Posted by vanillaspice on 8:04 AM
Che mi racconti~
Okay u can laugh at me... but i don't care. I bought the Italian phrasebook!
Mi chiamo Ellyana Nerreza Scabbia @ Bitchyana Italiano. Parlo solo un po' d'italiano. Scusa.
Okay anyway... lemme blog about what i can remember.
Went out with the TONs like finally!!! i love my TONs. We had my long overdued PEG LEG. hahaha! it was AWESOME! but ermm kinda makes me a little too full for comfort. Exchanged gossips and ghost stories and dilemmas. It was utterly nice to catch up after soooooooooooo long. And I swear Nad is REALLY crazy. haha. Saw a few familiar faces and bla bla bla. and we played the Motocross Racing thingy at the Timezone. HAHAHA. yahhh like wtf were we doin there anyway. And Bas has 2 of the card thingies that u use to play the game... and i was like WTFF Bas ?? and she went like "Im a serious gamer!!" ... hahaha!!. whatever lohhh. but it was GREAT!! MORE PLS.
Hazlin's birthday. Bas and I took the bus to Woodlands. wow. that was a fun ride. for me at least coz i was playing Beats. she was busy dozing off. We were like super famished when we reached. okay at least i was. I cant believe the peanuts in the bottle were more than a hundred. what the hell. my eyes deceived me. haha. OMG Hazlin's classmate, Amin is cute lahhh!. wah lao ehh. i want little brother like that. i wanna bully. (i big bully. SOMETIMES) I love my crazy-ass cousins. I love the ghost story session. So much of Kakak Fie not having real ghost stories. Usually she'll tell me this... "One day... there is a ghost.... and the ghost was walkin(yahh sometimes ghosts walk).... bla bla bla". But on Sunday, i had spine-chilling ghost stories. lol. constipation. lots of laughter. constant urge to eat. dumb jokes. TOBLERONE. hotdogs. camwhoring. I love it.
Didnt go to school. freakin sore throat. I HATE SORE THROAT. i sound like Maimunah Rocker. and i asked Joanne to wake Azhar up. haha. i cant be bothered to talk. my throat hurts.
Ohhh ohhh ESPANYOL WON!!! woooohoooooooo. TORRES *clap clap clap* TORRES *clap clap clap* Fernando Torres handsome sia. haha
Okay u can laugh at me... but i don't care. I bought the Italian phrasebook!
Mi chiamo Ellyana Nerreza Scabbia @ Bitchyana Italiano. Parlo solo un po' d'italiano. Scusa.
Okay anyway... lemme blog about what i can remember.
Went out with the TONs like finally!!! i love my TONs. We had my long overdued PEG LEG. hahaha! it was AWESOME! but ermm kinda makes me a little too full for comfort. Exchanged gossips and ghost stories and dilemmas. It was utterly nice to catch up after soooooooooooo long. And I swear Nad is REALLY crazy. haha. Saw a few familiar faces and bla bla bla. and we played the Motocross Racing thingy at the Timezone. HAHAHA. yahhh like wtf were we doin there anyway. And Bas has 2 of the card thingies that u use to play the game... and i was like WTFF Bas ?? and she went like "Im a serious gamer!!" ... hahaha!!. whatever lohhh. but it was GREAT!! MORE PLS.
Hazlin's birthday. Bas and I took the bus to Woodlands. wow. that was a fun ride. for me at least coz i was playing Beats. she was busy dozing off. We were like super famished when we reached. okay at least i was. I cant believe the peanuts in the bottle were more than a hundred. what the hell. my eyes deceived me. haha. OMG Hazlin's classmate, Amin is cute lahhh!. wah lao ehh. i want little brother like that. i wanna bully. (i big bully. SOMETIMES) I love my crazy-ass cousins. I love the ghost story session. So much of Kakak Fie not having real ghost stories. Usually she'll tell me this... "One day... there is a ghost.... and the ghost was walkin(yahh sometimes ghosts walk).... bla bla bla". But on Sunday, i had spine-chilling ghost stories. lol. constipation. lots of laughter. constant urge to eat. dumb jokes. TOBLERONE. hotdogs. camwhoring. I love it.
Didnt go to school. freakin sore throat. I HATE SORE THROAT. i sound like Maimunah Rocker. and i asked Joanne to wake Azhar up. haha. i cant be bothered to talk. my throat hurts.
Ohhh ohhh ESPANYOL WON!!! woooohoooooooo. TORRES *clap clap clap* TORRES *clap clap clap* Fernando Torres handsome sia. haha
Slap us. look at ina scouring for food in the bag. haha!
this expression is exclusively for my Big Bullies.
This pic is fcuken cool. haha. dun kembang Bas.
Ms Swan : C'mon lady u only believe what you see ? it is what is inside that u feel that matters.
I heart Ms Swan. haha!
keep you in the dark you know they all pretend...
Posted by vanillaspice on 4:49 AM
Finally. IM A FREEBIRD!!! haha. i dunno why but i like the term Freebird. So funny.
Common tests are over! HoOoO~. tests and exams are a big PITA.
I shall mourn the misfortune that happened like a few days ago.
We were all like eagerly waiting to eat the lasagna from the Library Cafe(it's HALAL. haha). And thennnnn... suddenlyyy the tray was devoid of equilibrium....and there goes our $4.90 lunch. Like WTFF(it's not what you think. it's What the Freakin Frack). What a sad story. Ermm i shall not talk abt what happened next. haha. Ohhh how i love my piggie classmates.
I love to torture Linghui with sight reading. so funny sia. You should see her facial expressions when she can't figure out which note to play. (yahh sometimes im a sadist) And i SOOO wanna re-master Moonlight Sonata 1st movement. TSK.
Today, i read a pretty interesting book. It's entitled, World Party. It talks about all the biggest festivals and celebrations in the world. Sadly, the didnt talk about Wacken or Download or Rock Am Ring. But i saw PinkPop. HooooHooo~. Anyway Azhar and I managed to complete our GMP plant layout design. I love my ingenious idea of having that tunnel/river of life thingy. HAHAHA. ohh im such a PITA. i wanna slap myself.
I think i miss kicking balls on the field. I bet the field misses me more lol. And this Feeza still injured. wah lao ehh. And that Yuzillio oso. TSK TSK. Look who's talking. haha. my ribs still hurt. How now purple cow ?? but fortunately it's not as excruciating or as agonizing as last time. heee~
Elly: Kau asal ??
Bas : Aku kena tembak kat kepala
Elly : *Burst out in laughter*
The lameness that i surround myself with.
Dude Lacuna Coil rocks the frogs in my socks. They practice synchronized head banging DUDE. like how cool is that. And they all stand in one line and head bang together. haha. so cute.
And im so like outdated when it comes to Euro08. TSK. Azzuri out sia. wah lao ehhh. no more Forza Azzuri. TSK. All Divek's fault. say wanna tell me who win the matches but never tell me. TSK.
Linghui = Culprit
Joanne = Dirty pig
Inky = Skinny bones
Elly = Slave(wtff)
Constance = Innocent bystander(haha as if)
Add us all up and you get a Piggie family full of incests and ermm more incests. HAHA.
Okay this is quite lengthy. i shall stop.
make me understand the lessons. so i'll find myself, so i wont be lost again.
Finally. IM A FREEBIRD!!! haha. i dunno why but i like the term Freebird. So funny.
Common tests are over! HoOoO~. tests and exams are a big PITA.
I shall mourn the misfortune that happened like a few days ago.
We were all like eagerly waiting to eat the lasagna from the Library Cafe(it's HALAL. haha). And thennnnn... suddenlyyy the tray was devoid of equilibrium....and there goes our $4.90 lunch. Like WTFF(it's not what you think. it's What the Freakin Frack). What a sad story. Ermm i shall not talk abt what happened next. haha. Ohhh how i love my piggie classmates.
I love to torture Linghui with sight reading. so funny sia. You should see her facial expressions when she can't figure out which note to play. (yahh sometimes im a sadist) And i SOOO wanna re-master Moonlight Sonata 1st movement. TSK.
Today, i read a pretty interesting book. It's entitled, World Party. It talks about all the biggest festivals and celebrations in the world. Sadly, the didnt talk about Wacken or Download or Rock Am Ring. But i saw PinkPop. HooooHooo~. Anyway Azhar and I managed to complete our GMP plant layout design. I love my ingenious idea of having that tunnel/river of life thingy. HAHAHA. ohh im such a PITA. i wanna slap myself.
I think i miss kicking balls on the field. I bet the field misses me more lol. And this Feeza still injured. wah lao ehh. And that Yuzillio oso. TSK TSK. Look who's talking. haha. my ribs still hurt. How now purple cow ?? but fortunately it's not as excruciating or as agonizing as last time. heee~
Elly: Kau asal ??
Bas : Aku kena tembak kat kepala
Elly : *Burst out in laughter*
The lameness that i surround myself with.
Dude Lacuna Coil rocks the frogs in my socks. They practice synchronized head banging DUDE. like how cool is that. And they all stand in one line and head bang together. haha. so cute.
And im so like outdated when it comes to Euro08. TSK. Azzuri out sia. wah lao ehhh. no more Forza Azzuri. TSK. All Divek's fault. say wanna tell me who win the matches but never tell me. TSK.
Linghui = Culprit
Joanne = Dirty pig
Inky = Skinny bones
Elly = Slave(wtff)
Constance = Innocent bystander(haha as if)
Add us all up and you get a Piggie family full of incests and ermm more incests. HAHA.
Okay this is quite lengthy. i shall stop.
make me understand the lessons. so i'll find myself, so i wont be lost again.
All that Im living for
Posted by vanillaspice on 5:25 AM
"What's up St. Petersburg ??!!! Ready ??!!!"
Sorry I was ermm watching Lacuna Coil's LIVE performances. haha.
Dude i was in deep thoughts a few days ago... How cathartic would it be to like have Amy Lee's or Cristina Scabbia's voice ?? Like you get to scream your lungs out but at the same time sound really great while you emancipate your repressed poignant emotions. That'd be like the ultimate experience... minus the headbanging. I dont wanna have serious back problems when i get older.
Anyway today like finally i get to go to school to see my favourite piggies. And Linghui the most classic one...
Linghui : You know horh i go East Malaysia and take the "water banana" then the person make us capsize 7 times lehh. SO FUN ONE. so fun lohhh. Super fun!
Elly : Yahh you repeated FUN like 3 times.
Joanne-Elly : You don't know what's banana boat mehh ?
Elly : I know but she's explaining what's "water banana"
HAHAHA. how fun is it to be with Linghui dude ?
Constance : Ehh Linghui i dare you, you go to anyone of Elly's friends and say "Hi, do i look like J. Lo ?? they all tell me i look like J. Lo"
Linghui : OKAY!(enthusiastically agreed).... who's J. Lo ??
And Joanne and I were laughing like mad piggies when she shook her leg. hahaha. i cannot tahan sia. so distracting.
Biosensors was ermmm.. a PITA. yeahh.
I finally got my hair back to it's original state. It's back to the flowy flowy and smooth and err not rigid. rigid. reminds me of Modulus of Rigidity. which then reminds me that i have to study for biomedical design. crap. Im only dead on ready for A&P prac test. HAHA.
Elly : Ehhh where's my tutorial 3 ??
Michael : It's there lahhh.
Elly : Dont have lahh where got ??
I'm officially blind. all thanks to BEATS!(the best game ever if you love your music)
P.S Djmax sucks
P.P.S Piggies are good Mimi.
Sorry I was ermm watching Lacuna Coil's LIVE performances. haha.
Dude i was in deep thoughts a few days ago... How cathartic would it be to like have Amy Lee's or Cristina Scabbia's voice ?? Like you get to scream your lungs out but at the same time sound really great while you emancipate your repressed poignant emotions. That'd be like the ultimate experience... minus the headbanging. I dont wanna have serious back problems when i get older.
Anyway today like finally i get to go to school to see my favourite piggies. And Linghui the most classic one...
Linghui : You know horh i go East Malaysia and take the "water banana" then the person make us capsize 7 times lehh. SO FUN ONE. so fun lohhh. Super fun!
Elly : Yahh you repeated FUN like 3 times.
Joanne-Elly : You don't know what's banana boat mehh ?
Elly : I know but she's explaining what's "water banana"
HAHAHA. how fun is it to be with Linghui dude ?
Constance : Ehh Linghui i dare you, you go to anyone of Elly's friends and say "Hi, do i look like J. Lo ?? they all tell me i look like J. Lo"
Linghui : OKAY!(enthusiastically agreed).... who's J. Lo ??
And Joanne and I were laughing like mad piggies when she shook her leg. hahaha. i cannot tahan sia. so distracting.
Biosensors was ermmm.. a PITA. yeahh.
I finally got my hair back to it's original state. It's back to the flowy flowy and smooth and err not rigid. rigid. reminds me of Modulus of Rigidity. which then reminds me that i have to study for biomedical design. crap. Im only dead on ready for A&P prac test. HAHA.
Elly : Ehhh where's my tutorial 3 ??
Michael : It's there lahhh.
Elly : Dont have lahh where got ??
I'm officially blind. all thanks to BEATS!(the best game ever if you love your music)
P.S Djmax sucks
P.P.S Piggies are good Mimi.
You're the pretender
Posted by vanillaspice on 12:10 AM
Okay im bored. In a while i shall go attack my books. wheeee~
In time or so im told. Im just another soul for sale. Ohh well. The page is out of print. We are not permanent. We're temporary, temporary. Same old story.
Im the voice inside your head that you refuse to hear. Im the face that you have to face mirrored in your stare. Im what's left, Im what's right, Im the enemy. Im the hand that'll take you down, bring you to your knees. So who are you ?? Yeahhhh who are you ?? Yeahhh who are you ?!!
What if i say im not like the others ?!! What if i say im not just another one of your plays you're The Pretender. What if i say i will never surrender ?!!*repeat*
I do realise that i am different. But in a good way. haha~
Ms Swan : Say what you mean and mean what you say
Lady : Well looks who's talking
Ms Swan :..... Ms Swan.....
HAHAHA! that's one of the most hilarious shits ever!
Okay im done.
Im finished making sense. Done pleading ignorance. That whole defense
In time or so im told. Im just another soul for sale. Ohh well. The page is out of print. We are not permanent. We're temporary, temporary. Same old story.
Im the voice inside your head that you refuse to hear. Im the face that you have to face mirrored in your stare. Im what's left, Im what's right, Im the enemy. Im the hand that'll take you down, bring you to your knees. So who are you ?? Yeahhhh who are you ?? Yeahhh who are you ?!!
What if i say im not like the others ?!! What if i say im not just another one of your plays you're The Pretender. What if i say i will never surrender ?!!*repeat*
I do realise that i am different. But in a good way. haha~
Ms Swan : Say what you mean and mean what you say
Lady : Well looks who's talking
Ms Swan :..... Ms Swan.....
HAHAHA! that's one of the most hilarious shits ever!
Okay im done.
Im finished making sense. Done pleading ignorance. That whole defense
Posted by vanillaspice on 6:38 AM
18th June 08.
NOTE : try to ignore the ermmm occasional Bulgarian/Indian/Kuvaria(Ms Swan's hometown) spellings okay.
Okay guess vhat ?? I chopped off my locks or lack thereof... since i dun have much of locks i shall call it my mane ? okay stop it let's just call it hair. And and and. I dyed it again. hoooo to the hooo~ Im starting to hate the smell of the conditioner.
So the whole day yesterday was Bas and me walkin around aimlessly... okay not aimlessly... with a MOTIVE. to find the whatever comb/brush thingy. And i was super fickle-minded lahh to the extent that i made Bas say "I SLAP YOU!!" of course in the Bulgarian/Indian/Kuvarian accent. haha. That was super funny. And she also said "vhatt izz dizz??" when she couldnt find the opening for the glove. that was dumb plus hilarious. Ohhh how you make my day Bas.
19th June 08
Todayyyyyy... received a super random text from MahhMehhMohh. "Baby Sloth you want to go cycling today ??" ... and i was like.... still dazed. coz i just got up from bed. After we negotiated for an hour(i think).... she decided to drop by my house. haha. i forced her to eat a lot!!! i bet that was fun for you right ? haha. Ohhh how i love my Nenek's jemput-jemput. SUPER NICE. And i bet u enjoyed the pillow whacking right ??
And i just got to know that Mother Mary(Shalini) and Atika Kamsan were FBFFs in primary school dude! what a small world. haha. No wonder they are so much alike. Just staring at them can make me laugh. haha.
-stop eating so much
-start back the eating every 2 hrs programme
-start STUDYING!!!
-get my mp3 fixed. fcuken sad story.
Skipped trainin today coz my Mama will scream at me if i did go. I miss my big bullies!
I miss playing the piano. I cant believe i forgot how to play Moonlight Sonata!!! argghhh~
Can we extend the holidays?? Pretty pls. And somebody go grab me the big box of Hello Panda chocolate flavour. haha!! it's nice!
NOTE : try to ignore the ermmm occasional Bulgarian/Indian/Kuvaria(Ms Swan's hometown) spellings okay.
Okay guess vhat ?? I chopped off my locks or lack thereof... since i dun have much of locks i shall call it my mane ? okay stop it let's just call it hair. And and and. I dyed it again. hoooo to the hooo~ Im starting to hate the smell of the conditioner.
So the whole day yesterday was Bas and me walkin around aimlessly... okay not aimlessly... with a MOTIVE. to find the whatever comb/brush thingy. And i was super fickle-minded lahh to the extent that i made Bas say "I SLAP YOU!!" of course in the Bulgarian/Indian/Kuvarian accent. haha. That was super funny. And she also said "vhatt izz dizz??" when she couldnt find the opening for the glove. that was dumb plus hilarious. Ohhh how you make my day Bas.
19th June 08
Todayyyyyy... received a super random text from MahhMehhMohh. "Baby Sloth you want to go cycling today ??" ... and i was like.... still dazed. coz i just got up from bed. After we negotiated for an hour(i think).... she decided to drop by my house. haha. i forced her to eat a lot!!! i bet that was fun for you right ? haha. Ohhh how i love my Nenek's jemput-jemput. SUPER NICE. And i bet u enjoyed the pillow whacking right ??
And i just got to know that Mother Mary(Shalini) and Atika Kamsan were FBFFs in primary school dude! what a small world. haha. No wonder they are so much alike. Just staring at them can make me laugh. haha.
-stop eating so much
-start back the eating every 2 hrs programme
-start STUDYING!!!
-get my mp3 fixed. fcuken sad story.
Skipped trainin today coz my Mama will scream at me if i did go. I miss my big bullies!
I miss playing the piano. I cant believe i forgot how to play Moonlight Sonata!!! argghhh~
Can we extend the holidays?? Pretty pls. And somebody go grab me the big box of Hello Panda chocolate flavour. haha!! it's nice!
Posted by vanillaspice on 2:54 AM
Despite the fact that i had MULTIPLE INJURIES. Our team made it quite far despite our initial predictions which was spurred on by the fact that we cant beat small kids. HAHA. ohhh how we rock our socks.
AND... i actually managed to slot in a few goals this time round. WOW. im so proud of myself. HAHA. it's an achievement dude. *takes a bow* BUT. all the goals were simple tap ins. I just stand near the goalpost and wait for the keeper to make mistakes and slot the ball in. And i also rammed the ball at a few ppl. ACCIDENTALLY. not purposely like Nad. But i bet u one of it was fcukin painful ahh. i heard the sound of it during impact. WOW. haha. well who asked her to stand there. Feeza's goals were awesome! and Naz's too. And Booooo to Yuzil who suddenly went off early. TSK. I didnt get to see her play sia. Sad. But i bet she did well lahh. coz she GRRRRR at everyone. haha. Shaf says i played well coz I used jersey number 15. Apparrently her jersey number. haha. whatever lohhh.
I shall lament on my injuries. SUPER PAIN ahh. Let's do it in chronological order.
Right ribs(utterly excruciating)---> left ribs---> left hamstring---> left calf---> right calf---> left shin---> right ribs.
It's not like the usual cramps that i get. It's the charley horse shit dude! excruciating indeed.
And i swear i think my team did FCUKING AWESOME.
Feeza : The Boss
Naz : The one who scored the screamer
Belo : Pitbull
Shalini : Angry defender
Mimi : Safe hands
Elly : The always injured playmaker(chey perasan! haha)

La Italiano Progoalia : The Italian Progoals.

I need slapS so does Feeza and Shalini. And maybe Belo.

I dunno. I follow Yuzil.

Belo menyelit jer. Can u see Feeza's bandaged leg ? haha. it looks like it's amputated.
Today, went to A&E to get my ribs checked. My mum was like "YOU DON'T PLAY ANYMORE LAHH!!" hahaha. no wayyy~. I got it x-rayed. Luckily I didnt like fracture or break anything. TSK. It's the muscle. Obliquus Externus. External Oblique. Damn. My muscles always cheat my feelings one! The one that i thought i did something to my pelvis was actually the groin muscle. WAH KAO~ But thank GOD I'm okay. haha.
Shalini is my Mother Mary. hahaha. She tickles my funny bones lahhh~
Despite the fact that i had MULTIPLE INJURIES. Our team made it quite far despite our initial predictions which was spurred on by the fact that we cant beat small kids. HAHA. ohhh how we rock our socks.
AND... i actually managed to slot in a few goals this time round. WOW. im so proud of myself. HAHA. it's an achievement dude. *takes a bow* BUT. all the goals were simple tap ins. I just stand near the goalpost and wait for the keeper to make mistakes and slot the ball in. And i also rammed the ball at a few ppl. ACCIDENTALLY. not purposely like Nad. But i bet u one of it was fcukin painful ahh. i heard the sound of it during impact. WOW. haha. well who asked her to stand there. Feeza's goals were awesome! and Naz's too. And Booooo to Yuzil who suddenly went off early. TSK. I didnt get to see her play sia. Sad. But i bet she did well lahh. coz she GRRRRR at everyone. haha. Shaf says i played well coz I used jersey number 15. Apparrently her jersey number. haha. whatever lohhh.
I shall lament on my injuries. SUPER PAIN ahh. Let's do it in chronological order.
Right ribs(utterly excruciating)---> left ribs---> left hamstring---> left calf---> right calf---> left shin---> right ribs.
It's not like the usual cramps that i get. It's the charley horse shit dude! excruciating indeed.
And i swear i think my team did FCUKING AWESOME.
Feeza : The Boss
Naz : The one who scored the screamer
Belo : Pitbull
Shalini : Angry defender
Mimi : Safe hands
Elly : The always injured playmaker(chey perasan! haha)

La Italiano Progoalia : The Italian Progoals.

I need slapS so does Feeza and Shalini. And maybe Belo.

I dunno. I follow Yuzil.

Belo menyelit jer. Can u see Feeza's bandaged leg ? haha. it looks like it's amputated.
Today, went to A&E to get my ribs checked. My mum was like "YOU DON'T PLAY ANYMORE LAHH!!" hahaha. no wayyy~. I got it x-rayed. Luckily I didnt like fracture or break anything. TSK. It's the muscle. Obliquus Externus. External Oblique. Damn. My muscles always cheat my feelings one! The one that i thought i did something to my pelvis was actually the groin muscle. WAH KAO~ But thank GOD I'm okay. haha.
I can totally live with Mimi ahh. She packs my bag, she nags at me and she sings to irritate me. Just like Bas. haha. Im such a pampered PITA. i hate myself. LOL.
And tomorrow just for my darling Divek... im goin to sch to do GMP project. tsk tsk. I GOT 3 DAYS MC LOHH. haha.Shalini is my Mother Mary. hahaha. She tickles my funny bones lahhh~
Divek says im KENTAL.
Posted by vanillaspice on 1:18 PM
Mr Teh Tarik sells the best teh tarik in the whole wide world. I drank one cup of Mr Teh Tarik's iced teh tarik. After drinkin Mr Teh Tarik's iced teh tarik, I CANT SLEEP. Mr Teh Tarik is now my bestest bestest bestest friend.
TIME CHECK : 0420hrs. 140608
What the hell am i doing online ?? nobody knows except for Mr Teh Tarik.
In like 25mins, i'll be going to the bathroom to SHOWER and get ready for Diva La Nonsense at Boon Lay. Ohhh well....
Movie marathon for 4 freakin straight hours @ La Casa De Elly (i dun even know if this is correct Spanish or not. Atika made this up. omg it might even be Italian.). We rented TRUE SINGAPORE GHOST STORIES. WOW. Naia Banks is my bestest best best best friend for not turnin up today all cause of "im fasting today". Aside from missing one member of the TONs. I dragged MahhhMehhhMohhh along. YAY. Okay the dumbest shit ever was Bas gettin shocked at the sight of a ghost sitting beside the taxi driver lahh. WAH KAO. out of everyone in the room... WOW. she claims that she was reading the text and wasnt ready for the ghost. "not ready for the ghost" is a patented sentence. BY ME. I was seriously not ready for the green ghost which materialized in the mirror okay!!. And Mimi is like imperturbable when it comes to ghosts and ghastly encounters. AND ATIKA... is the kentalest ever. that's why she's my bestest friend. After the not-so-scary-waste-my-money-movie... Bas and I sent MahhhMehhhMohhh to her Mum. And den we went to MR. TEH TARIK. coz we smelled teh tarik and wanted to get some. THAT WAS THE BEST TEH TARIK EVER!
And I think EVERYDAY is Anti-Elly Day. Especially during training. Mel says "Any day that ends with a 'Y' is Anti-Elly Day". Haha. i think so tooo. Thanks Big Bullies. Especially to NAD. who rammed the ball like directly at me. I think she broke my ribs. hahah. it hurts okay.
Diva La Nonsense(futbol) HERE I COME. im hypoglycemic. drug induced hypoglycemia. HAHA. no i've got hypochondria. (i think im not supposed to be active at this hour that's why im talkin shit)
I am in need of RED BULL. FOOD. SLEEP. Help ? (half the time i dunno what im talkin about)
And PENYU. pls send my deepest apologies to ur captain for stealing u from bola lantai training okay. I love your captain.
OKAY GOOD TO GO PIGGIES. BATHING TIME!!! wish me luck at Diva La Nonsense.
Scary truths shall be unveiled. What you see is not always what you get. True Singapore Ghost Stories. GILAAAAA MOVIESSS~~~~
TIME CHECK : 0420hrs. 140608
What the hell am i doing online ?? nobody knows except for Mr Teh Tarik.
In like 25mins, i'll be going to the bathroom to SHOWER and get ready for Diva La Nonsense at Boon Lay. Ohhh well....
Movie marathon for 4 freakin straight hours @ La Casa De Elly (i dun even know if this is correct Spanish or not. Atika made this up. omg it might even be Italian.). We rented TRUE SINGAPORE GHOST STORIES. WOW. Naia Banks is my bestest best best best friend for not turnin up today all cause of "im fasting today". Aside from missing one member of the TONs. I dragged MahhhMehhhMohhh along. YAY. Okay the dumbest shit ever was Bas gettin shocked at the sight of a ghost sitting beside the taxi driver lahh. WAH KAO. out of everyone in the room... WOW. she claims that she was reading the text and wasnt ready for the ghost. "not ready for the ghost" is a patented sentence. BY ME. I was seriously not ready for the green ghost which materialized in the mirror okay!!. And Mimi is like imperturbable when it comes to ghosts and ghastly encounters. AND ATIKA... is the kentalest ever. that's why she's my bestest friend. After the not-so-scary-waste-my-money-movie... Bas and I sent MahhhMehhhMohhh to her Mum. And den we went to MR. TEH TARIK. coz we smelled teh tarik and wanted to get some. THAT WAS THE BEST TEH TARIK EVER!
And I think EVERYDAY is Anti-Elly Day. Especially during training. Mel says "Any day that ends with a 'Y' is Anti-Elly Day". Haha. i think so tooo. Thanks Big Bullies. Especially to NAD. who rammed the ball like directly at me. I think she broke my ribs. hahah. it hurts okay.
Diva La Nonsense(futbol) HERE I COME. im hypoglycemic. drug induced hypoglycemia. HAHA. no i've got hypochondria. (i think im not supposed to be active at this hour that's why im talkin shit)
I am in need of RED BULL. FOOD. SLEEP. Help ? (half the time i dunno what im talkin about)
And PENYU. pls send my deepest apologies to ur captain for stealing u from bola lantai training okay. I love your captain.
OKAY GOOD TO GO PIGGIES. BATHING TIME!!! wish me luck at Diva La Nonsense.
Scary truths shall be unveiled. What you see is not always what you get. True Singapore Ghost Stories. GILAAAAA MOVIESSS~~~~
I love cake
Posted by vanillaspice on 4:19 AM
Okay okay guess what ?? im bored again today. like utterly bored. uber bored.
I spent my whole afternoon watching TeeVee. how fun was that dude ? I watched National Spelling Bee championship. HAHA. ehhh dude that was uber fun lahhh. MOST of the words i can spell... but the pronunciation is what confuses me. i want join spelling bee~~~
And den i watched some football action. fun fun fun. and why isnt there any Euro 2008 action on the football channel ?? wth lohh.
But the highlight of my ermm teevee watching was... watching HOUSE. haha. it was hilarious. Dr. Gregory told his ermm interns (?) to treat this particular patient as Osama Bin Laden. Then his boss asked one the interns who the patient was in like a very angry tone... and the guy went like "ermmm... Osama ... Bin... Laden ???". hahah. that was funny lah. Awww i miss Dr. Chase. Handsome sia. haha. And Chuck is not bad lehh. i think im gonna get hooked on teevee.
And Divek, sorry for today. i was really sleepy. haha. *senyum*. dun cry for me argentina.
And i can't stop coughing. ahhhhhh. I want Robitussin.
Ohh yahh. Diva La Futbol. herre we come!!. And guess what ?? my team has no ermm pro(goals). Just like the stupid event we played for under the freakin scorching hot sun. wells.
Went to get Robitussin with Atika Kamsan aka my FBFFFF~. haha. I've found salvation at last after eating Robitussin. haha. Exchanged ghost stories. And guess what ? According to Berita Minggu(malay newspaper), Tampines Central Park is the hotspot for ghastly encounters. WOW THANKS. and that's where i have to walk everytime i get home from school. not nice is it ?(in Marjorie's tone). And we've decided on having a movie marathon this friday. HOOOORAY~ like finally the TONs meet up.
[FYI : Atika and Khairun both refer to same person. haha]
And today i continued watchin the spelling bee thingy. And my favourite kid won lahh. he's cute sia. And most of the contestants are not local(it's in america). Quite a number of Indians, Chinese... GO ASIA. haha. And they were given words of French origins to spell ahh. WAH KAO. But nonetheless, i still wanna take part in a spelling bee. that'd be fun.
Ohh shit i think im hungry. i wanna go eat.
Okay okay guess what ?? im bored again today. like utterly bored. uber bored.
I spent my whole afternoon watching TeeVee. how fun was that dude ? I watched National Spelling Bee championship. HAHA. ehhh dude that was uber fun lahhh. MOST of the words i can spell... but the pronunciation is what confuses me. i want join spelling bee~~~
And den i watched some football action. fun fun fun. and why isnt there any Euro 2008 action on the football channel ?? wth lohh.
But the highlight of my ermm teevee watching was... watching HOUSE. haha. it was hilarious. Dr. Gregory told his ermm interns (?) to treat this particular patient as Osama Bin Laden. Then his boss asked one the interns who the patient was in like a very angry tone... and the guy went like "ermmm... Osama ... Bin... Laden ???". hahah. that was funny lah. Awww i miss Dr. Chase. Handsome sia. haha. And Chuck is not bad lehh. i think im gonna get hooked on teevee.
And Divek, sorry for today. i was really sleepy. haha. *senyum*. dun cry for me argentina.
And i can't stop coughing. ahhhhhh. I want Robitussin.
Ohh yahh. Diva La Futbol. herre we come!!. And guess what ?? my team has no ermm pro(goals). Just like the stupid event we played for under the freakin scorching hot sun. wells.
Went to get Robitussin with Atika Kamsan aka my FBFFFF~. haha. I've found salvation at last after eating Robitussin. haha. Exchanged ghost stories. And guess what ? According to Berita Minggu(malay newspaper), Tampines Central Park is the hotspot for ghastly encounters. WOW THANKS. and that's where i have to walk everytime i get home from school. not nice is it ?(in Marjorie's tone). And we've decided on having a movie marathon this friday. HOOOORAY~ like finally the TONs meet up.
[FYI : Atika and Khairun both refer to same person. haha]
And today i continued watchin the spelling bee thingy. And my favourite kid won lahh. he's cute sia. And most of the contestants are not local(it's in america). Quite a number of Indians, Chinese... GO ASIA. haha. And they were given words of French origins to spell ahh. WAH KAO. But nonetheless, i still wanna take part in a spelling bee. that'd be fun.
Ohh shit i think im hungry. i wanna go eat.
ohh no here it is again.
Posted by vanillaspice on 7:46 AM
Hair low hair low~
Look what Divek made me. hahaha~ it's freakin cool and at the same time it's funny and cute. and i totally look like i have no eyes. THANKS for reminding everyone how small my chinese/sleepy eyes are. haha. THANKS DIVEK for makin these masterpieces. lol. *senyum*(no freakin smileys here)

And I've got a new moniker. thanks to Ashrof. Evillyana. just cause i taught him how to get away from the police when he's runnin along the expressway which is totally prohibited according to him. What can i say ? im devious by nature. hahaa. only SOMETIMES.
AND AND... im down with freakin flu lahh. plus the sore throat. i totally loathe sore throats!! TSK. i saw my soft palate. it was inflammed! hahah. wait wait that dangling thingy is called the soft palate right ?? (memory dun fail me now). And that's the exact reason why i didnt go trainin. Sorry FeeZa MoJu for pangsey-ing u. haha.
Okay since i've got nuttin more to talk about... let's crap a lil.. let's see...
i am :
devious by nature
cynical by nature
morbid by nature
weird by nature
if anyone can fill in a few more for me... u will win the grand prize!! which is errmmm... a slap from me.
And i've totally gotta attack the books. All im interested in studyin is A&P. hahaha~. im totally not a maths person. i dun do linear. i do abstract! hahaha~ i'll laugh my ass off to that.
And you guys need to get on myspace. so i can buy and slap u anytime i like. *senyum*
Ohh ohhh and enjoy the vocal gymnatics of Rezphonic which is inclusive of OLLY(super hot vocals) and Cristina Scabbia!!(yeahh she's the one screamin durin the small intervals) hahah.
OllyEllyOllyEllyOllyElly. it cant be stressed enough the compatibility that is exhibited by our names. haha.(i dun even know if that made sense)
Posted on 090608(Monday).
you're right i don't deserve, but you know im not the only one
Look what Divek made me. hahaha~ it's freakin cool and at the same time it's funny and cute. and i totally look like i have no eyes. THANKS for reminding everyone how small my chinese/sleepy eyes are. haha. THANKS DIVEK for makin these masterpieces. lol. *senyum*(no freakin smileys here)

And I've got a new moniker. thanks to Ashrof. Evillyana. just cause i taught him how to get away from the police when he's runnin along the expressway which is totally prohibited according to him. What can i say ? im devious by nature. hahaa. only SOMETIMES.
AND AND... im down with freakin flu lahh. plus the sore throat. i totally loathe sore throats!! TSK. i saw my soft palate. it was inflammed! hahah. wait wait that dangling thingy is called the soft palate right ?? (memory dun fail me now). And that's the exact reason why i didnt go trainin. Sorry FeeZa MoJu for pangsey-ing u. haha.
Okay since i've got nuttin more to talk about... let's crap a lil.. let's see...
i am :
devious by nature
cynical by nature
morbid by nature
weird by nature
if anyone can fill in a few more for me... u will win the grand prize!! which is errmmm... a slap from me.
And i've totally gotta attack the books. All im interested in studyin is A&P. hahaha~. im totally not a maths person. i dun do linear. i do abstract! hahaha~ i'll laugh my ass off to that.
And you guys need to get on myspace. so i can buy and slap u anytime i like. *senyum*
Ohh ohhh and enjoy the vocal gymnatics of Rezphonic which is inclusive of OLLY(super hot vocals) and Cristina Scabbia!!(yeahh she's the one screamin durin the small intervals) hahah.
OllyEllyOllyEllyOllyElly. it cant be stressed enough the compatibility that is exhibited by our names. haha.(i dun even know if that made sense)
Posted on 090608(Monday).
you're right i don't deserve, but you know im not the only one
you're the pretender
Posted by vanillaspice on 6:28 AM
words like violence,
break the silence,
come crashing into my little world,
painful to me,
pierce right thru me,
don't you understand ?
Ohhhh maaaa gooodddd~ FINALLY. 2 weeks study break is HERE. SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP. deprived of sleep. but still need to attack the books. urghhh.
And dude my bro's like whatever yo....(no i dun normally talk like that). He picked me up from trainin and then he went like "You hungry ?? wanna go eat ??" and i went like "(pauses for like 5 sec).... Okay im hungry". We must seize the opportunity to dine for free~. haha. Anyway i think he dreamt of Opah(Congkak) and Opah asked him to treat me to dinner. lol. Yeahh i know it's like a sincere gesture from the BESTEST BROTHER in the world. BUT... i cant help it. IM CYNICAL BY NATURE so i tend to ermm doubt certain gestures by certain ppl. haha. SORRY. really.
My strained groin muscles are givin me problems again~. help dahh dey. And the groin muscle is not where u think it is okay!!. It's on ur thigh.. not the quads but somewhere above it nearer to ur pelvis. unbelievably excruciating. hah.
I cant wear the sch's POL-ITE white jersey lahh. it has bad aura. i swear to God. it's been proven countless of times but im still stubborn. haha. i think it's the number. who knows.
ANYWAY. Today is Cristina Adriana Chiara Scabbia's birthday(that was a mouthful). SING IT~!!. haha. if only we were back in secondary school. Khairun would sing it with me. We sang the birthday song for AK for like 41879421683176 times. ha. yeahh we were THAT bored. Ohhh how i miss secondary school life. awwww~ booo hiss booo.
I wanna watch KUNG FU PANDA!!!. Mimi kental sia dun watch cartoons. she's probably deprived of childhood. and therefore has no clue what cartoons do to u. lol. KIDDING~. And stop calling me by my full name. OR ELSE .... (insert Symphony No.5)
break the silence,
come crashing into my little world,
painful to me,
pierce right thru me,
don't you understand ?
Ohhhh maaaa gooodddd~ FINALLY. 2 weeks study break is HERE. SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP. deprived of sleep. but still need to attack the books. urghhh.
And dude my bro's like whatever yo....(no i dun normally talk like that). He picked me up from trainin and then he went like "You hungry ?? wanna go eat ??" and i went like "(pauses for like 5 sec).... Okay im hungry". We must seize the opportunity to dine for free~. haha. Anyway i think he dreamt of Opah(Congkak) and Opah asked him to treat me to dinner. lol. Yeahh i know it's like a sincere gesture from the BESTEST BROTHER in the world. BUT... i cant help it. IM CYNICAL BY NATURE so i tend to ermm doubt certain gestures by certain ppl. haha. SORRY. really.
My strained groin muscles are givin me problems again~. help dahh dey. And the groin muscle is not where u think it is okay!!. It's on ur thigh.. not the quads but somewhere above it nearer to ur pelvis. unbelievably excruciating. hah.
I cant wear the sch's POL-ITE white jersey lahh. it has bad aura. i swear to God. it's been proven countless of times but im still stubborn. haha. i think it's the number. who knows.
ANYWAY. Today is Cristina Adriana Chiara Scabbia's birthday(that was a mouthful). SING IT~!!. haha. if only we were back in secondary school. Khairun would sing it with me. We sang the birthday song for AK for like 41879421683176 times. ha. yeahh we were THAT bored. Ohhh how i miss secondary school life. awwww~ booo hiss booo.
I wanna watch KUNG FU PANDA!!!. Mimi kental sia dun watch cartoons. she's probably deprived of childhood. and therefore has no clue what cartoons do to u. lol. KIDDING~. And stop calling me by my full name. OR ELSE .... (insert Symphony No.5)
deep within me life's crawling and wasting
Posted by vanillaspice on 11:32 PM
Dude yesterday's GMP tutorial was the only ultimate highlight of the day. Big Daddy Alfred bombarded us with questions about poems, poem origins, poem authors, poem meanings. haha. that was kinda fun. but i dun indulge in decadent poems. HAH~ i only indulge in decadently morbid songs. HA multiplied by 2.
Ring around the roses,
A pocketful of posies,
ah-tishoo, ah-tishoo,
We all fall down.
Seemingly innocent nursery rhyme. BUT some regard it as a reference to the Bubonic plague during the Middle Ages although there were no evidence suggesting its reference until the idea was proposed in the 20th century. So cool. Who knew. GO read abt the Bubonic plague and make your own interpretations of the poem okay. WE DON'T SPOON FEED in Big Daddy's class. haha.
And out of the names of poets and ppl he mentioned, only one rang my bell. NOSTRADAMUS. He was a French prophet and astrologist who was both celebrated and scorned at. AND.. he shares the same birthday as i do. Haha. see geniuses are born on December like Amy Lee-13th Dec, Beethoven-15th Dec, Vanilla Spice, Nostradamus, Michael Owen-14th Dec. haha. okay lahh okay lahh i'll shut up.
Anyway talking about bubonic plague... did u know that bacteria can be aerosolized ? therefore there is a possibility for the exploitation of plague as a terrorist weapon. It could be in the air that we breathe right now. Undetectable unless symptoms occur. wow. we're dead. Haaaa~
My brother told me to tell my friends this when he was too lazy to send them home. he said "tell them sorry they dont have the best brother in the world". HAHAHA. whatever lohh. And i kinda like the brotherly-sisterly bonding that i was devoid of for the past years of my life. haha. yeahh deprived of brotherly love. BUT. while i was in his car... he blasted lame jiwang malay songs!!!. dude like....... seabay jingle bells.
And yeahh i got mixed up. there's no A&P prac test. HA~ so i only have 2 tests. Yay~.
And i wish the TONs would get back together. we're fcukin drifting apart lahh. except for anak cik Kamsan and me. haha.
Dude i so wanna go for like a rock festival. so freakin cool lahhh. i think it's cathartic. HAHA. coz u can scream along to the song to release all the bottled up emotions inside. BUT.. it's only cool to go when EVANESCENCE, LACUNA COIL or PARAMORE are headlining. Haaaa~. Or maybe just a concert. haha. i might get squashed with all the ppl moshing and jumping.
Before i start blabbing abt some other ridiculous stuff... i better go. haha~
but i've got some pics to post!! HEADS UP!!

Cristina Scabbia : The Lycan Slayer.
Ring around the roses,
A pocketful of posies,
ah-tishoo, ah-tishoo,
We all fall down.
Seemingly innocent nursery rhyme. BUT some regard it as a reference to the Bubonic plague during the Middle Ages although there were no evidence suggesting its reference until the idea was proposed in the 20th century. So cool. Who knew. GO read abt the Bubonic plague and make your own interpretations of the poem okay. WE DON'T SPOON FEED in Big Daddy's class. haha.
And out of the names of poets and ppl he mentioned, only one rang my bell. NOSTRADAMUS. He was a French prophet and astrologist who was both celebrated and scorned at. AND.. he shares the same birthday as i do. Haha. see geniuses are born on December like Amy Lee-13th Dec, Beethoven-15th Dec, Vanilla Spice, Nostradamus, Michael Owen-14th Dec. haha. okay lahh okay lahh i'll shut up.
Anyway talking about bubonic plague... did u know that bacteria can be aerosolized ? therefore there is a possibility for the exploitation of plague as a terrorist weapon. It could be in the air that we breathe right now. Undetectable unless symptoms occur. wow. we're dead. Haaaa~
My brother told me to tell my friends this when he was too lazy to send them home. he said "tell them sorry they dont have the best brother in the world". HAHAHA. whatever lohh. And i kinda like the brotherly-sisterly bonding that i was devoid of for the past years of my life. haha. yeahh deprived of brotherly love. BUT. while i was in his car... he blasted lame jiwang malay songs!!!. dude like....... seabay jingle bells.
And yeahh i got mixed up. there's no A&P prac test. HA~ so i only have 2 tests. Yay~.
And i wish the TONs would get back together. we're fcukin drifting apart lahh. except for anak cik Kamsan and me. haha.
Dude i so wanna go for like a rock festival. so freakin cool lahhh. i think it's cathartic. HAHA. coz u can scream along to the song to release all the bottled up emotions inside. BUT.. it's only cool to go when EVANESCENCE, LACUNA COIL or PARAMORE are headlining. Haaaa~. Or maybe just a concert. haha. i might get squashed with all the ppl moshing and jumping.
Before i start blabbing abt some other ridiculous stuff... i better go. haha~
but i've got some pics to post!! HEADS UP!!

Cristina Scabbia : The Lycan Slayer.
Come tease me(insert Our Truth guitar riffs and... some headbanging.)
i've searched every corner there's nowhere to hide how i feel, ignorant sacrifice. somedays it's harder let's face it it's all about me.