Posted by vanillaspice on 12:26 AM
Hair Low Hair Low.
Sunday was the day my party coordinating credentials were put to the test. (CHEY MCM PAHAM. (in english : CHEY LIKE UNDERSTAND)) [LOL]. Just kidding.
from last Wednesday we (Zul, Mar, Syaz, Khairun and Me) have been planning Bas' surprise party. Printing pics at TP, lunching there and nearly having Bas discover our evil plan thx to my genius mother (Syaza), who answered my hp when Bas called while i was in the toilet. LOL. Den cutting, pasting and drawing. Excruciatingly exciting (as what Syaz wud say. haha.) And plotting evil plans to get her to come to my house. lol. it was FUN FUN FUN (in Alice's tone). And i believe the execution of the plan was not bad. only that they forgot to shout SURPRISE when Bas came in. TSK. lol. And Bas rates our surprise party execution 4.5/5. YAY. and she didnt suspect a thing. means WE ARE GOOD. haha. And i hope she enjoyed it. i surely enjoyed the CAKE and the PIZZAS. HAHAHA. what can i do. I LOVE CAKE.
Okay tribute to Nur Basirah.
Bas, Bas, Bas. The first time i met you was during my first NCC trainin in JYSS. You were the one with the leadership abilities. YES u have those kind of qualities. Kae den i saw u at madrasah. Den we got closer during sec 2 as we were in the same class. yeahhh 2e5 rocked. You are a sister to me. You laugh at my lame jokes, we think alike, we talk alike. And you understand me. I remember the time when u polluted my mind with techno songs. HAHAHA. and how u wud always dance to it. LOL. that was hillarious. And of course who can forget the dispute. let's remember to forget it okay ??. And here we are. Already in poly. and still as close as ever. You rock my frogs kay ???. i love you granny. GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR ATTACHMENT. hahaha. *BIG GRIN* (wah so anti climax stop like that. sorry lahhh. short of words. but u noe wad u mean to me rite ??)
Alright. My teeth hurts.. okay more specifically my molars. eeee why ??. i think i need to increase my calcium intake. Anibody wants to get me some milk ? whatever kay. Aniway, 1 MORE PAPER TO GO. HoOo~ Anatomy and Physiology HERRE I COME. shud i go trainin Friday ?? my leg is itching to kick sum balls. LOL. ohhh yes im goin back to JYSS on Friday. So i can POM Yuzil with tissues. HAHAHA. she says she's presentin sum award. WOW. I must force everyone to clap. LOL. And my hair is turnin into an emo mop. HAHAHA. My grandmother says it looks like Paul Twohill's. LOL. So imma go get it trimmed tomorrow. And Yuzil asked me to cut like hers. HAHAHA. later we become twins lahh. den ppl can sing... Kemari kukuku, Anjing Twins kukuku. HAHAHA. Ohhh and Yuzil.. i want watch ANTM with you can ?? u will surely enlighten me with all ur knowledge of it. haha. okay guess what i have nuttin else to say (Whoooopeeee~). lol. so im gonna post the pix kay.

Mother and I

Mar and Khai. Apparently it's Earth Day coz everyone is wearing BROWN. lol

Chicken Chop @ TP. NICE MAN.

i dunno nice pic sia. ahha.

Our little art and craft project. Can u spot AKEYS ? HAHAHA.

Emo mop @ work.

Masterpiece ?? Nahhh... super ugly. seriously.

Can you smell what my mother is cooking ??

Lawa lahh tu ehhh. HAHA. Birthday Girl.

Evidence of emo mop. LOL.

Look at NAD. HAHAHA. i know i look stupid-er.
Tha B Word a.k.a Tha BaBoBeHs
THE FANTASTIC FOUR !!. Franny, Joanne, Angie and Me.
Posted by vanillaspice on 7:22 AM
Hair Low, hair Low.Music is the wine that inspires one to have new generative processes, and I am Bacchus who presses the glorious wine for mankind to make them spiritually drunken.
- Ludwig Van Beethoven [My Father. i mean Father of Music(to me lahh)]
And dun gimme the bulls that u don't drink wine kay. haha. Ohhh yahh and for those who don't know who's Bacchus...
Bacchus : The Roman god of wine and revelry.
Cool Huh ?? Yahhh i noe. Haha. Ohhh yahhh Joanne's Birthday was yesterday. 24th August. Okay a little tribute kay.
J to the O to the A to the N to the N to the E.
The first time i met you in skool, you told me i look familiar. HaHa. And we kept having small silly disagreements. And Nora said "by the end of the year you guys will be best of friends". And I think her prediction is coming true. HAHA. And I thank you for everything that you have done for me. Like helpin me in maths... push pops... ordering food... other subjects... THANKS A LOT JOANNE. I LOVE YOU althou u are a pain in the butt sumtimes (and im sure i am too). Haha. Im really short of words my friend. But just to let you know, you are special to me. *BIG SMILE* (and sorry i cant make it to the celebration on Friday. I had something on)
HoOo~ And on Friday, Bas, Khai and Me went to ermmm DBS Building to watch a play done by one of the YEC member thingy. Wow surprisingly it was GOOD. WOW. Their command of English was superb. Only at times it sounded a bit forced. And i saw this guy who looked familiar. TSK. was in the same platoon as I was during Specialist Course lahhh. LOL.
Aniwae today... nuttin much. studied. And Sorry Yuzil for not goin to the NYPGA vs Bishan Arsenal match. SORRY HORH. STUDYING LAHHH. lol. don't cry kay. Aniway the score was 1-1. Not too bad. But i feel a lil bad coz LooLoo said "Sometimes having you guys supporting us makes us feel motivated" SO SORRY NYPGA.
Okay tmr.... MOVIE MARATHON AT MY HOUSE WITH THE BABOBEHS aka Tha B Word. HAHAHA. I miss all of them. LOL. HoooRaY FoR uS.
oohhhh wait. I WATCHED EVANESCENCE LIVE AT ROCK AM RING ON MTV JUST NOW. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH~. I LIKE IT A LOT. super cool can ??. But i was merely a half an hour show. TSK. tragic. indeed. And i need to cut my hair. it's turnin into an emo mop. LOL. HAHAHA
Ohhh wait. i have to do that tag thingy. Why me again ?
The rules :
1. Each player of this game starts off by giving 6 weird things about themselves.
2. People who get tagged needs to write in their blog of their own weird things as well and state the rules clearly.
3. In the end, you'll select 6 people to be tagged and list their names.
1. I LOVE WESTERN CLASSICAL MUSIC (i think ppl think it's pretty weird in general for me to love it so much)
2. I talk to myself all the time...and i enjoy doin it... HAHA LONG LIVE SOLILOQUY
3. I have trust/believing issues
4. I dun speak in modern day Malay lingo/slang.... coz i haf no idea wad it means... and it's not cool... pls...
5. I can hate a person but i will still talk to him/her...
6. I AM SUPER DUPER SHY~!! ( i noe u dun believe me )
6 PEOPLE TO BE TAGGED : Syaz, Bas(again), Fateha, Mar, Fatin, Dina.
okay that's all. IT'S A WRAP. WE GOOD TO GOOO !!.
Posted by vanillaspice on 7:49 AM
Hair Low, Hair Low (from now on this will be my signature patented greeting)
ALRIGHT. Tmr i shall enter the battlefield with dignity that weighs more than my confidence. I shall regurgitate all my acquired knowledge for maths. Wish me luck. And I wish my comrades all the best !!. WE CAN DO IT. (i think so lahh).
And Michael Chin thx for cancelling our study plan just now when i've already boarded the bus. THANKS A LOT BUDDY. YOU ROCK. d[-_-]b. I got home and took a short nap b4 headin to Tamp CC to fill up the nomination form with Khai. Then accompany her to return the Pride & Prejudice VCD which she has rented like abt 9759169471 times. (okay Yuzil, i am a copy cat.) And she neva gets sick of it. I guess coz Keira Knightley (my distant sister) stars in it ??. haha. And finally got my Chocolate Oreo bubble tea. (Luna, this is definitely better than the one u let me taste). Ohhh yeah then i slept again. HAHAHA. YES. I AM OBSESSED WITH SLEEP. but i never get enough of it. Ohhh yahhh and like for the past 4 hrs i've been doing MATHS. WooooHoooo. I ROCK.
Sumbody's birthday is coming up. hmmmm... i wonder who...*hint hint*. hahaha.
And i will never get tired of using Little Britain dialogues and expressions while conversing with Khairun. HAHA. yeahh we rock our own socks. And i will NEVER get tired of listening to Totentanz (La Danse Macabre) by Franz Liszt. Or any classical piece for that matter. Aniway Schindler's List by John Williams is GOOD. and im re-addicted (if such a word exists) to it.
I have not the slightest clue why but i feel like putting this up.
K-A-R-M-A. Believe.
Ohhh yes and Kazuma Kiryu.
Yahh he looks selenge here. But handsome lah trust me.
And i still have not reached my emotional stability. ahhhhh. soon. i shall reach equilibrium.
ALRIGHT. Dust is low in fat. ohhh wait now i realise my blog link has a grammatical error. tsk. Dust shud be low in fatS. tsk. wadevah. i dun get marks if i chg it. OKAY~. IT'S A WRAP. WE GOOD TO GOOOOOOO~
Posted by vanillaspice on 6:54 AM
Posted by vanillaspice on 7:55 AM
HoOo~This is why Evanescence rocks my frogs kay.. go watch piano intro is haunting man. HAHA. and the fill ins for Rocky Gray and John LeCompt is like super not Evanescence. They are super the punk rock or emo... LOL. They look weird in the band. But they are good lahhh (i think). And yahhh it's saddening that Rocky Gray(Drummer) and John LeCompt(Guitarist) left the band. BooooHooo~!!. I think they left due to ermm creative differences ?? Just like Ben Moody. aWwwW. haha. But i really love Amy's vocals. Wow Amy Lee said this during a rock festival thingy(i think the festival is for like extreme rock bands and they[general audience or other performing rock bands i think] consider Evanescence to be a wuss)Amy : Yeahh there's a grand piano on stage what are you gonna do about it ?? Look, I know im the only chick to be up here all day. And I know Im one of the only ones to be singin any melodies. But that doenst mean we fcukin suck(woooh so violent). Bla bla bla. Imma sit down this piano for ONE song. And I swear to you, it's not gonna put you to sleep(lol). If it does, then bring it. Keep throwing your isht up here. Coz as far as Im concerned, we fcukin belong here. (And then she goes on to play one of my favourites, LITHIUM)Elly goes "woooooh~ you go girl~!!". haha. i didnt noe Amy Lee is THAT explicit.I've been tickling my organ keys a lot lately. I miss the piano that i used during my piano lessons. It is a freakin PETROF !!!. And i love the sound of it. GOD. it's so rich. i like it a lot. But i long to tickle the ivories of a Steinway & Sons. tsk. when will that day arrive ?? And i miss playing Moonlight Sonata 1st movement on the piano. I love to play it over and over again to experience catharsis. yah yah yah.. i got a lot of repressed and supressed feelings within. So what ? at least i let it out when i indulge myself in classical music. Ohhh that reminds me. I LOVE THE SONG ON MY BLOG. haha. Ride by Samuel R. Hazo. it rocks okay. i shud haf joined band. so cool. yahh and im sure Yuzil is enjoying it. haha. Wow so much for me not wanting to make this a long post. SORRY. haha. kae kae i give a sypnosis of today.Went to Changi Airport to send MEL off to Boston. awwww.. so sad... i will miss her ENGLISH. And Chloe made a card for her but she is kind enough to let the rest of us who came to sign on it. HAHA. and so we did. BUT. Chloe didnt noe how to spell Boston. She spelled it as BosTAN. AHAHAHAAH. hillarious. Yahh Bostan u noe ?? Beside Afghanistan in between Pakistan and Uzbekistan. okay lame. yahhh den after dat so much for us wantin to study... we went to walk around and ate at Popeye's and we did a magic show~!!. HAHAHA. you shud watch it man. guess who's the magician ?? It's ANGIE FONG~!!!. lol. hillarious isht. kae den home sweet home. and i slept like a log.okay that's all. IT'S A WRAP~!!!. ohhh wait if anibody wants to play the jigsaw puzzle game on MSN tell me kae. IT'S BRAIN-WRECKING. HAHA. WE GOOOOOOOOD TOOOOO GOOOOOO~!!!
Posted by vanillaspice on 4:52 AM
Hair Low, Hair Low. (Hello, Hello. Get it ?)
HoOo~. Lemme blog abt my weekend at my cuzzin's hse.
FRIDAY : As soon as i reached there, we played soccer. HAHA. As we were enjoyin ourselves, i felt the sudden urge to defecate. And so we went home. And when we were inside the lift, i was suddenly overwhelmed with a very unfamiliar feeling. My visions blurred, my head started spinning, I lost all control over my limbs and i had no energy to move. It was as if i was gonna pass out ani moment. BUT. i was too determined to defecate. So i made my way wearily towards the loo. WOW. IT WAS SUPER WEIRD CAN ?? it felt as if i was gonna black out. TSK. kae aniwae after that dinner at Banquet. HAHA. den came back and webcam-ed with Joanne and Angie. LOL. Yahhh i noe my little best friend is cute. And Luna is a lazy bugger who calls me the "Cocoon Girl" just coz i like to cover my whole body including my head when i sleep. HAHA. I LOVE MY CUZZINS. and Luna the bubble tea sucks kae.
SATURDAY : Didnt go for the NYPGA game. But we won 2-1. YAY~!!. Went to the pasar(market), then stayed home and played FIFA07 with Haizel. HAHAHA. YOU BUGGER. Im a pro can ?? HAHA. no lahhh i think we are our own match lahhh. sumtimes we win sumtimes we lose. WE GOOD. Ohhh yahhh... I had a brilliant idea while playing fifa with Haizel. I said... "Eyyy let's create a team ahhhh... NYP~!!".. LOL.. he was kind enough to let me. LOL. And so i did. I put everyone on their preferred positions and tried to remember their jersey numbers. LOL. It was fun man. And i used the team to play countless friendlies with Haizel. It was fun. It's like I'm really shoutin at my teammates. LOL. it was FUN FUN FUN. And Dunkin Donuts is a delicacy. WOW. i love the chocolate pudding one. I WANT MORE~!!. LOL. ohhh yeah then we played a little bit of football. and i coerced Haizel to run a round with me on the field. HAHAHA. Luna was such a lazy bugger full of excuses. LOL. it's okay Luna i'll get you next time !!. And Haizel made me run extra metres coz he cant seem to kick the ball directly at me. HAHA. bugger. And den we had dinner at banquet again shared half a chicken with Haizel. and it seems that cockroaches are following us. LOL. saw one on the bus. and there was a humongous one at Banquet. EWWWW. and den we watched ........ RUSH HOUR 3... WoooooHooooo~!!!... FUN FUN FUN. And i saw a familiar face in the startin scene. guess who ?? CARMEN !!. i mean Sarah Shahi. HAHAHA. when i saw her i was totally reminded of the hottness which is SHANE. i mean Katherine Moennig. LOL. the movie was FINESSE. Go watch. I love the nun part. Coz dey cant explicitly splurt out profanities infront of a Nun. So dey sort of censored it ?
Carter : "Tell him his mother is a H word."
Lee : "Whore is spelled with a W."
Carter : "Yeahh his mother is a W word."
LOL. And the French model is hot. I think i like this movie better than the previous ones. IT'S GOOD.
SUNDAY : Wahh. Pak Busu really wanna make me fatter lohh. Always make me eat so much. lol. Played Fifa with Haizel again. Won again i think. lol. And den my father came to fetch me home. HoOo~. Home Sweet Home. I always enjoy my stay at Pak Busu's hse. Ohh yahh and Hazlin fell dunno how many times sia. LOL. clumsy little bugger.
Ohhh yahh my ankle is gettin worst. It was already injured a few weeks back but it didnt hurt as bad as it did on Friday. Wad a bugger. But i still continued playing. AND NOW IT HURTS. dammit. And when we did shuffling yesterday during training it hurts ahhh.. but i endured it coz i thot i might go away. but when we played 2 sides it started to hurt again. TSK. i think i need to join Shaf and play the piano. And i need the ankle support thingy. TSKK. ARGHHH~. ohhh and ytd coach put me as CM. WOW. surprisingly it was not bad. i enjoyed that position actually. Haha. And not many ppl turn up. Sad. For the freshies oni Chloe, Me and my loner bestie, Angie. LOL. So today i accompanied Khairun Atika to East Point to collect her phone and also to search for that buggin gel. LOL. I CANT FIND IT. SYAHRIL U ARE GONNA GO GET IT FOR ME KAE. lol. And i seriously think Khairun is on drugs lahhh. im like super reserved and she's like super hyper. LOL. but it's okay. coz we spoke in our usual Little Britain manner. HAHAHA.
ohhh yahhh got sum pics to post. HAHA. don't laugh kae. Our team is Chelsea and yahh i made sum transfers. LOL.

HAHA. Me (Fredrik Ljungberg,my husband) takin a free kick. It nearly went in okay. It hit the post.
Angie Fong. LOL.
Naj (Eidur Gudjohnsen) congratulating Imah(Frank Lampard) on her goal. HAHA. I find this hillarious.
Feeza (David Trezeguet) kick off. LOL.
Franny ( Andriy Shevchenko). HAHA.
When i get more print screens i post kae. LOL. IT'S A WRAP~!!
Posted by vanillaspice on 4:45 AM
It's true. We're all a little insane. But it's so clear. Now that I am unchained.Fear is only in our minds but it's taking over all the time.YOU POOR SWEET INNOCENT THING. DRY YOUR EYES AND TESTIFY. You know you live to break me. Don't deny. Sweet Sacrifice.Do you wonder why you hate? Are you still too weak to survive your mistakes?Sumbody is really pressing my buttons and urging me to respond. Quit it can ??
Are you still so dumb ?? Can u reflect ?? You are gettin on my nerves. Not compatible means NOT compatible. Why should i adapt ? Why should i feel guilty ?? I really am not. Or should I ?
If you don't know, ASK. Don't wait for sumone to tell you. Eeeee can sumone tell me again why im stressing over this ?? WHATEVER !!!!
Okay... Today our nation celebrates it's 42nd Birthday. Still a young nation. SINGAPORE ROCKS MY FROGS. Let's sing the National Anthem. Ready ?? 1..... 2..... 3.....!!
Mari Kita Rakyat Singapura, sama-sama menuju bahagia~!!...
LOL. I miss singin the National Anthem. When will i get a chance to sing it again ?? Aniwae.. the parade on the bay is COOL. i oni watch the parade part. HAHAHA... super nice can. I miss the austere atmosphere during parades. Ahhhhhh so nice. The Parade commander was okay... The Contingent Commander ROCKED lahhhh... WoooooH~ his voice.. POWER. I wonder how i sounded like when i gave commands last time. LOL. And of course the Parade Markers rocked too. Coz i was one during last year's Speech Day. HAHAHA~!!. WooooH~ Slow marching is FUN. Aniwae being a patriot that i am, I must say that i am very proud to be a Singaporean. YAY. coz we live in harmony even though we are made up of different races with different values and cultures. BUT we still rock. YAY~.
Okay aniway just now.. went to rent a CD with Khairun Atika. HAHA. Coz I wanted to watch Harry Potter and The Prisoner Of Azkaban. Yahhh i noe... im like so slow. I only havent watch that one. I've watched the rest except for The Order Of the Phoenix. HAHA. So sad rite. Aniway, on our way to the shop... we saw a very familiar face walkin towards us listenin to her iPod and carrying a sack of rice in her hands.... IT WAS OOOOZY. HAHAHA. whatever lohhh... Go shop oso must listen to mp3 meh ?. tsk. And Khairun is like abit too hyper while i am super reserved. LOL. aniwae Prisoner Of Azkaban casted Dawn French who plays Vicky Pollard's mother in Little Britain as the opera singin lady who can't seem to shatter the wine glass with her voice. LOL. So cute can ?? I MISS LITTLE BRITAIN. and i am so glad that i watched Harry Potter as i can listen to BRITISH ENGLISH. I LIKE IT A LOT. lol.
Tmr.. my soccermates or rather ANGIE is/are askin me to join them for lunch and street soccer session in skool. But i dun haf skool tmr. But i wanna kick balls. LOL. We shall see... and Im thinkin of stayin at Pak Busu's hse lahhh... so i can play soccer with my darling cuzzins. haha. Okay now i feel like eating and playing YAKUZA. but im stuck at this place where i haf to gun down enemies who are shooting me from a car... and it's like wadevah.
And I know Canon in D rock version ROCKS right ? HAHA. I love the song. how i wish i was as well endowed as the guitarist so i can jam to Evanescence or any rock songs. HaHa. ohhh yahhh... have u seen Amy Lee's teeth ?? OMG. like picture perfect. Can i have it ??. And her voice and her hair. can ? haha. okay i guess that's all.
Posted by vanillaspice on 5:45 AM
HeLLo HeLLo.
okay i feel guilty coz i didnt go for soccer on tuesday. HAHA. wednesday's(today) trainin is cancelled coz ermmm "eve of National Day"... and so it is brought forward to yesterday. TSK. last minute stuffs. and den like at 6... i didnt feel like goin coz a lot of ppl didnt noe there was trainin. so decided to go FRANCINE'S FLOORBALL MATCH @ tp. HAHAHA. got a free ride there. LOL. Wanted to ask Khai and Yuzil along. BUT. Khai has no celly. Yuzil dun want to pick up her phone coz i think Angie scared her. HAHA. That was Angie on the phone talkin to u OoZy. And so oni 2 cheerleaders. Angie and Me. But Shu Xin came not long after. YAY. but i feel like talkin to a wall when i speak to her. she claims that she is "concentrating" on the game. HAHAHA. wadevah sia. we lost. i have no idea wad the score is. BUT IT'S OKAY FLOORBALL TEAM. YOU GUYS ROCK MY FROGS. nice game. but soccer rocks more. LOL. i was practically screamin with Angie. HAHA. but i shouted wrong terms for the wrong sport. hahaha. okay den home sweet home lohhh. but i haf to admit. Floorball looks FUN. LOL.
YESTERDAY IN SKOOL :Ohhh and NORA if u're reading this. in the EPC tutorial class the one Joanne and I were giggling. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO ABT YOU. we're just digging secrets on Joanne. HAHAHA. so dont feel bad kay. Heeeee~. OMG EPC TUTORIALS ARE KILLING ME. super soporific. so Joanne and I had to play sumtin. LOL. we played the 7-up game (yahhh so lame). And a spelling game. HAHAHA. which is super dumb but fun. We had to spell "Harry Potter and the Order Of the Phoenix" with the spaces. LOL.. fun fun fun. Ohhh yes Organic Chem test. well i hope i pass. I SUDDENLY LOVE ORGANIC CHEM. HAHAHA. CAN WE HAVE A SEMESTRAL EXAM FOR IT ???. lol kae den Joanne and I played "scissors paper stone" the one u hit the other person's hand if dey lose. YAHHHH... FUN FUN FUN... YES I AM A MASOCHIST. but no sexual pleasures derived. haha. aniwae. OMG Joanne hit my hand until like ......... but i like it a lot. i think Yesterday's Thing of the day is *CHILDISH GAMES*. LOL

eee nice rite ?

i noe it's abit blur. but u can ask Joanne how it looked like.
TODAY : Biomedical modelling test. TSK. i didnt complete my assembling. ARGHH~. Had lunch with Bas. and den HOME SWEET HOME. Played YAKUZA. HAHAHA. KAZUMA KIRYU. woooohoooo~. den slept like a log till 7. and here i am. And thx to Yuzil i cant stop singin the KUKUKU Song. LOL. ohhh did i tell you ?? She texted me a msg which contains a maths question. LOL.
Elly : Oi. where are you ??
Yuzil : On the way. Gimme K mins.
HAHA. Wadeva sia. K mins. the constant K ?. God u reminded me of Maths. With calculus or without. LOL. kae aniwae lemme emancipate my thoughts.
Not ready to make nice. Why should we always compromise, give in, succumb to, to make others feel better ?? What ? dun tell me to think about others and not myself. I've done that for like wad ? My whole life ? which means umpteen times. Isnt it abt time ppl do that to me and i can be selfish for once or twice or the rest of my life ??. And i seriously think i have lost all my patience. So if u tempt me my tank is empty. But i still try to supress all the anger and indignation. I try to keep silent but i can feel myself burning inside. its eating me up inside. What is the capacity of my threshold ??. i think it's abt to reach its brim. But i dun feel like hurting others. But could you take it if i came clear ?? Or would u rather see me stoned on a drug of complacency and compromise ??
It's funny how i can even emote all these. Coz mostly i feel emotionless when im around ppl. Not the the extent of heartlessness. Mostly the feelings are peripheral. But when i shut myself from the world. All the emotions starts pouring in. hmmm. kae wadeva lemme go rediscover the joys of Classical Music. Aniway i seriously think that Hungarian Rhapsody No.2 totally reflects how my life is like. IMPULSIVENESS. no fixed state. kae wadeva let's look at the brighter side of life shall we ?? ermmm like the fact that we are alive and healthy and happy ?? yeah that's it.
Phrases/words of the week which will remain etched in my mind for quite sum time :
1. Cut Queue Ahhh
2. Motherlucker
3. "I can feel the storm coming before me" - from Joanne
4. Dustbin
5. You suck your milk
Song of the week : THE KUKUKU SONG.
Kae here are sum pix

what u lookin at Angie ?
2 loners who found each other.....

and thus dey are lonely no more. LOL. kae so lame.
Posted by vanillaspice on 6:10 AM
HeLLo HeLLo~!!
My hands are tired. I have not the slightest clue why. BASKET. Must be OoZy just now bully me by askin me to become the goalkeeper. HAHA. Aniway i got to noe yesterday that Yuzil and me share the same favourite numbers lahhh... WHAT THE HECK. CUT QUEUE LOHHH. 17, 11, 21, 8.... BUT... she likes 3 while i like 14. TSKK... Kaypo cat.
SATURDAY : we (Yuzil, Angie, Joanne, Francine and I) went for the NYPGA vs. NUS match @ NYP. And we ordered McSpicy and Zinger. LOL. No lahhh.. this time Joanne pressed the intercom button and said "LALALALALA...".. LOL. SUPER LOL. And when we reached the stadium we were greeted by " Wahhh Cheerleaders late !!"... LOL. The score wad 1-0 when we arrived. And the final score wad 7-0. WOW~!!. LIKE SUPER WOW. I tot we were gon lose u noe. That's why i came to support. HAHA. okay lahh i came coz my fam day out was cancelled. So yarrr. ANIWAY... NYP WHOOOOSH~!!!... ohhh and Angie was super hillarious. She screamed sumtin like "OHHHDOY~!!!" which was supposed to be "AHHDUII"... LOL.
SUNDAY(TODAY) : HoOo~ Went to CC to help out at the Young Explorers thingy. RYAN ANG~!! HaHaHa SO CUTE CAN ??. And Jaclyn Chia.. HAHAHA.. so cute lahh that squirrel. Our theme today was NATIONAL DAY. So story tellin was done by Zul. The story was SANG NILA UTAMA. HAHAHA.. WADEVAH SEYY. Arts and Crafts was ermmm sumtin based on National Day + Fireworks. Cookery was SUSHI. LOL. not bad lahh. haha. i only attacked the seaweeds. Heee~ ohhh yahhh.... and i did sumtin durin arts and crafts. HAHAHA.. well i was bored. yahhh okay.... aniwae i wont be goin for soccer tmr. I GOTTA STUDY STUDY STUDY. For ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. HooooYaH~!!. If coach doesnt put me on the field on Wednesday for the friendly then be it lohhhh... I can save my knees or toes from injury. LOL. Aniwae.. I wanna play YAKUZA. I LOVE KAZUMA KIRYU. LOL. and i finally managed to get the CORRECT version of Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 from my desktop. AT LAST. ohhhh yes we(Yuzil, Zul and Me) played soccer just now coz apparently we had no PE today. Saddening. Yeahhh.. Yuzil and Me rocks our socks with the post-game basketball challenge. LOL. I WON. i think. Or did u win Yuzil ?.. ohhhh well. ohhhh while we were playing... this minahs... i gave them such a HUGE space to walk and not bang into me... BUT... apparently im a minah magnet and one of them like grazed my hand. LIKE EWWWW. im allergic to minahs. LOL... OKAY IM JUST KIDDING. SO MEAN. TSKKK. So yahhh that was my day. not bad. quite fun. And now my super lame brother is watchin Transformers with his girlfriend. Which is super lame can ??. LOL... kae wadevah. I WANNA PLAY YAKUZA~!!!. HoOoOo~

Yahhh this is my "masterpiece" during the arts and crafts..ahahha... use crayon den coat it with black paint. as u can see... im no painter.. HAHAHA..
Ohhh yahhh wait... a song i edited for the juniors in NYP Women's Soccer Team.
Let's go to the field,
I wanna see you sweat like a pig,
Maybe we'll go too far,
We just don't care, we just don't care, we just don't care
Let's make NOISE,
And let the seniors think that we are NUTS,
Let's get lost in laughs,
We just don't care, we just don't care, we just don't care.
btw the song is by John Legend.. called PDA(We just don't care).
Posted by vanillaspice on 7:34 AM
WOW. Toast with cheese spread is super nice when hunger pangs abruptly attacks at night. But still, nuttin can beat CHEESE NAAN~!!. Any kind soul wanna get sum for me ??. As u can see, im tryin to stop typing with a lot of ermmm dots, as according to aXt, she "will be seeing white dots soon". HAHA.
Aniway, skool started later than usual, at 1100hrs. WooooHoooo~ longer sleepin time. But i was late to meet Bas. SORRY~!!. And she says she's missing the times we spent together last time. hmmmm. quite moved.. at least she doesnt forget her old friends. HaHa. aniway Atika(Khairun) wont be able to come on this Sunday's Kiddy Explorer. BASKET. Luckily I wont have to do the story telling... coz i seriously doubt that the kids can understand me. HAHA. and i still dun believe anione who tells me i speak English with an accent. unless u mean SINGAPOREAN accent. den i'll believe u. HAHA. aniway skool was not such a drag as i had anticipated. It was ermmm.... not bad actually. E-quiz on Complex numbers in the morning, surprisingly manageable. HAHA. Den lunch at North Canteen with the usual suspects. ROTI JOHN~!! HAHAHA... apparently it didnt taste as good as it did when Naj treated us. HAHA... I NOE WHY. FREE WAD.. THAT'S WHY NICE. LOL. i think the one i make myself taste NICER. lol. aniwae no Comm Skills and EPC starts at 4... so we slacked at the Library till 4. WooooHoooo~.... played this dumb but excitingly fun game with Shidah. HAHAHA. u take a book... choose a word in there to convey a message. and the receiver will have to reply with a word/phrase he/she found in his/her book. SUPER HILLARIOUS.
( words/phrases in italic are from the book the person has)
Elly : Shidah dont act as if ur reading ahhh...
Shidah : at least im not eavesdropping
*hahaha.. basket sia... coz i was apparently doin it coz there was this group in front of us who were talkin super loud. And this is the genesis of the fun game LOL.
Shidah : I think Joanne is pregnant
Angie : I think she has to do *points at the contents of her book* (aerobics/toning workout)
Elly : Shidah you must learn motherhood coz u the girlfren.
Shidah : What if the patient fails ?(or sumtin close to that)
Angie : Then she cannot eat *points to her book which has a list of recipe for heavy meals*
Elly : and she might experience depression.
Elly : But if she keeps workin out.. she can become a model
Elly : and Shidah will experience rejection.
Okay then i forgot wad else we said. The game is like super fun ahhh, but really annoying if the book in ur possession doesnt haf good phrases or words. LOL.
Kae then 1600hrs. EPC TIME. Went to a lecture hall coz our room was used for exam purposes. So yahhh. Ended around 5++. Cudnt concentrate in class so i played hangman with Constance and Joanne. HAHAHA. den after that HOME SWEET HOME. and im like super sleepy now. And tmr is Fam day out. YaHoOo~. Kids = Swimming. Adults = Karaoke-ing. Adolescence = ??. Basket. I shall see how tmr whether I wanna swim or laugh at ppl singin. LOL.. but i dun haf swimmin suit lahhh... BASKET. Aniwae, the white jersey we wore for the game on Wednesday is supposedly cursed according to the NYP soccer blog. HAHAHA... cool.. and we broke the curse as we won the game. YAHOOO~!. lol. and i didnt go trainin today coz i dun feel like kickin balls or runnin around. HAHAHA... and Nora asked me the most ridiculous question of the day today. she said...
Nora : Elly, are u on a diet or sumtin ?
Elly : Huh ? NO. Gila ahh ?
Nora : Are you sure ? you look like you lost a lot of weight.
Elly : (laughs hysterically)
SUPER LOL. i dun think i lost weight. maybe a little. ohhh well.... i still eat like a pig. IM A PORKY/BABOBEH. wad can i do ?.. LOL.. and my pimple is irritating me. there's like a pseudo-pus thingy on it. BASKET. aniwae... I LOVE HUNGARIAN RHAPSODY NO. 2. OMG. it sumhow really induces me to emancipate wadeva feelings i haf surpressed within. I LIKE IT A LOT~!!. And yes it is the song currently playing as u are reading. AND I WILL TRY TO SHORTEN MY POST... AS I GOT MANY PPL SAYING THAT MY POSTS ARE TOO WORDY. BASKETBALL. HAHAHA. I BET IT WONT HAPPEN SOON.
Picture of the week.
yahhh i noe.. i look intellectual.. HAHAHA.
ohhh wait another pic
Angie rocks my tudung. HAHA. yahh we look alike. LOL
wait wait another one.
Posted by vanillaspice on 5:18 AM
HeLLo HeLLo.
tskkk...sorry lahh neva update...busy..aniwae... my cuzzins and I... we look chinese rite ?? HAHAHA... haha... aniwae lemme blog abt my week okay !.... but first off... the WORD OF THE WEEK IS : BASKET !!!... i count to 3 u say Basket... 1......2.......3.......... BASKET~!! (i cant stop sayin it due to prolonged periods spent with eldest brother who has no other word to use)
MONDAY : cant rmb much... haha.. oni rmbered i went for soccer... again i wasnt the first/starting 11... basket... hahah okayy i noe i suck that's why... den got thrown to the NYPGA team... hahah but either way it's the same... and i remembered my passing sucked like mad ahhhh.... i kept passin to the wrong person... basket... and i stepped on Dee's boots coz we were both fightin for the ball... den i accidentally stepped on her boots and she fell... OMG.. SUPER SORRY MAN~!!... i was super scared ahhh... coz i haf sources tellin me that she is ermmm very impulsive on the field.... so i apologised profusely.... but she didnt accept my apology... or rather didnt acknowledge my apologies.... wah lao... i was scared lahhh... hahha... coz when she fell she screamed at me like super loud... terribly terrified.... lol... den after that got a few contacts with her... ohhh well... SORRY~!!!.. den home sweet home... ohhh not yet... ran the 20 rounds arnd penalty box... wahh lao... it has been quite awhile since i ran... so it was abit of a task for me... haha... aniwae i love Fran for pushing me on.... HoOo~.. okayy den home sweet home..
TUESDAY : dunno cant rmb.. all i noe is i cant wait for tmr's game... HAHAH... EPC was a drag as usual... and so is Biomedical modelling... and thank you Joanne for completing my work which i was supposed to do on my own.. haha.. thanks a lot... ohhh yes i wanted to get the gel which will temporarily add colour to my hair if i apply it.... for what u ask me as i wear tudung ??... for fun~!!... so can use during football... HAHAH.. yahhh okay i noe... im super lame... ohh well... i just feel like gratifyin my soul... lol... so i asked Fatin and Dina to accompany me to get it... but dun haf.. ohhh well... my cuzzin says he saw it at Simei.... so i shall attack Simei soon... ohhh yes how can i forget the incident in the bus... HAHA... Fatin was flung forward as the bus suddenly halted at one point... and Dina put her legs out to stop Fatin... HAHAHA... of all things to do... and Fatin nearly hit the ermmm pole thingy with the bell... HAHA... i wanted to save Fatin... but... i was flung forward too... well u haf to be there to laugh at the stupidity.... okay den home sweet home....
WEDNESDAY : Biomedical modelling... a drag as usual... initially intended to go to AMK hub in the hunt for the gel... but ohhh well... didnt... hung out at the library... read psychology stuff... so fun... met Feeza's fren... Soyah... and im Bean.... lol... she rocks lahhh... she listens to classical... wooohoooo... hahaha... Feeza sucks lahhh for tellin ppl that i oni listen to classical~!! BASKETBALL... hahha.... and after that ASS KICKING TIME~!!!.... LOL...
WEDNESDAY ASS KICKING TIME : reached RP... like super cool can the skool ??... Looks like vivo + hotel + airport = RP... hahaha... funny sia... everyone was like.. "WAHHH... how come im not in this school ??" ... LOL... especially Naj... wadevah lohhhh... NYP ROCKS MORE... i think... haha... but seriously their skool is super nice... lol... but one turn off... basket the field like ............ according to Nad... it looks like a "PIG SLY"... yes SLY not STY.... HAHAHHA... super muddy sia... and odourously pungent.... smell of manure... basket... den while we were gettin ready to go down the field and do warm ups... WOW... a black dog was sittin near the goalpost.... AHHAHAHA.... like super duper out of the blue.... and the field was like sumwhat on an elevated platform.. which overlooks sum WOODLANDS... get it ?? like RP in Woodlands ?? and the field over lookin sum woodlands ?? ohh forget it(in Meera's tone)... and we were all like WTH ??... hahha... and we made sum noises and we chased the dog away.... HAHAHA... that was ermmm unexpected.... but where the heck did the dog come from lahhh.... must be the Mandai Zoo...
hahah... endangered dog species... lol... aniwae...
FIRST HALF... i didnt play.. but at the ending part i played... coz Nana the kuku bird wasnt feeling good... she wanted to ermm throw up... so i subbed her.... WooooHooo~!! the coach was a genius ytd for puttin me as right mid... LOL... when Nana wanted to be subbed out... cikgu panic sia.. he search for RM... hahha... den dunno wad happened den the coach asked me to play.. yahoooo... but the right side super muddy.... got puddles sumore.... eeeeeeeeeee saw the girl during the Diva La Futbol.... HAHHAA.... she left mid... den bla bla bla.. half time.... if u ask Angie how the first goal was scored... she wud say..."ohhh got 3 person... 1 red(RP) and 2 white(NYP)... 3 person 1 goal...".. hahaha.. FUNNY SIA
SECOND HALF.... wahhh a few minutes oni dey scored... but not nice lahhh..... like birds crowdin infront of goalpost.... den the keeper cannot see then goal... that's all... but Sly's goal was FOOOOOOOOOOOH... power... hahha.... coz i pass to her mahhh... LOL... narcissistic biatch... lol.... nice u noe... i still can rmb Angie's face when she asked me to take the ball... HAHHA... basket sia she.... she purposely let the ball go and den look at me and gif me signals to take the ball.... i wanted to shoot but den... too many defenders around me.... den i looked up and saw Sly.... so i passed to her.. and den she shot... and den.. GOAL~!!!! WooooooooooHooooooooooooooo~... we rock ahhh.... and the best part is we dun scream and celebrate like mad when we score... we oni exchange high fives.... and the ones screaming will be those on the benches... HAHA.... and Nini told me this "Wahhh Elly... that was a nice trick... i tot u wanted to shoot sia..." LOL.. im not greedy ahhh... i let ppl score... hahaha... den go penalty lohhh... coz Imah ermmm made contact with the captain... den bla bla bla... guess wad the referee said ?? "you hit him".... HAHAHA... den i went like.... "HER!!!"... ahhaha... but i dunno whether he heard it.... ohhh yahhh and that was their second goal.... Shidah nearly saved it.... she caught it... but it slipped.... nice try Shidah... den there was a free kick... which was hillarious.... Huda, Angie, Afni and me took up position as the wall.... den we were like all set with arms linked.... den Huda turned her body to face Shidah who was givin instructions.... den i turned too... den Angie and Nini started to turn.... den suddenly Huda said.... "Oi~! why u all turn... i was lookin at Shidah and followin her directions~!!!"... den we all like "Ohhhh i tot can turn behind..." .... HAHAHA~!!! THAT WAS SUPER DUMB~!!.. and Nini was super terrified ahhh... she held my hand super tight.... den i said "okayy 1,2,3 we all jump and turn ahhh..." ... den i counted to 3 and we jumped and turned... but guess what ???.... the ball was wayyy above us... HAHAHA.... i love the free kick ahhh super nice can..... and that was my first time being a wall... LOL... den rite... like not long after that... the tape i wrapped around my toenail shifted down... and so the toenail was exposed... and when it comes in contact with the boot... god.. it cuts into my flesh.... basket.... pain sia... but i didnt want to sub out... coz the half was gonna end soon... den suddenly i saw Nad standin at the side lines.... and i thot a defender was gonna be subbed out... but skali dey shouted my name... so sad.... ohhh well toe hurts and i cant say no... so i went out...and i was enamoured when i was subbed out and my teammates at the benches applauded my endeavours on the field.... it was a nice feeling... it's my first.. so yahh lemme gloat abt it... den bla bla bla....
THIRD HALF(yes we played 3 halves... yahh tell me abt it)... I think Sly scored again.. den got a lot of drama on the field.... and we keep lookin at Shaf as we were afraid she might injure her leg... we went like "your leg your leg Shaf!! becareful~!!"... lol... den bla bla bla.... main highlight was Atik's goal... POWER SIA.... i dunno wad happened but i saw the ball flyin towards the goalpost which seems like a corner.... and everyone thought it was not gonna go in... but it did... and we all screamed like MAD~!!!... and did waves... LOL~!!!... ATIK ROCKS MY SOCKS.... i think her goal can be added in the EPL's GOALS.... basket super nice sia.... WoooooHoooo~... den bla bla bla.... match ends.... shook hands... dey are quite a good sport.... no sore loser thingy.... the score... 4-2..
END OF MATCH.... their toilet super nice.... and Naj went into the handicap one... which was super big... HAHAHA... but their toilet like maze sia.... lol.... i was disoriented a few times.... they shud include a map inside.... or a directory board... b4 we went home we went to eat at Causeway Point... and i was super tempted to go to Pak Busu's hse.... coz it's bloody near.... and i didnt feel like takin a long bus trip home.... but i still went home hahha... den bla bla bla... alighted at Nad's stop... basket... den i sent Nad and Fat home lohhh.... must celebrate right Fat ??... lol... she loves to call me Ellyana... i dunno why... and i stopped to pat every cat along my route home... HAHAHA... im sure Fat was irritated.... LOL.... den home sweet home...
THURSDAY (today)... gave Bas a ride to skool.... and bla bla bla... A&P was okay ahhhh... but pls ahhhh.... dun ask me to draw animore sagittal views of human genitals.... PLS.... and we took the blood glucose test.... PAIN.... hahha... wah lao Joanne is like super wadevah lohhh... Shawn/Shaun/Sean(year 2) cleaned her hands with the alcohol wipe... but when he wanted to prick her with the needle she backed out... LOL... basket... Inky helped me to prick my finger... WOW... it hurts.... LOL... i dun like immediate pain... i like slow and painful pains(wad a phrase).... and the white chip thingy didnt want to absorb my blood ahhh... and i panicked a little... hahaha... eeeee... Khairul's and Zameer's blood was like super dark ahhhh... accordin to Dr Pon... it means they have more haemoglobin... wadevah lohhh.. ohhh yes my reading was 4.7 which is perfectly normal... HAHA... i took the test coz my Granny has diabetes.... so i wanted to confirm... that's all.... so i dun haf it.... *BIG GRIN*... heeee~... den ate Mac with the usual suspects.... den hung around for quite sum time... den headed home for my much needed rest.... BUT... i didnt sleep.... i played YAKUZA... HAHAHA... i miss Kazuma Kiryu... so handsome... den slept like a log.... and here i am... and my pimple sucks lahhh.... basket....
Aniwae... SATURDAY... karaoke with Tha Fam.... woooohoooo.... trust me i wont sing..... i will be there to laugh.... woooohoooo... and i want P.E LESSON~!!!.... eeee i just had a sudden realisation... i cant go for NYPGA's match lahhh on Sat... basket.... must go laugh at my fam singing... LOL.... tskk..... ohhh well.... ALL THE BEST NYPGA.... WE ROCK OUR SOCKS... okay tmr is gonna be a drag as usual... and im not goin for soccer... i mean football.... HAHA... and Haizel's skool lost to Junyuan for rugby... YAHOOO~!!.... oooops i mean..... nice try.... hahha... dun make me sing Junyuan's school song... and all the best to me to try to keep awake tmr... HAHA... time is gonna slowly creep to 6 tmr.... urghhhh~.... wadevahhh.... IT'S A WRAP~!!!