get outta my headdd
Im so bored i might kill myself. There's nothing nice to watch on TeeVee now... TSK. But on the bright side i managed to watch HOUSE woooooohooooo~. And the stupid info thingy on cable says there'll be women's soccer... BUT THEY LIED!! ALL LIES!! cheat my feelings. WLW. Olympics, olympics, olympics... yesterday i watched men gymnastics!! woooooohooooo... hot bods! hahaha. quite good looking also. But i forgot his name lahh. He's German. But China... WLW. progoal sia! (pardon my broken english). GO ASIA! Ohhh yahhh men on floor exercises are sooooo femmie. HAHA. just my opinion. they look ermmm rather ermmm... "lembut". LOL.
Ohh yeah lets talk abt training. FUN! but tiring although i didnt run that much. it's a sign!! stamina deteriorating! and my rectus abdominis was kinda tight when i was running around. Kinda nice to feel the cramp but kinda worrying. haha. External oblique is kinda not hurting YET!... i bet the pain will come back anytime soon. OHHH YAHH!! Guess what the coach called me ?? ELLA!!! Ella ella ehhh ehhh ehhh~ WLW. Even after someone corrected him he went like "Ella.... Elly.... Whatever lahhh" WLW. soooo rude. hahah. but i like being called something else besides my name. Kinda funny. So bring on ELLA!<----nama glamour. as if Elly tak cukup glamour. lol. sepak now! And i hope i get to play for the 7-a-side!! c'mon ELLA!
Dude... exams comin... guess what Ella's doing ? playing NFS Carbon. HAHA! and i wanna play CS!! now! I soooooooooooo need to pass Biosensors lahhh!! ELLA FTW(For the win). Im gonna attack the books soon!
I'll sing you a love, sing you a love songgggggg coz love is a game to you nowwwwwww watch just to see how longggggggg
posted on 130808
You're talkin way too much,
I can't even hear me now,
All your voice is messing with my headddd
Get outta my headdd
Im so bored i might kill myself. There's nothing nice to watch on TeeVee now... TSK. But on the bright side i managed to watch HOUSE woooooohooooo~. And the stupid info thingy on cable says there'll be women's soccer... BUT THEY LIED!! ALL LIES!! cheat my feelings. WLW. Olympics, olympics, olympics... yesterday i watched men gymnastics!! woooooohooooo... hot bods! hahaha. quite good looking also. But i forgot his name lahh. He's German. But China... WLW. progoal sia! (pardon my broken english). GO ASIA! Ohhh yahhh men on floor exercises are sooooo femmie. HAHA. just my opinion. they look ermmm rather ermmm... "lembut". LOL.
Ohh yeah lets talk abt training. FUN! but tiring although i didnt run that much. it's a sign!! stamina deteriorating! and my rectus abdominis was kinda tight when i was running around. Kinda nice to feel the cramp but kinda worrying. haha. External oblique is kinda not hurting YET!... i bet the pain will come back anytime soon. OHHH YAHH!! Guess what the coach called me ?? ELLA!!! Ella ella ehhh ehhh ehhh~ WLW. Even after someone corrected him he went like "Ella.... Elly.... Whatever lahhh" WLW. soooo rude. hahah. but i like being called something else besides my name. Kinda funny. So bring on ELLA!<----nama glamour. as if Elly tak cukup glamour. lol. sepak now! And i hope i get to play for the 7-a-side!! c'mon ELLA!
Dude... exams comin... guess what Ella's doing ? playing NFS Carbon. HAHA! and i wanna play CS!! now! I soooooooooooo need to pass Biosensors lahhh!! ELLA FTW(For the win). Im gonna attack the books soon!
I'll sing you a love, sing you a love songgggggg coz love is a game to you nowwwwwww watch just to see how longggggggg
posted on 130808
Count on me Singapore...
Posted by vanillaspice on 6:33 AM
Training was GREAT. hahah. yeahh yeahhh finally im admitting that i actually enjoyed training. coz the coach praised me and i think i made an almost good impression. wooohooo. he said i had a nice swerve to my shots. woooooooooh~. what ?? lemme bask in the glory lahhh. WLW(wah lao weii). hahaha. ( i need to earn a spot for starting 11 in POLITE games!!)
Bowling and lunch on Friday was fun. Joanne and Linghui pangsehh us. WLW. So it's only Divek, Azhar and Me. And bowling is soooooooooooooo NOT MY SPORT!! i cant believe i dropped the bowling ball. WLW. gutter gutter gutter. TSK. i aim better with my leg. And pls do not threaten me with butterflies!!! ewwwwwwwww~
Yuzil's teammate lied to her. She said there was training. and then... when we were just outside of TP... NOBODY WAS THERE LAHH!!. WLW. sooooooooo kencing manis sia. Anger turned into hunger and so we went to MacD to have some hotcakes. I felt so deprived of soccer that day.
DUDE NDP was the BOMB/SHIT/SEX/KENCING MANIS. I loved the fireworks!!! soooooooooo finesse!! And it was so cathartic to sing out loud with everyone in the crowd... coz it doesnt matter if i was off tune or pitch or even if my voice cracked in the middle of the song..... coz only I CAN HEAR IT. HAHAHAHA!! nobody noes. And Nathan Hartono is CUTE LAHH!! woooohooo~ and and and after sooooooooooooooooooo long of not singin the National Anthem... i finally got a chance to sing it!! TWICE SOME MORE!!! wooooohooooo. (what ? im patriotic okay!) But i sang... count on me Italyyyyyyyy... hahaha. Dont tell the President. The atmosphere was just soooooooooo finesse lahh. i dunno what to say. It was really really nice to feel a sense of belonging, seeing everyone regardless of the colour of their skin coming together to celebrate the birth of our nation. So inspiring. Inspires me to do my country proud. ELLY FTW!! haha. AND OF COURSE. loads of pictures!! Ohhh dude... my cousins' face was on the TeeVee lahhh during NDP... the part when we were waiting for the skydivers(?) ... ermmm the army men who jump from the helicopter lahhh. Their expression was priceless lahhh. One was lookin stoinked... and the other one was lookin clueless. HAHA. Luckily my face wasnt on teevee... wooohooo thanks to Luna who was yapping to me abt something. LOL.
Went to Aunty Ani's house... had breakfast at the ermmm... dunno where. haha. somewhere in Tampines. AND THEN.... OF WE GO TO CS-ing AT SAFRA!!! wooooohooooo~ "Vanilla Spice" didnt give me the ermmm luck i needed... so i changed my name to "Proshit". hahaha. And my cuzzins followed suit... "amateurshit" and "beginnershit". LOL!! we rock!! We should totally make a clan lahhh. we pro(goal)... ohhh yahhh i shud have put pro(goal). And after that off we went to Pak Busu's hse. Haizel trashsed me 53141346138746 times on Fifa 07. HAHA. i trashed him 73168713659139503170 times on Fight Night Round 3. But it was fun. Dinner at Jalan Kayu. And home sweet home.
And I dont know whether my Big Dummy Owl is home yet from her vacation. She say she tired of taking care of me. HAHAHA!
Ina, Hazlin, Looons and Me
Syahril, Haizel and Me
Looons = camwhoring time
My "ShineSingapore" tattoo. HAHA. i was supposed to have the SG flag on my neck.. but Haizel sucked as a tattoo-ist.

It rained... sooo PONCHO TIME!!




The heart formation. nice!

Yes. this was how excited Haizel was. he loves his airplanes.

Training was GREAT. hahah. yeahh yeahhh finally im admitting that i actually enjoyed training. coz the coach praised me and i think i made an almost good impression. wooohooo. he said i had a nice swerve to my shots. woooooooooh~. what ?? lemme bask in the glory lahhh. WLW(wah lao weii). hahaha. ( i need to earn a spot for starting 11 in POLITE games!!)
Bowling and lunch on Friday was fun. Joanne and Linghui pangsehh us. WLW. So it's only Divek, Azhar and Me. And bowling is soooooooooooooo NOT MY SPORT!! i cant believe i dropped the bowling ball. WLW. gutter gutter gutter. TSK. i aim better with my leg. And pls do not threaten me with butterflies!!! ewwwwwwwww~
Yuzil's teammate lied to her. She said there was training. and then... when we were just outside of TP... NOBODY WAS THERE LAHH!!. WLW. sooooooooo kencing manis sia. Anger turned into hunger and so we went to MacD to have some hotcakes. I felt so deprived of soccer that day.
DUDE NDP was the BOMB/SHIT/SEX/KENCING MANIS. I loved the fireworks!!! soooooooooo finesse!! And it was so cathartic to sing out loud with everyone in the crowd... coz it doesnt matter if i was off tune or pitch or even if my voice cracked in the middle of the song..... coz only I CAN HEAR IT. HAHAHAHA!! nobody noes. And Nathan Hartono is CUTE LAHH!! woooohooo~ and and and after sooooooooooooooooooo long of not singin the National Anthem... i finally got a chance to sing it!! TWICE SOME MORE!!! wooooohooooo. (what ? im patriotic okay!) But i sang... count on me Italyyyyyyyy... hahaha. Dont tell the President. The atmosphere was just soooooooooo finesse lahh. i dunno what to say. It was really really nice to feel a sense of belonging, seeing everyone regardless of the colour of their skin coming together to celebrate the birth of our nation. So inspiring. Inspires me to do my country proud. ELLY FTW!! haha. AND OF COURSE. loads of pictures!! Ohhh dude... my cousins' face was on the TeeVee lahhh during NDP... the part when we were waiting for the skydivers(?) ... ermmm the army men who jump from the helicopter lahhh. Their expression was priceless lahhh. One was lookin stoinked... and the other one was lookin clueless. HAHA. Luckily my face wasnt on teevee... wooohooo thanks to Luna who was yapping to me abt something. LOL.
Went to Aunty Ani's house... had breakfast at the ermmm... dunno where. haha. somewhere in Tampines. AND THEN.... OF WE GO TO CS-ing AT SAFRA!!! wooooohooooo~ "Vanilla Spice" didnt give me the ermmm luck i needed... so i changed my name to "Proshit". hahaha. And my cuzzins followed suit... "amateurshit" and "beginnershit". LOL!! we rock!! We should totally make a clan lahhh. we pro(goal)... ohhh yahhh i shud have put pro(goal). And after that off we went to Pak Busu's hse. Haizel trashsed me 53141346138746 times on Fifa 07. HAHA. i trashed him 73168713659139503170 times on Fight Night Round 3. But it was fun. Dinner at Jalan Kayu. And home sweet home.
And I dont know whether my Big Dummy Owl is home yet from her vacation. She say she tired of taking care of me. HAHAHA!
Ina, Hazlin, Looons and Me
Syahril, Haizel and Me
Looons = camwhoring time
My "ShineSingapore" tattoo. HAHA. i was supposed to have the SG flag on my neck.. but Haizel sucked as a tattoo-ist.

It rained... sooo PONCHO TIME!!




The heart formation. nice!

Yes. this was how excited Haizel was. he loves his airplanes.

WoooooHooooo. that was tiring... WLW.
posted on 100808.